07 March 2007

Je t' aime

you, tu, twat..........
I entered a real realm...2311...stupid sin code stupi pin holy katherine...la est milli or liaa-mat, milla jon jovis of tara mea.......................................terra sosa-terra mehia................................
I dance the world. you, inavariabellly setting the staus and the name>< face="courier new" color="#ffcc99" size="2">can you read? ...we sleep we roll in time...town wan we deck two diesels and two Jumilla Ovaritch.......reel 2...deuxieme bobine, ce film n' est pas traduit, je n' ai ni argent ni employes, ni cameras autorisees........je suis sans le sou,we 2 jake et moi dance and fait aleph alpha....je suis autour de la route car nous sommes trop...timides...Davidson...davidson call for Ronston Bay................aleph alpha......je me souviens ce soir la, la porte etait ouverte et j' entendis ta voix crier dans le n..black, rat in spain. rat buried alone in the brine sauce kebab.......two days later we dive in a flower, we earth out to palnet love alpha one..at 7.......ahhhrgh...jetuestlevraito: nal: - agrepo----------------------we are on the shore...stop swimming...the sharks had to let go and the radiuo has let it out, we go from one to ten and we roll back to the main land. We get under a boat, we open our shirt, we unveil the craddle and we rock......real life drama: frero a moi, my brote hask me to see if joviva waz in town: joke.......she is....old friend of a fuck of Jacques, friend of Arnie Schwa: Kathleen from Finland..aix en provence, he goes, 1992, still waiting to hear from the child ! The two of you met in similar conditions in leicester, yes she used to work in a clothes shop at the mall...ahrg, the seven degrees, Milla did not know Arnald Skatz was a mate of my husb.......aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh> I am at the Roston Hoistel...call me I am the wife of someeeone famieueuskzzzz !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ottawa loves the god(s0 2 too eraU too