15 December 2006

Avec amour/
et paix sera exaucee.

The first part is the delivery. This is:

the finite line got trodden. Attawe atempted to enforce arrest. no name all charges are still to be confirmed to Embassy of France and RCMP Police Officer, P. Dalien. Vanier 1200 parkawy for friends and family in CDN only.
Talikwaacleb, guys? No too much to let out! Did Parliamente receive ma lettra of nove 21 or liar is meo? + 6 ere ete agaaha I yawn and he stiches it all off. it felt asleep human
This is Aleph and I request assistance.

Lovetialla omen de ouro habla presidiente?
made the atlantis raft home in two lap dances and one cree
went out of the city of please enforce, 65 dollares can take to Cathy St. and the block that aime le casnada
Le casnada?
sorry for the harm Elgins, Aleph and sollicitor as per message require first contact with the police..........asap, today the 11 of November 2006//cello. me ta be ka da The choir 1 goes:
This is it Mission was taken by grey but had to flee and did a call for assistance like a clown in the USA star eyeing down the world. Exposure x Experimentation at ONU`no deaths
For those about to rock, we salute you, for those about to rock>>>>>> we. salute. you. ou ou a master Oror ?
Part III
part 3
but hope for a prompter referral...dear officer.
part 2: you
in toronto being taken by storm. in a car since 3:11 this day. Thanks for your call she said, and apologies, the crew is too serious to clue up but the call was ackiesce by Madam Laa
I will be in city cental capitans of the world as Ottawa has tried the old PNA cwitching cells trcks for the last time this morning. Order are rerquested. UNA telepa to be conf at Franzia and USA cam...c' etait necessaire, je n' ai ni danse ni crie mais ce jour devra etre le dernier. Questionnez. Aleph Police de Colorado has aname witty enough to be taken out of this well. Mine I am jacques deleuil Aleph of T
part 4 jacques fait de l'or back in food court around 7:30 be there cabbie..tax payer, dream liver, never taken seriously enough, maybe never kiss, master Olapna requires signature Kaep Lambda is a fun thing to do...in cell 77 I am alone and I miss you all (Or) se fala franchais et parfaitment respecte, umalans?
part 5 sentatshase and the waltz of Makabres 9pm in the pub as per invit' see ya aaaaallll! Jacques, in town! London Uk smells like a furnace. I am a crab in the making in toronto but ottawa made it big in the hour...avec alpha we go in see you in thesecuond street 7pm clear? clear clear in tinc I bow my sarpij. I made it clear Shamola 50 was all it took. The play is erected thereby. I introduce the clown and the lily brings Sidore. Edna Toronto 333. Love to you too.
time elapsed ejected coin. transfered. Tranfering all. Transfea r
at the cost of an eye. scar still visible if press sees money at ...disc ! rotterdam accept calls. 7 clean 9 we take to the cnabliss, k?
k he sway
no charges anywhere except..............................police of elgin all clean at city and Prime is time to speak tee tee?