Sex Magick (and cheat)
yes, the philladelphia pact was a real deal, unlike, those you hear about on the radio.
In 1972, women in the US having heard that men had plotted magical treaties, including one under the UNO, did their own to prevent procreation of the mythic male "archys" as homosexual looking and the poor-man-boar as the real dominant male reproducer of the proud species. As 70's and 80's porn was dominated with men, dishevelled, idiotic, too old or too senile having jewelish ultimate princesses as their sexual subservient slaves. Horror! Male in the mine! yes, pacted in Israel, joke? neigh....The Grrrllz, down in Philladelphia agreed that men were not really able to give them true vaginal orgasms anymore...they pentacled the show and that was the 70's, look in the 90's and research to corroborate the ascerted emasculation of males. Now, admitting the number of really sexually active single GUYS, couples, gays and lesbians, single or in relationship will prove that yes indeed, the witches had made a really scary spell. IT SOLD DOLLY TO VIBRATO. Men, convinced that maleness was hidden enough, in cells, behind electronic groomings (true fact, see aleph in toronto summer 2005, near the time when someone escaped marital custody, yes, in Chicago she defaulted spousal supervision to check an old french friend, gay looking, very smelly...she never looked back by the way, see us from the shore ?) or "still in the closet, cuteyed away by manta-sonar rays....unable to be taken in...mosquito net? NO SOLUTION TO MAKE HUMANITY MORE ATTRACTIVE TO THE Vatickahanas... so, women tired of being incapable of meeting true One-hes, (too famous, too spoused, he is gross, he is a fan, he is poor and excitable in you presence, he 'd be a flat after Davido!) took to the chapel and made a bet: if man in power are the sole to be met, the ones with money will be incapable to play 2004 will mostly be gay...............magic speaks, I am broke and worshipped, most men go gay (shhht, secrte!) and fake abandon to the caduceus and possession of it is by mail and pay check, net, dream and hollywood fantasy f-cks, . The scary she-dominant gold, the females who refuse him all salt, may go out, they pull nought: if the war in sex is resolved it is not by Beauty propelled...another myth? nope,Another hidden gem...The woman Mary is not aroused by the manly god, lazy on his stool and stinking of sex all alone...dreaming of a better model and unwilling to say LOVE but quick to scream for legal OWNERSHIP: I am the male, I won!!!! Fake spell: she is not in cell, she is away to take a veil and sell it back to Lovelywood, Kalifornia, well, do you like her new male? Me, yes, she, yes, may you bow to the Idols, they are only there as symbols, run, slkave run, catch the grail and you will be gold, in the frame, in the pubs, on the bar side drinking with her, real?! They dream about the sword of David but can only grab on my hair when I kick him for fault of a PLEASE...HUMANITY STINKS, I am the she male......... Arthur, i was not talking about you, don't be a girl, come and kiss me (said Major Tom in the Coventry, preparing strong the rugby team)
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