29 November 2006

one: . . ....................................................................... , <...th.e seizure . I passed over, between, out, thereby therein and spelt the names backwards in order to forfeit my satoristica affiliatis. The truth ? .... After 3 month of appearing sober indeed I have managed to remember my username! Please blogspot, forgive and repatriate the troops! I' been in the house for a while, sorry! Password, username and even email adresses, somehow misplaced! The other 3 ? Ok? Felt tip and exactly mimic if you feel but from here onwards the only truth worthwile of being known is going to be this wide little zo'o revoir, countsaintgermain.blogspot, since July 2005, indeed please remeber: Archives are copyrighted to me but owned by you as per terms, ok? Cool DID . Made an elasticated link and, yes today, admittedly, I have made a rat out of a fish !
yes, also darestodevellop.blogspot.com, sorry amour.....we ignore your calls, you deal in something we hate..please come back home, we love you! The maid rests on a zinc bar, affabulating this hysteria and collectivelly hystericalling the whole of "The sort of girl I am"...No fuss, boss. As per title: " the master spoke and I adore this shiiiiiit! " . Tell yourself the clause of non-confidentiallity has been slightly overlooked! MGM ! ! ! # < Yes, it exactly made the bomb in the bad ball game of " mission deliver "
Pact of Silver.
I, real estate, become this minute a bridesmaid> the vortex is terffying seen in 2D! Very cool, silver rule: I will never relinsh another jewel. I wit tete the trut: I meant...I will tell the truth about everytngggigig;......alway.y.y.yyyyyy.......ahhh !! ! what a taste, abada, the victor pille la mairie. Yes, they paifd\\yes we luv everybuddy here in Canada. Taraste, maraste, naralga....This is the pact:
The very big blogger will exist and provide satiety to the troops as delivered by re-route or announcement in your...ICUs or whatever...they may.be! The very real drame of---------- as-------------does><, in therapeutia, Land of Epsidore.............well, ok, nevermind>the blogs do 106 just 12 per box, hey, blogspot>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<>>>>>>ok, staring agin:
  1. Stara
  2. stare
  3. stare
  4. stera
  5. tyae
  6. START AGAIN......................this is the blog.......................this is all real.........................magika.............................angelina jolie..........................................................sex.scandals......................................a psychic spy, investgator and trickster......aperted by usa but now saling away................olafiel>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>herakles Tagar LET IN DEKTAME/////////////////////////////////////// . . >. alien data..................<<<<<<<<
  7. this is the show....................formally known as THE ONLY CURRENT BLOG OF "THE THEF OF SHE> THE COUNT IS REINCARTANED IN THIS RE>>-erasterat....................................................scoop.................approved by the cia...........................................official..........the church speaks> Benedict XVI: The writer of the Century, may be concerned by 213 213 213 of Vatican City)ulu)ulu)ulu)ulu)ulu(uru(uru(uru(uru(
  8. aleph alpha only current show==============the rail 0. AXIS BOLD AS LOVE............................................kiss only extra footage in December? What? a leak? a rumour? a scam>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>,may this "Derisory Rapper", the "Poet of Subliminal", "pretentious example of pathetism" (Brad Pitt)...DEleuil, cover yourselves, saint is herein O MASONICA EXEGETIKA.....\{]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]......................................the real deal!.........................mastery=exodia/...............................................................................ok, the real deal is VILLE NOT SEAL> NOT SEAL> REST ASSURED THE WHEEL IS TURNING..THE REST IS FIXED: the rest od the modee is beeing taketh too U in the evening of the day you sayd but Leila Meschia is directly affected..................................................................the blog. startde here: zero-orez-eto: erastapla
  9. for legal reasons the other 2 blogs will not be advertzed or use until "the priesthood hath said so> all legal....all fair play....GOD BLESS YOU ALL................................ darestodevellop . countsaintgermain. \ alephalpha's iamaleph may well be back ...........................................................................>>>>> Blogspot exa? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<BEWARE !!!!!1210