15 March 2007

Death to the People ( 3style magik mix)

title: vaguelly reminescent about prosaic exctsee, remember Leah, "macy"....ah! yep, the one from the cornerstore with the big chin! Ah...fuque offe, I am the stoner's blog and everything that comes inside ends in your mind! Henceforth having daydreamed and shared half intimity, I reveal my cartsian stance and the wall spins...Ici Personailyt DIsorder NumBER 2 ///// enter. Aleph escorts the Diacres of Esotod and the hounding grinders come in here;Ok, lol top <....buried alive under Come mon coeur_fantasy scientist libertine free liver and lover of her, mind, wasp of the Glasb---ok, now press 2 on your computer while we spin the wheel on number one, ok? ?guess? It dis the keck!--- Over alpha what is being done? Another trick from the boudoir? hey mess, what is being done? Mecea bends over and I plunge in the Lake of Shit. Twelve days of hate. iz at 44.45 on a scale of 50. I am sorry for being eyes. I am mouth when u pay the price...U, whoooare! I revenge, I pride, Hi Glory, I, Fame....exstatically je suis...1.2.3. le petit luis. 343. Je suis ici. A. Et vous emmenerez cela si vous bondissez avec moi . ca va? c'est saint germain qui fit ca moi je revais a toi, une des nues dans mon harem, juste de retour de son "shooting" aka, le "piss", mmh, je me fais croire fatiguee et ma bouche se embrasser plutot que juste regarder, mmmmh, si tu vois ce que je veux dire, et l'odeur de ton short me revolte, mh, ok, ca vient.....? Bon, demande a Mariga de pousser et ca devrait marcher plat plat dans 10 minutes. So she crouches and she lays, there totally already focqued there on the carpet, mmh, si vous voyez ce que je veux dire et je met les nachos dans le rockaway et je sens bon....anyway You believe I have to live and five eel. The road leaves at ten and I must be on my wayyyyyy. I am sorry... bleueurst pastisse pastisse....Nardwaar entered..............................Nardwaarddt, na na na nana naaa, no I don't have a question for you now focquoffe, you fig !!!!!!, male gay sexe, male gay saixe cobourne et puis la passe de zidane va a l'odeur de ta soeur, to me radis la bioodoo a ma terra la le cuere et je vois talatrere de le vendredou soiiiir 9=7333... and aleph bangs and dines the gang again! The princess of the dawn freeks, gets on top, freeks, get to surrender, trips, gets on top, frippe, frippes, cd shop, coeur meurs! U foxy lady ma soeur, fric, flip...ah ah ah...no, not you the new one from Sweden, je t' expliquerais apres rentres dans le car, rentre vite c' est moi, beate! sccckkkreeech People run around the car. The dangerous assaillant merely an old thought-form. The vial broken on the carpet we cover our eyes. You swirve again around the american embassy barelly avoiding collision with a rolling thing and then we are there over the lake and far, far removed from the book of Ektapis. I uncover my eyes. is my code for this area...can I get to speak? I am his sister. <> Bad quality pot. bob, Maked. Decked. Must apologize. Hardly readable-low subliminals-keyed-angry tepered in cyan. mustard me down, poan, pawns move towards the cylinder.
.H Lekt-ar