You A-rose
...and the fall brought the crush.
in the day of this event, the two of us were gayding the purple path slightly towards the left,
when the rat, fresh out of the sea mixed the ray and the glow and salseparelled the top of my shelf with his spill...the rest of the cure jumped through the sail and landed on the St. Mary-Amedea......the fall brought with it some old goonies and a pounf of soft twoonies just arrived from the "Great Rape", a 2007 version of "The Red Mohickaan" 'xcept that this one is a fruit cake and he laid under the table when all of you fools were searching the caves.............x 2009, the day was mine.I woke up early, thanked god for angelina jolie and turned the page hoping that in jail the dear french girls were abiding by the rule of their new master: NO TV, no switch her to gay parade, no, she just remember make sure Leyton is switched on the channel 41.......The day I blow I blew too strong. Shit ! It must have been all those days of wait, these months of fraud, these years of solid forsaking on.............MY maxi-Reality for some disposable version of the BAD CHRIST, put together since camp david yet now smoothly un-camping the adorers of the crucifix.........................nail him harder, the girl can wait...all statements are my surrogate. I am the star, I am Canada and I own these two kids, eh? Her?well.... We made HER in 74 with a real greek eingeneer in neuro-plasmy, she beacame Doll Mi Sol and UGQ owns her as we do...him, ah, Beurk, the ugly telepath who is apparently now grail of the week to Jesus Christ, ah ah ah ah, my meilleur joke, cet oiseau rare, no, no, he was made by Master Davidson, a cool dike from the C.I.A who somehow sold us the real ephebe: Mr Soldier of....kick you in the face, mister Borge Brandouille !
the pity with modern criminal warfare is that you must enter the tavern in order to know who won and who for the counter it is just as fake as the canned laughters you hear in the background when you call France INFO MK Ultra Canadiana Parliamount INFO...requesting the scoop on the UN status of madaaaame "Angelina Jolie" if there is such a thing as "angelina jolie" nowadayz, while obviously hoping she is in Honolulu wiping the kids and loving the blog...from a distance....with her broad pineapple shorts and a signed picture of Jean Chretien on her shirt, while in the background mister 007, "I can do it I did it on screen with her" gets a shot at skinning a black kid with a scythe.....anymore offers on flights sir Thomas Cowk? No, you can't tape but the way it's set up you either bring a plastic cup home or the great year zero, five days minus peking if you know what a cling! eh! ..........can I do my one cd contract instead o parlement canadien, il semblerait que nous nous soyons emportes et le truc c'est que Universal espere aussi que le DVD d' "Angie" (self made, yes, 2 nipple shots auth ++, very 70's basic she says...yes, text in french and german only, yes, limited edition, yes from Hong Kong, no no sound until Burning Man.......)...ah, le vrai visage de la politique............stardom. ah le faux: Carmen Electra is pregnant and Madonna is excited at the thought of Guy watching the movie he hated "Fellini Roma". (too sexual, too lubrique, too esoteric!) and hatching some decent shit now as a result......finally......Mireille Darc in Languedoc, Alain thinks he was touched by god, currently attempting to contact a doctor in Israel...(just tell him, jacques said; Go for water and leechees, no aniseed, Ricard can be sponged with some orange marmalade), A Pewrfect Cirwcle in the studio hoping to cover a song by The Pixies on the April (Grey cover album, Maynard did the art), Evon my ex-wife is now relinquishing believing that I ever existed. (nice work team, i was just telling dwing!)...and Jelly Opus II, narrow and skimmed burns my hierba in Canada and beats the tune of I on her own record deal, (warner, june, electro shriek vibe with alanis and I, as well as.....someone from the baclkcroktTHEws), now both tied to Ottawa but her staying merry over the river, me staying happy as fished out by March 1st, work, work, U know US! (.....) french county girl made up as a Duran Duran alien replica, (plus 2 , me zone, minus 0ne)......Kiss in India, some shows with Ace, he was on in Australia but Pete is dating so....Kim Deal (pix.) expecting her 3rd born child, Helen is now doing Gene-resse say what to think about all the Brat's rumour, do you, thereby beating Oprah's mild attempt in December, no release is due to us too, we ain't being paired until someone jokes that we did sign something to go see Budokan lake in the month of cherries, yes, April is on The Vine but...Celine is not back on the shelves ever again, aaah finally, deaf faking canadians hear my chorus! Other gossips here for show off (Telelynxx, Canada Ethiopia Erectus Athena Bus) will be presented to you skips when you stop being a fool and read this: none of the foul stinking sheaters who talk my life have ever met me or received my authorization to speak on my behalf or negociate...I live in a homeless shelter. Miss Pitt on the drums over there will confirm....yes, JUST OUR warm up to OUR new alien lifestyle, paradoxical statement, especially political for he, me poetry with flowers round my eyes, you, starry rumoured and dolcelly waved by the lull of the town, listening to your own voice, paradoxicall unzip the news: if you are there for the the is there too. paranoiaaa online jesters! Therapy for the Dervillish Queens> U, I am STILL hoping that ALL the nippleswere hers, that the smoothing of my crux will be done by her "Shilly Nanchy, niece of skin from skunk anansie", joking with Phil is always a good time of the week, always a best of the rumour, always a most in terms of sensual stance and sleek insolence, ah, Phil, I used to know someone else called pHIL, ALWAYS A SLIME, RIM, THEN ME GOING to great length, then her avoiding ALL comments, then me being officially her barrister and reiki teacher, then, yes, the magazines get to be regulated, yes, no, we get some money from him too, no, yes, he was told I was a fool operated by teheran. I am fox and I play for my sister! My name is ODZILLA terror of the la pure framboise solaire circule au cirque d'hiver mais ne luge pas le pain chretien, ta belle poitrine en bois de rose.- croix est la soeur que dieu nous depose...........e
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