14 March 2007

a holy declaration to the readers of my words

I stand in the middle. i am the writer. The master is there too. The reader is you...I guess...since my life rhymes somehow with yours...it sems...
to the police: I stand asight and articulatelly direct my claim for the whole of you to enjoy and read the words of my palace and seed, beauty and creed, man to man exposition of the sinister ministers. Amen, too, I do declare this guys: I am the creator of this and it is indeed me, the guy, I meant..."the Guy", yes blushy lot, once I have evolved out of Toronto I was a soldier on a quest. Minimalist rapport apply, guy, the most holy trinosophist is only here for a while and far distant from your reality...I do have a body but...I know about plenty, ah, yes, I recuperate everything. In a dream. Minute of one. Martyr in town. Willing to let. the public stand. in front of its right to remain aware. O Lucifer. You hold the key to my publicity. Ieg hable pro le peopel who care to seek and find the secrets. Buried I found the cube of ruby, also known as the rubykub or, the rubicon coblatta....in french anyway I addressed the press.
to the press: I stand alone there. Oui, maire, je suis ici pour representer cette personne dont le nom suit. Le droit est tres sacre mais comme vous je suis libre de la nommer ma fiance. Ce ne'est pas intedit elle est incapable de le prouver, elle est onbet trouve ou funambule de la presse anglaise. Il est propriete du peuple, je le dis donc: je suis aussi l' amant d' Angelina et je le prouverai par trois fois avant de soigner ses talons. Ah, nous pietons avons emprunte le sentier tangeant. Nous arrivions a nous trouver sans les murs de papier. Au Japon je laissai celle que vous futes....baisee par Barktpitte? Non, je ne te veux pas celle la. treize moutards pour cause de famine? C' est ridicule il est trees fier de ca: Il est le roi au comte d' agartha a cause de la demande des iroquois...Oui, un allie precieux avec ses 5 neuvuex et elle attendant de declarer qu' elle attend le deuxieme et que Nadine n' est la parce que sa peau ne supporte pas le climat et que la femme est libre de porter ces jupons mais....ou est mon nom dans cet article: Je revendique le droit de quitter le canada. Et ce Vendredi je quitterai Gatineau et avec "Green Hounds" je ferai cela--------------------le trait qui fait de Ottawa le parvis de la seine saint-denis....elle se nomme ma ville natale et elle est a 103 kilometres de moi. Avec vous, presses z' imprimeurs (accent yes, to the e).
So that is official the seeds have been sawn and the avid readers will find herein the keys to their own journey. I am so hurt by the inability I have to achieve this task that I will complain that while in the capital i imagined all types of monster. The hand of the Master comes out of the cloud and frees the readers and gets me to kiss at last the ruby. To the world I addressed a letter. it had four parts though it is two that concern me and two that concern you. Pay the price. Enter. La route de saint vanier etant bloquee je conjure un autre coup et me rends at The city of the Stone, no hushers, no malady, I am the most humanity,.............can handle and therefore I chose the freakiest gift of all may this part of my world conduce you to another world of art as blindingly lit at the soup in san-To-Ga..........................soup kitchen for eternity or pay the price and get me a warrior. Enter through the gate of guest the new soldier fights and speaks to Lords and Lovers and the word filters out anyway it is spelt out new: Mandany Tolle, christian faith leader rather sexy....like a new version of Kim Basinger, only more discrete about the pact of love between the crue and the pope. Lots of love I see you here. I am Angelina I live in Agartha. One well done field to escape in. She took left led by the hand by the neo magician. Amour ment toujours en francais: le vrai est parie en tant que Luc Tolle, dead artist and blogger found dead another treck, another road stops there.