big buds, small buds, pink paper and plastic containers.
I am the erothizer and not just the martiralys
In all aspects I anticipate the problem to be resolved this way by Odin Therazyd: the bud bigs the shit, the blow buds the show, the breed makes believe and the telepaths shout it all. The real quick sher-apist arrived at 3.33 coz' under the porches she marches and she passes gases by bye. Under the robes I hold a throne. I wheel the funny weed creating thereby the royal show of Ferlomo and you anticipate the rest of the room to be there just for show faux, ecoute:
Le vent tremblottant aere bien les petits rois, les reines si parfaites n'embrasseront plus la betes ni les mauvaises gens. Le trone est politis et la ville est brulee car les erreurs sont toutes alignees et ca fait une longue bretelle qui va de la maree anglaise au charriot de la paix. La reine? Elle est rusee, le roi s'assoit ici tout defonce en transes mais la folle Erovis, polie est pathetiquement parfaite et brulee se sert de lui pour acquerir un policier en vrai. (Avec les etoiles en dedans et les romans tout decousus on ecrit en francais a l'endroit....but on the contrary it's with english that we do filth. I love you Mary Shelley, I love you Claudia Chiffrey, I hate you my mind aside and I bow and I bide. The buddy is Maxeldon and not Efferalgon. Paradise road wills me on the road to greece, I pack my bastabags and fill the lot with tons of religions: magical astro-lots. Flying off to Vega sans electrocution: Paradoxa (your road to redemption 01): Read my stars and turn again the show: The man in our world has never been surfed, the radio deals but the road is subtle: It creates a field to electromagnify the effect upsidon into a big budding bowl of fresh bays. Berries and hot wine? Le vin au chocolat suffira a mettre le gros mariolle sous la table folle, et la carte des angelots restera Mari Joanna. This perception by inhalation will rupture your sad anurysm but retolian your little frail cervix...pardon, I meant, parabolic brain matter into a frail harper so loud and clear that we are scared to hurt his ears. The Zodyah of Raphael is met a 03. Les arabes? Tous en arabie et les francais en amour avec la vie car cela est la croix et elle est lourde et va au fond de l'eau car Erosthatena est la deesses de l'amour. Arabes sont trop purs pour etre mis au mur. Mettez-y la croix avec un monstre affreux instead. Polaxis, goddess of Erothizs will play and ascertain her speech by making it fluent, concrete, parasitic and heavenled. I sell my soul, I buy it all, I read again and correct all from above so that the stereo sounding really plays the Bee Gees and weeds the field into our garden of love. Mon non est tres sur. Il ferme la porte a tous les murs alors: Non. Je signe et remets tout ca la haut car les portes de la ville sealed menent tes esclaves a ton enclos VillaReo. I bought...I call it Aleph Ville today it buds all the air up et il va du viaduc au porche et du porche a la ville des radis car cette ville-la est bien a toi! Ca sent le renferme! Evite de crier, les anges sont la pour nous mettre tout ca en veralite. Tu as grandi, Sholo dedans il fait tres chaud, mets du vinaigre dans la bouteille et cela est pur maintenant. Rutus. Oleda. Artego. Dodo. tresor a tres elus. Parles au pointu, speak to your mouth it gets you out, sprenche tu dept it merds the werzes. Oh, Magically transport the bis in the world here for a feast, angels of all the us of us and their patient readers, through a simple filter: Wedantalava. Gold is near. Some see a spark and gold the gnome and kill the jewel box and gets to be shot at the whip for a flaw left there to be a thanking friendly hand. May they forgive! This city was not built on love hearts either just dry bones and countertwines axis...I am here to see and my hand is fake by me................I play the Rotu, not the roulette! Blink! Jackpots, Oh, that's an asunta for our little Kemo! (extraterrian is also eohaeiu but it is spelt backwards in this mirror for you too. The lord is my shepperd, i undertake a new mission for the well in the robe to turn into a lily. For you it'll be a sea of change. A red rebellion. A polka dot or a fond. .............................................. un texte tres bizarre indeed et presque trop syncope pour n'etre qu'une contine: La chanson de la paix. The Sand of Odin is angelus at poets. If you believe you believe and if you see you see...what do you do, here, drug induced possessed freak? A mental explation ou un boudin qui trombapo ????
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