16 January 2007

4\Kurt Cobain and I exit a nightclub in southern France 9dialogue, following (alone) ' s bizarre interruption and following 3 <
k: oh, jacques, c'est vrai que t'as pleugge Meat Puppets a la tele, hier soir?
me: ouais, y'a trop de crasse t'ois, la plupart des gens ici y croient qu' c'est toi qui a fait Plateau et tout ca, t'sais! ca me fout les boules, personne connait Meat Puppets et c'est des dieux, la, c'est clair! Y'zont jamais la recognition...it appears it because of you, O grand blessed one of NIRVANA the great!
k: Ouais bon, Ok guy, ca va, y z'ont qu' a regarder le derriere du Cd les fans de NIRVANA! y'a marque "Plateau" et "Lake of Fire" songs de Meat Puppets, not Cobain and Novoselic and Grohl! man, faut pas zoner, if they be blind let them be mute too, you know!
me: Ok, but, whatsoever, t'sais...whatsoever en fin de compte !
k: Ah, j'te jure! Y'a qu'a Marseille qu'tu vas payer 9 euros pour un clud a la con!
me: ah, t'as pas idee, man, j'en arrive a regretter Ottawa et Toronto, la merde!
me: Ouais, les clubs y ferment a 1 heure 30 . Quelle mort, man! Meme a Montreal...apres tu dois eviter de te faire tirer par le flics ou alors avoir pas d'argent sur toi ! Eh, ta's pas l'impression que la fille du7 danemark, l' etudiante elle a change d'avis?
Aleph turns around to spot Henna, room 3 isolation brutally expulsed her, the charming swiss german model and artist artist from RL Swei magazine, lagging behind, irrecuperably affected by the loss of her name tag (it seems...) Oh,shit, je t'avais pas vu, je suis too stoned, my love ! (then towards kurt cobain, discretely) Elle est trop belle pour etre une porn star, my man, you see! Aleph winks, Jenn'f' Anisss comes in, decided to score a spot on Friends, again, left side twing and sbryeguehjokp
In the back of a street, sounds, the Robokop, exits the capsule. :NOTE Include discrete soundtrack by Faith No More
("Midlife Crisis" or "Epic") and promptly avoid further interferences by, through, or using the model by first name: Helena of Roberts Models Inc. Louisiana, for "Contract for physical impersonation of a formal contractee refusing to submit to my professional/family/sexual and FINANCIAL assertions" and on the behalf of a famous actor of obedience as charge for impersonating an USA ARMY aged 32, service officer in order to fulfill a legal and particularly diplomatically damaging restraining order on Aleph Alpha, I, a french service man of or for the United Nations Organisation in/on post/position also here in Ottawa or Canada, retract statements of a malevolent, wrongful, unlawful, dismissive or non-event related in the whole wide world and dimensions recordable, non-recordable and interdimension-W . RUMOURS will filter to you this time, O, PeeWeedha and yes, even under the door Oh, complacents and segregers, malaxers and name-fakers on the wod and through the post office and in the radium facility as well as Dr. Presugeriev's practice and other paramedical modes...if you know what I mean... Globe my ass! You are the Strass, Mister! Glide that arresting warrant for size, Dear "father", "friend" and relative of both ! Spousal? I don't think so! If the next post is, then it does ! Jennifer fell dead, I entered, erect and barabaric (red ok for boots, Neha? pass to costumes, pleeeze!) contrarevo----l--l-l-l-l-
I ?