5 On the back of the street, the radio programmer attempted a hepta ray buzz towards the dilligent servants of the UNO. The godly charm broken, the vial fell and broke into pieces in my hand. Roberta, hidden under a grey hooded jacket searched her bag for a pistol. The radio programmer, swore and swayed his way in between the trash cans while Roberta, shot at himrepeatedly. Bang! bang! bang! bang! The mask fell. The counter minister was on his way to Lundill, traffic on all routes under our control, the forces of anti-canada had little chances of success. I roamed and sat, panting in our jeep. Roberta apologized and handed her flask to me. I drank few drops. "We are low", she said, "the petrol is a rare substance but this gemenetic solution is a thousand time rarer....remember Jim! We are in this shit here together and the Organization will not budge if the war is too costly. The vial in my hand, I contemplated her words, sorry as I was I could not help but fix my own figures so our expenses match Narkos' original expectation. The mask was on the road, also shattered into pieces. The minister is on his way out, I said. We drove off, narrowly escaping a collision with our radio programmer assaillant. Roberta laughed. My jacket had been torned. I leaned over but my partner refused a kiss. "You are too low to kiss I, I the great holder of our child and pertinent helper to you in all circumstances!" I shrugged, mildly amused and grabbed a metal CD from the glove compartment. Rob Halford screamed for vengeance, I skipped to "Soldiers Under Command" by Stryper but decided on "Wish you were here" by Loudness. Roberta laughed again and demanded Oscar Peterson or the Fugees. Our jeep found its way to the lower levels of the Laurel Hotel. On the outskirts of Moutreyahl, the counter minister bowed to a police barricade and relinquished the documents. My manuscript was back in my hands 19 days later with a flat apology note and a box of Godiva's best.
Aleph Alpha
This original excerpt is from "The Ottawa Gehena", paperback, 2006, by Salem Ascension Publishing. Salem Ascension Publishing and applied magies is a subsidiary of Telepatikos Gert Muller Physicacion Embassy of Unyted Kingdom of England Evian 1946 Evian Treaty of Freedom for Original Scriptwriters and a legal tender in most data fields and name, subject lines Incorporated W
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