05 March 2007

pressing charges

Legal and contondant, no color, attorneyable, kid in trolleys, MUST PAY
(by Apeh Hog)
True life conspiracy involving Hollywood celebrities....
what? Oui, a message aux amis
In France, October 2005, two governments met near Clermont and signed a deal. The deal indeed signed under government auspices prevented me and Angelina from having press coverage, income, ability to meet, tiying us to two suitable partners, also now trying to take these two lawfule governments to non-french or canadian courts. The death of Prince Rainier is unfortunatelly one of the outcome of this very Hollywood kidnapping. Hi-tech, we are matched by personal advocates who impersonate us legally to avoid a "briech'...this is what we need. A breach and a third party attorneying. The dear prince was gay. No, not Rainier, in 1993 he was dating a blond german model, I was in 1994, but, the day is sealed: Speak and we kill. It is in vain that Brad has attempted to alert his own co-workers in L.A, Washington and London, james street. Once the treaty of 2-0093 FR et 1-108 CAN are recorded as federal they are defended by the military and this is legally passible of arrest for attempting to bring to the public, the press and other military contingents the proof that a business treaty of both signatair's employers is being shown and broadcasted despite clauses involving use of restricted weapons...for us two not to meet or...board a plane out of this canadian fake cell: The street is my lawyer, may the public speak and also avoid courtesy. The Liberal party and the Leyts are gagged. Higher interest of the country is now to avoid charges or exposure. Angie and I are fine, both in Ottawa, me homeless, her changing hotel every day but already unable to leave the capital without a non-french, non-canadian and non-british protection of non-UNO public servants...what a mess. The truth, we met, in 2005 Brad was complacent to us two dating secretelly. In February, while he was with my girlfriend in USA, Phoenix, sitting with her father and Bobby, the family dog, he blurted one too many words. Trusted Pitt forgot and....the secret services, past employers of both through UNO International Treaties of Assistance to Non Employable Victims of Sevices, had to appear. We both were born and operated illegally. Whichever way you look at it we both have very superior IQs and yes, extrasensory abilities, as per our service records. Brad was not however aware that Angelina, a german adopted genius, formally known as "The Brains of Mex" and I, formally known as "JCT" or "Poz" had worked side by side (bad manners: no recollections, 1999!) against the French during the Hernu (Charles) attempt at outing something. The reaction of Pitt was amusing, she says: "he wept understanding that I, you and my father had collaborated against the military in order to circumvent a possible disclosure by a government electee....for private matters to be tolerated".....yes, contracts. Once you subcontract a private company to cooperate with intelligence officials in a federal set up, the only way to avoid espionage, shpils and sales of data is to kill them before they sign off (legal, believe it or not!) , deprogram them (legal if they are in their first contracted assignment), or make them lawful employees of say, Ghana working for a subcontractor on military grounds: They are protected when they work for other contractors, you are protected because they are part of the forces.....we don't mind the false articles. They are tolerated legally until we are able to adress courts if we can reach them. The Laurier hotel will not be taken by the police, nor will the Mission, however, the feds and the frogs, mes amis toujopurs tentes par l' alcool (no breach!) can take police employee, subcontractees or agent and legally stop us from fixing it. If we do it bleeds. It is goping to bleed as I am pressing charges for illegal use of the press. The news of the World is attempting to join other claimants, about 10 (legal!), trying to break constitutions (no, revolution, so I put consternations instead and send them some carnation !!!). Now, providing that you, peopel, can prove that I and her are partner to one or more judges or newspaper editors in or out of claim, the illegal printing will be falling off the trees...not the heads, all governments integered. Brad is in hell, no? yes, the real location is, weird!, sedret. He can sue France and Honduras so long that Das is in Thailand...WoW! yes, wow, indeed and very wowed since the first contract of the "black jacques" (black ??? weird! I was convinced I looked arab, Frankreichtin !!!). Did you know that most of the employees of Paribas read the "Globalmaeil" ? Do you knw why "Egxen" read the Pravda and the Mondo? I can tell you! I saw the file sticking out of a Monte Carlo table dancer...she was blak haired and she is "shit in bed" !...No private joke! Yes, we are relieved, two people have called the police, we may speak to you Jen, Jane's Addiction, Mos Def, Paris, Madge, Alanis and Denzil ! Nice one, nice one. Please make sure you forward my psychiatric records to my step family, one of my bosses in Manchester, one of my lawyers and me....You kknow where to find him. I am in room 60 until 9 pm. All calls are legal but try printing a picture of Jacques deleuil holding her hand in front of the queen of diamonds, bar humbug or Bar none...you got another thing coming...past mistakes covered in more mistakes in order to take my contract with Guy away, already, 40 plus minutes in the box. try connecting me down to EMI. The best chance you have is to press charges for "loss of employment due to government interference of a political nature eveding charges against them by taking me out of juridiction"...what a claim, what a statement, what a scoop? No, what a threat for your goverments. Madame Royal and Mister Harper are on a boat..where does it go ? Guantanamo, god willing...fuck off, je suis un robot, je suis en service et je mets la radio.....Cold gin time again....I know you always win, called Gene times and times again, I know It's not Paul Martin...Do you love me? (You like my credit cards and private planes).........You have great expectations (my hands batter the eardrums)...Oooh, Black Diamond.....You come to see the show, you drive us wild we drive you crazy.....We are in syco-circus......and for a hundred thousand years...Oh, toronto, allow me to introduce myself I am the A, Z, pole to the shit, I am the antechurch am I just Jesus's godmother...decrypted card will reveal an ace. Sweet Face !