The Angel Kameth L' Ange Croit
A bread roll was served for dinner every day. Every day I pretended through my lawyer, as indicted by the party, that I was solely in town for a cell break...U know, escaping the photographers, working on the album, cuddling with someone loving and "unrecognizably groomed" by the party, taking the calls, loving the woos, banging the cops. Oreste, my faithful assistant is comunicating today by telepathy. I give orders: "Avoid detection, the american police will hear my voice". My head shouted alone. Mad, particularly lethal, known to.....MOST. The party spoke instead, cellophane breaks, no masking tape, no, no legal binds, no cellotape. Bread and water, no meat, no, no ! I won't speak to importers, I am a murderer, not a victim......see, France excited me by promising a helping hand: "The scar is still visible, la cicatrice est toujours maquilee, 3mm, Canada, Payez la p[ine et Al; et il est clochardise"...they laughed and and laughed....the truth hurts, O Aldolfo. Hanna, naked on a hospital beds, according to the press takes time off...Shouting...alos murderous....Press? "Just a joke, I awoke, I have a class at 9:30, I'll be with you around 11, OK?" I poke, she shuffles, we rake and buy a church for the world. In the United Kingdom the rumour paints the walls red blood. He is in jail, he covers for the real man. He has a lawful bride and the neo nazi is on island Thule, he just escaped Mu and is aiming for Kappa. I spake! Oreste flies through your walls, Noemie Gamble excited alephs me back from the phone: "Yo, man, I heard you were in is the celebrity?" I said: "Stalking, stalking away, waiting for the right....murderously shy, lethally decided....unthreatened by the hoax"...the real threat is severed: Men, politics, cover up, overexposed prints. 2 deaths. Hippler and Goffles are in jail. I am a libertarian, I don't even own a phone...let alone a pasport or a ten dollars note. A caviar and ruby green grapefruit cordial is served by me...WHEN I decide ! You are here in jail. I am free and I prove it...Any comment, legal owner. Machine ? U bet I am in this together. Test: Cosmo makes voices, covered by Toronto, when it rains they make them me it is a call, a mission, a statement, a private speech to my flock, the road !
Aleph Alpha, Moi, Jacques Deleuil parle en langues fourrees ce matin, en langues de bois on ne dit rien, en langues qui tournent elle m'embrassera la figure, mais demain matin la propagande se retablit sur mes pieds. Je suis Atlantis, Aquariaen, saint germain et je suis decore...le canada n'etait qu' un mauvais reve et le propagandistes m'ont deprogramme: Je suis etre stellaire et je ne sers a rien, ici on ne tue que les humains !
Labels: pitt, propaganda
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