08 February 2007


Zermo, police controls all. Code orange. I come on. Entering a stage, acting shy, very unledded, very dired straited under a wall of radio altered auras, 3 flies. I bard and I songwrite, You write and danse.You last one hour. Worm, little worm, little fiend, mad runner, we are the Red Herrings. Finally Live and finally audible in your laptop or your desktop.. We run, through the hill, up the tunnel, on the road, to the right, left, in dire, dire, lame condition, exhausted and wounded by the censors blows, we speak, here. Bleeded ......Entering, The Red Herrings. I say, pot, drums, roll, pots and carts, code red. I run down, I greet a runner in black. Stop. I spoke too soon, Razom on guitar....entered the bard, sung, erecting a crowd, wave, waves, wane, pane, window cill, I met Lorna, a death by battery. I, Chris Tongue pull the trolley, you lie in there, naked, adopting a pose which her soul sang in jail. Bar, bar, bar, barre a mine......beware ! Cercle vicieux : sollicitor police jail police money from "the Grey Harrings" hired judge, the reds, here ? There everywhere....... Chris switches the mikes. I raor. You head...I read minds andf sing here on the stove. Burn Boolimbool, burn, hell fire, razor, fire, stars, stripes, two smoking missing......Loud. Bass, Miss Alyiah, so...2 minutes...."what do you need? ah, ah, ah, ah, what do we need ?"...what 6 victims? The Red Herrings make you scream. I erected watched Razom on the stage. Guitars, off, mike to the right, stage? One hand on her thigh, the rest is inside. Unkidded, unadoptable, uncharged, unnerved by the growth on my pouch. Short mile. Eighth of dope.....princelly, loud, bass, kick the shit, Leeiyah, kick them in the chins, ok? Them are soft in the middle, outside, feel, aspire to be me...aspire, expire, inspire, resist, hearth...breadth, 2 inches one name.....So...crowd...what does it feel like ? After 20 years of rock in the crowd I now drive this raft to my karma. Roar...roar and wish, I am....Fantomas! Masked, venom spat, Lorna wars, amicable, 1 victim, an angel uses my thigh for a change...Yvan, Chris, Jean on the drums, I roll my eyes and Zermo outs you all now, ok? Rage the crowd, rowd the stage, i fell, I foxed the first row, yes, no? Red Herrings I smoke inside. Kiss Master, he wanted them to kill the maid, rather than the vocalist. She had fleed, 1 year of magic. Live under the sheet. Bridge. Boat. E# F E G G E# Tres Saint Trinosophal, I, we aim, bent and laid, we on the bed, there to pay. You, idol, again in the pages. Stuck? Alone and kind of watched, right? O, grat. Man O' warring, Oather of the Lord, dear friend o' all the people, older people, all the lonely people youn.....spit, lipstick..... The presidents sends the plane. We escape the fans. Hop! Noemiah, 1 dead pipeau girl, Laurent, Attila, Jerome et Laurence, Oziris, the one man in the sky enters a red balloon, Phyllis, Phillipe, Geoff and Sydney, Kronembourg, Grenadine, Milla, Nairobi, false friend in the interv........ Underneath, red tunnel exited hand in hand. Magically unspoken and uncriminable. Under the scene? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO..Break Lock stock, transported by a A flat I, artificially removed for 138 years, the walker, the dreamer, in the back of the church, you, me, kissing herein, naked on the altar. Lame, Christ! You roam the maid and you rock the stage, the smallest drummer in the world..........................King and Dame ======BEWARE !=\
---------* "As I entered the backstage, you were there. On the table, two glasses, one for me, one for you. In every big story, there is a twist. I rant and I enerve but behind my flannel facial hiding there is a woman. Behind every great man there is great power. I am behind. I left the devil two years ago. London, no, watch towards Ontario, Yes, men, erected he is, the triste sire is now a man...among men...if you know what I mean. More, more, more, more, mad backtappers ! You hid between the amount of charge and we load up the plane. Lick, enjoy, the parasitic influence of Adonis exposed by the one cheater of a thief, we hide behind our creature, two headed, we read their mind...ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah ! My name is on the list, guessed ? Mozar... Yes, O great scoopers, I turn around, Jacques is serene, finally someone we spoke about in our dreams! Backtappers, my reply: "Je suis solennele et j' aime vos pieges, la police ne coopere plus, je lis dans la ligne et le livre est ouvert, les mots s'envollent et le guitariste et la.....allonge pres de moi, non, D. je ne suis pas un figment de son imagination, appelle-le, a New Jersey, 1012*p I ca parlez a vous, running running away, I am astable now...I did not cheat...I am alone and I am here for a while...i am on the stage by my side the etoile, jealous. J' Offre ce travail a la belle qui viendra, brune, levres a notre cout, cries donc! Heard at 9:23. " "Je, a suis a tren de corhir, tres proche de triste sophiste, I lambada for you jusqu' a Janvier", wrongue annee" counterfetters. I am a magician.........................D' you get it?" ++++++++A A E E D E E B I only lasted 18 minutes on this sequence -
LOVE IN LIPS TIMES TWO, Basta amateurs, Lord.....V & Y from Toronto, both18 ans, both drugged and played for the fluids....speak. Injecting the holy water. Bon Scott, 29, dead under the bridge, erected for a while, too musical to be heard by the retards.OLA>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> electro >>>>>>> wold............worms gets out. Filling a hole. The feeling is mutual, O Adonis. My house i.k