05 December 2006

Le roi est pede !
The truth: in september 2005 a famous gay actor opened up to someone, conviced that Lady Cinecitta of Hollywood Mountain, would forgive him keenly and kindly abide by the Rule. The man was vexed as, having relinquished his girlfriend to someone on the basis that the guy could become gay with him in the future (coz' he didn't mind trying it at some point but not straight away, as he had said) The man, emphatically this time, roled the ring and rolled the whole newstand in flour and butter. Damn! The boss hath refused my notice! The garlic went missing and there goes our proud peep! Nice smelling but unbakedly scented in devilish shiit. The tom, cat as it stands, having entertained the courtship in good faith, heard that the cute ageing one was messing with the head of both the maid and him as well asthe martyred crowd locked out in the dark. The whole of the country rejoiced, one in the courtyard proudly with the Lady now and one bent in the backyard entertaining the sergeants! The jurists were astounded: Too much to cope for a single man and Matt resigned and so she bloomed on the road to Marzipan. He paid so much that for a year, the cat and Catmina, mediocrously survived in the dungeon locked away from the bomb. The flight goes well but one is scared...what had happened to their millions ? They went in da club and paid 3 dollars and the senior mozart and the key to this realm solemnely missing bore the balaclava since his lady had been sold to Genghis Khan who was court of the pig. He roared and roared so loud that the army arrived and found him irratiated and just as gagged as everybody else in town. The crowd mauled a few cheetahs and assaulted a few pleases but the city was in sight and the blogger was unnerved: My wife is Might o' mine and none of you see ! May the camouflages revealed they see who is under the pink and who lied to the police! Well in the pipeline for Alpha: The Miss La montagne est bleue et le vent vire au rouge sur ce silence frais en francais
It wept and rolled and the lady immolated the legendary prepuscule: If you render my hands free on this we will shake. The room went silent as the alpha being on the cell, the modem was lit but the death of ye spin was erected! The little orange one flashed, 2 or 3 times it seems thyne and the roll of the dice went this way: the road to Enygma is the one that I chose. the merman shall be and 69 is free to display.........."the real you will shine forth even in a pink clown outfit, O platipus wit!" The maim is hell and the maim is by me: the real man will arise in this trinosophy.