08 December 2006

the trouble with the classicists?
is that their utilization of camera crews clashes with my style. in fact I hate the papanazis! They come on & blufftheir game out, they make 30 k for a half side shot, echannel, 12:30, ctv 1:00, an hour ago i static, realized that the battering cops a'been taking some notes and..........vlammm in the media!I will not be eavesdropped or eyesdropped in: kitchen, bath and bedrooms, shower and sex shpits. What do you think my name is....Well, it ain't.The the tonal licks the desired item who escapes I /punishment by changing owner and somehow agreeing to be name dropped or kidnapped away from oother suitors. DO YOU THINK U'Re BIG OR SOMETHING?...Is it ok to come in?
Being under sex charges threat for the rape of my own daughter and still unable to justify years of psychiatrization, I suddenly declare all shots and attempted murders to be held under my juridiction, The wrong avoid swearing, the other day at the customs while travelling alone I must a'been also restablished: I turn my head away. I dip in honey and caucasic acid and plang here goes the lawmaker I was shot! I can't even press charges for fear of being ...... count your blessings O world, instead of Otkwa it could have happen in Ongrio and there would have been such an official charges that even the U.N.O could not get your assesed out o' Guantanamo! Hepar will not speak acept.......Dec. 23rd at 10 am we ski, rest of the ransom can be delivered to me by monday....the rest? Garbage! JUST NEWSPAPER HOAXES AND............one hell of a trial in perspective, hey, my hun!
Jacques loved his pineal gland but he swapped it for a tick, toc, tuc, tem,tem little song. My Cd is not gonna available in Canada by the way. it seems someone is not liking music too much this year in Canada...I wonder what the public sees? what is hidden under this syrup? A show mein traffic of influences O, Arista, AOL, Celestica, Money Mart, LegoLand how much for a red flag tax in canada? we know you are in debt and pretty desperate but, looking at it from Europe it looks like Yougoslavia more than Copenhagen or Hunua Beach.AND SO WHAT?skint? I can't stand pykosis politika... et vous/ born here 2 . TAX THE MEAT PLEASE OR......I will speak about the Citizen Vs Atlanta "mid-field ilegal swap at half time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!7!!!!!!!
Le Olam, alpha 3WK
List (here in part reproduced) as posted on a an anon. "unwanted guest" on a UK surveil. website and emailed kindly by trustworthy citizen of L.A..."What a mystery is life"...I wonder if HMV Yonge read it?????????????????? ctv, please? sound!!W
una ho exit by mid week please, OFI tranquille comme baptiste a part ca !
alfe lalfa,copyright 2006. Ottawa, On, Canada ;