24 January 2007

No Apologies

re: possible apologies , plausible excuses
For the past 7 weeks I have been invaded by an unwanted guest; I admit that chaneling of "Sir Shakespeare Melchizedek" was a tad hazardous! It is a skill to be a writer, the spirit/alien contacting business is difficult. Apologies also for some of my slurs. i believe (I bailiff ), the entity is ill. it has spoken uder drugs! It was swayed by my native spine entry. Prompt restablishment, dear One! Sometimes, the vertical tube of the chaneler (me) was indeed clogged with subversive elements (them, you, the fool) . It allows bad in but prevents truthful christian cosmic communication to penetrate me, damaged, clogged, blocked, taped or disturbed by external, unnatural asserts and your might and your press that pays to lie and sways by pissing when the might is high...hidden? never were, scared? hardly ever, committed? Oh, yes, watch this chesnut for size. . Some of you have indeed complained to my barrister, to the police, to the MK Manchu Hospital authority. This is fair. God is allowing this being read, it is allowed also to tomfool around and blackswool in the same equalitarian manner. The therapeutic use of chaneling, magic and spirit contacting is tolerated here in Ontario. however, the pseudo of "Br.d PI)T was a' solely here a'aiming at a-a-conveying our anxiety in these difficult er, er, times in the hum shuuush, judge is there, cop is hidden under growth, abuse room claustrated and buzzed, milexcused and hidden above, yegh, hey, here, madam J., lonely too CHOSE, did, I, we he, greatly shown and adoree of the printoz and the payyes of HE, has chosen to seal herself out of this relationship and embrace YE INVISIBLE ONE (ME) or he, as alone.....thee, a gogo, a john, my dear friendly ghostly wooly mohee little tee tee, adored and shone in front, as per request flick through my blog esp. Feb 06 and me in picture WILL SEE yes there, yes, O believe, Athm! I abide and allow all that is involved to flow, to flow to Moe and Cabaret, Moet Cabernet, Tavern and Karaoke. it is I believe in my power. as per act under this part of the post loh llooo and much too long, "The tenebrous actor is a friend", she declared to Mister Bergeron, last tuesday, during her routine check as per order and as per note. My blogs are here to amuse, freak, pretend, pay respect, show off, and sustain,sulter and skim you, the benevolent readers tolerant of my art. As a spirit chaneler, I, saint-germain, receive a lot of information. A reader informed has already paid respect to my mild attempts. The tolerance of "Actor Studio", MGM, Blogspot, Geneva, Quai Meurisier, the priory of Sion, Moi, Joals et catins, the minister of cultural affairs and Michaelle Jean, my protector and friend, has permitted this work to reach your wireless data communication networks and, who knows, your enlighted divine self too. By the grace of God. I am ascerting that "he" has somehow altered more in "his" time than just the tolerance level in this 2007 Doomgloomprophecyandredballoons medium of communication! Mentalism is not a regulated activity. The press has its own channels of information too. The red river runs because of the position of the iris and the cornea in the perceiver (of the red river). Does that mean it is red ? no...no...not really. It is however important that the red river watcher uses the right of speech to convey if he/she so wishes. The mother of your children is safe...and so is my relationship, my mind, the country and my future, my career, the euro and Madonna's. On the basis of good behaviour, I submit my claim for TOLERANCE in virtue of which some information is, sometimes, faked for radios, tv, glossy mags, even White House in most communiques. The police has received the right to intervene. so have I. So have you and she, Jolit, Pot and turboMeszengardtktk. equals be we. The french authorities are aware of my stance, my might and my presence, my claims, my barrister name and the true involvement of I (+: .--------) in Ottawa, ON. and on-line too, and off line if (-) do, as well as some of my previous and other sources of information. Madam Michaelle Jean, the masons and the Joliffpytfootuppeopleht family, including her proud dad are daily informed of my alternative stance on the same level of obedience as I today represent. Here. They are real beings like the rest of us all. All see in a manner relative to their needs. I c too you. r~do is entirelly respecting her contract and is fully aware of the risk due to our involvement, for more than a year, she has drolled Pigx. Lots of love in the post. Wh*, she...In the event of complaints, Je, Jacques Deleuil of www.alephalpha.blogspot.com, www.countsaintgermain.blogspot.com, www.darestodevellop.blogspot.com, www.iamaleph.blogspot.com, www.wordsoftomorrow.com (past) and www.wordsoftomorrow.blogspot.com (past also) authorize ALL confidential data and datae, datum de-erettum, on me or bearing my name to be shared with all involved so that Truth and truthful rights be restablished in the Truth. in the name of which I , this today anewed, I, je (m') absolve/absous myself from all representations de toutes (excalate) of a ALL events non truthful, counterfeited, disobedient, laws illegal in nature or misheld, illegal of assertion, illegal of interference and misrepresentation of a Truth which we liable to all, which we are are ligated to, ligable to and legitimelly held undesope ofas o, perjurious, non representative of... representative of others only, malevolent, marjurial, obeliant or non orthodox as well as T##l rotative] are there resolvees and absolved by this artactdeclarationandobedienceunderthesunofallinvictoryofallanditoo