14 December 2006

cop this sheet!
p the prime in his office here in Vankuviah, OT, has relinquished his throne. His spouse was told and the police said it as clearly as it ever had done: Please, feel free to use in ............ or even out and this is when his trouble started. Mister Harripo, Steve, maliciously it seems had created a rift between the kitchen and the bedroom, the offices and the positions. The police of Transylvania had acted in good faith. As per orders. As per constitution....the real threat had come from the Active Help Office for Matryrol Organization, since 1984, it seems. The cops in TS had blurted it out: Harripo had dated and the girl had been "soiled", there goes our prime and our canadian pride, the active office had activelly made Transylvania activing the old law of 1995: The bride is to know what the lover has bode...and there it goes, Harripo beated to a pulp in front of his whole exchequer, privileged few and constituents get marched out for pre-marital observance of a delusional rape victim but faithfully processed by the AHOMO in all legality it seems....Where is our dear spouse? In the mud digging the dirt with Alpha, Beta and even Epsilon. Bam! The constitution frail on its leg gets blasted: The cops did not recall the name of their contact but the whole show gets to be splattered legally on his clean new suite coz' of an INVESTOR in the spouse and the gown...and possibly his functions. The vampires be slain, there is no delation or polite referal of private data here anymore. The governor speaks to judges and the sollicitor angry must avoid from then on the private sector and its last minute manic maniccheanipulations of matter and funds.
Our kingdom was at stake and it is now repaired
The governor princelly speaks to the world in a rant of Alpha to the special bowing one:
Prince is seen and Princess is called, the other orders are all squashed and pruned. The martyrdom of TransatUnion will no longer prevent the two braidengrums from pow wowing wildly under the blanket at night: The weird looner and the straying nation are thereby resolved: The paper gets torn and the stone gets thrown: Private destitution
Egesesis 1
The world anew is my shaperon I wilt not bow or budge in front of your Ministers: We anew dissolve all the rude injunctions and we moveto our corporeal exstatick trip in lambda and Parnacia. The Land All.
The group is not fully blown spining in every direction for my beatified excellent arythmetician friend to not speak to privates but act in her function....until confirmation I will embrace the baryton and the nursing sister in my own way, as sad as it souds it is it.
we are very sick about the show being hijacked by spousal influence and the need to not speak to prevent the true dog from being seen in his stentch. my nose is clear and the air is both ways. Two days of coverage for two days of falsification. Retroactivelly I land with Lexia and the blush on my cheeks. This is our nation. It is clear of all thief. Flee, we do, in the street its London town after L.A. Paris, Lyon and Amsterdam in February. The pictures will flow in and mister man will be proving you were wrong. A beautiful man has a role in the life of a beautiful woman. Guess which?
the marc is on my luke. the blue is on my shawl, the red is on your cheeks, doubting freaks.....the real apparition. Make some room we still have faces regardless of your innocent slurs and wrongful declaration, last minute checks or privatization of our work. we are the champions. Turn your head or print for sanity. one for one...Aleph alpha sleeps where? Justice for All. Angelina did what? WHO IS THIS ON RADIO ONE, 5pm GMT in London > Who did Etalk feel sorry for in March, who is there still single in December, 20th and 21st? Who is thay gaying it up on Yonge, Disney Style, Hi as a kyte and plumbing through your bra on the sofa today, eh?
It's magic distortion and loving it all.....and way above the odds.
S Relinquish your testimony Shasta, we will not speak! $$$$$$$$$$