12 March 2007

Aktivaat (Planete) 3

(the ned is nowtotally all outted!). the province was taken out of the boundaries of "perceptis" and of common decency by two idiots. True. It is now official, (please note and show them again later as the conservatives will blush when the whole conspiracy is revealed...Boooh, Booooh, shame on you, Ontario!) the provincial authorities of the province of Ontario have requested Angelina Jolie to leave the city centre of Ottawa last friday to prevent a possible meeting with me for a further 4 days, making it a total of 240 days of public governmental policiar and legal interference with us, THE 2007 freeky couple, all in full view of the media ...and complacency of the other authorities, yes, for a whooping 400+ days in total!!!!! Friday, 4.30pm, room *8, at the hotel laurier fairmont, Ottawa, the cell goes: "Hi, miss jolie, we say at Ottawa, province, police departments in town that you are to be leaving downtown now as we are giving the french government an attorneyable document proving that you and jacques, (,me, the blogger here venting as Aleph Alpha:) are not working together as UNO envoys or officials at all (and as pure incestigratters for over a year, let us remember) as we have presented to paris the proof (attorneyable as per canadian legislation and laws, he said) that you, couple or not (jacques and angie) did not correspond in a legally registered manner, he is therefore not your co-worker, and his presence here, address it or leave, sorry, still in our basket for claim to paris, so....no record of the tenue of your conversations and work here, no madam Jolie, we have no record anywhere, you two are lying,, as for conditions of secrecy here in canada and your relationship being very classified matter, it says here that for the purpose of a (so-called, unofficial, here seen:) investigation into our very authories here in the canadian capital of Ontario, we must be able to prove that the officers were in conserve, and we can't. paris has to say that you two are not to meet if the writer gets to see Europe again, at all times, we have proof of a conspiracy, possibly to expose Brad Pitt or a legal contract for physical portrayal of a spousalship to be made a financial statement, we are not involved, no-one here works with Pitt, unfortunatelly and we know he is able to visit her in canada at all times, which proves that the press tells the truth and you ain't the partner of the french adoptee claimant, investigator and as we said there. In this town, lawfully registered/recorded/acknowledged/documented/official employees of other countries, services, polices, enquirers and groups of non governmental obediences are to be registered by me. All elsewhere recorded in a fashion that we deem unacceptable, legal, medaniked or legally attorneyable through other civilities or orders are not here registered as co-workers but mere "members of the public" wishing to take a non-national political agitator back to his (legal attorneyable, legally magistralled city, zone, place of citizenship or lawful ruling body of canadian or non-canadian authority), this is what you are seen doing here, madam Jolie, sorry, we are in this officially now. I went bang: The problem here is that, with all the due respect, dear Ontario police services: she is my partner: i.e. lover (in a very acquainted, physical and attorneyed, legal and administered manner) in the Aktivaat zone here, so, we being non-U.N related is aggreed, AS IS THE FACT THAT you are legally holding responsibility for these interferences (= in other courts, if you need it very obvious), therefore, the ruling authority of dependeture will legally record, magistrate, manipulate and record the very legal documents sent to all in a very attorneyed (and very public, registered and military enforcable way), so that the canadian governors and memeber of the ontarian courts, police, etc., here held by me forcefully in zone Lagaki-Aktivaat (you know what i mean, no point reaching for the gage the country into acknowledging that documents received are documents attorneyed and that they provoke the end of a very cunning, muscular but unfortunatelly also very official unlawful ontarian venture,into the LOVER and possible PARTNER of Angie as well as herself's premarital area restricted, zone 2), by legally but unlegitimally preventing both from "long distance travelling" out of the country in the company of each other (or not) or being rapidly conveyed to a zone where travel is not restricted. By law, travel and custom agents do not act to be preventing victims from finding safety away from their accusees as, having all acted in our jobs, in order to freeing ourselves from restrictive, attorneyed, very strangulated "asterophidic" claustrophobic lawful ontaran bodies (or others), we exit lawful legality as per canadian bodies and courts, attributes and soks and enter the copule zone as per documents and future revelations, past and future desires in accordance with theact of love.
As of today, the real purpose of this manipulation is being unveilled. in 16 months, to members of the public have proven that a law claiming writer and agent of fortune, an ex-convict with very severe risks of mental relapse has endangered the community by remaining solidly allied and trustedly tied to a very sexual actress officially non-linked by-to him , yet his officious wife and soul mate, per both, have managed to expose lack of intelligence, power of love and acts of faith over civilitude to primal instincts in front of you guys and senios affedavets, girls and nunas..............WHY? Just so we can claim our status back and humiliate some of you, twatts!. Thank you for your interest. Long live participation. Buy our records, come to our expos or we do EEC next!......................the couple (1-9)-----tomorrow: the clue: this evening, USA, "Brad" speaks about the real cheater in this "threesome" and bizarrely she will "happen to find the courage"..olop? Oh, a scoop, madam Lara, a scoop or a spade, my Belle! non, je cherche a te faire rentrer par lui, tu as pris la route de Montluc et nous celle de Toulon, minha sister! nevermind, at least you get to do your speech and revendicate...by the way: no last night in his arms coz' it seems money is somehow in cause, waow, bizarre, I would never have thought so...bow to your god, you have chosen in front of all! Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!--------------0
