6 I died in my sleep. Pronounced dead MHRT certified, by rightful order of Merilleux, I awake a new being. The hypodramic syringe on the floor. I am Manis Arepo, countess of Exhilandre. I was once called Hanneh of Detroit, I came to England as an au-pair... My family relinquished, I attempted to catch the dragster droon dragon flash but fell for the wrong earpiece, i played all on right side and I left it behind...The sala mind! I exited atype of pool. Reminiscing Alpeh affair, Ottawa, 2002, I saw a Brad shot on the street, I fainted like a coon ! I bled...I bleaed, I blaaaed like a couff!
I am now by the side of the man. He is sound! Not so sure about the latest parutions and the life-style prints........I am mine and the doctor made a film...There was something about sucking and...anyway, I got done over and I am now The proud groupie of the one and only Gardet, of The Playing Moons.....He got told off! Too many fowcking play with someone's holes and...........anyway, ever after, the piss-head got told and the gout of my lout made it back from Prison Saint Elia, grade two psychiatree but I don't care! I heard Drullien got shot...i knew it.....ever again! ever again, saint germain, ever i told...ever of meat and puppet shit O great Eclayes, O great first one make me been in the being the middle...meddle, play love and fake and friigtuillet in tow ever heard of Garraystal sollicvitorsshguiooo oors..... .
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