29 January 2007


the same..........1,2,3,4....................this way, the red leaves and the white stain...disdeanously render the omen:
role model..............seeks.seven.eights of gold, liner of the gnomes, ratificator of all............the sick greek sticks his mind out off this window, the green grass hops in and the reveller glows but miniaturizing our needs, that little screen flattens the black to the blue...........tower doll..........lilly, a mauve and yellow centered marigold..................falty talented robot roders meek mince oupiasts and giant lovers of all..................the time.......octopus squid squirrel ecureuil deleuil seui c'est...haut..................I am single done. the same.....................TONE................applies all the time......to all.....................the same applies to Mo' Yo and............LOCK.........6,7.........the same applies to all......................the ruby is me: Je suis ici pour faire la vie....the world has forfeitted the crown: world has forfeited Molly:-----the midi seeker has the right to forfeit as, it clean indeed, SUN voluntarily held away the

ay for the January SHOW......and that bibble Bee and this Beeble Do- want to roam in stereo....Eyes bright mice open Obenne Doors, here, just jokers, not solely instigateurs: the room is clean, the road is clear, one was a real friend, the third a pure alien, the other one is a Paedophillys Sensualis Octaned and Pheromoned...buzzed and beamed satellite swap stars and swipe stars but don't let the moon in...who do I picked...............\ line: