11 December 2006

Paradoxas =.ooooooo I I I I'= Amour et Paix >

At first sight, the blond elastic expert inverted your wills: The gold is here and it is here as badly twisted as you are, O observer. At second sight, the black haired queen straightforwardly restablishes you here as a one man seer, seen, believer and known to the camera crews and the eyes of the whole readership. I am also you. I laid here and I was you. I accepted the law of women: I whistle and you arrive, if you break in the room is empty. I aspired for a perfect love. Age 19, she could a' been a red head swiss girl, even a reigning cousin of the queen, a lady dancer, a queen of hearts, early deliverer of your One golden syrup. I was tempted to start life alone. I just took the road, as anyone else did here on planet earth. I switched and believed, I changed shape and I banged my head on the walls...outside of your ledbunker castle. Untakable, standing solemn, the dome of golden boys and lenses golems. I was there all in the throughout you fool! Blaring outside your walls, O naked runner, little witch deluder, night flyer, evolutive martyring snail and convex dick. I came out today and saw you standing there aiming out your nights of bliss. I could have killed another 20 for the 25 years the world made you be hid! The master then came down and he talked to us both: "You must forgive the clowns, the maid is here and it is Gift and it holds everything that you two hoped for: Love and total restablishment, clean sheets and bright eyes for both". We looked behind, hand in hand...We blush now, airing 6.16, we rave now, look, 6.45 in it. Too many bodies lay bare, exposed to you, my "dolls" are there for me to bleed; the generals in their dressing gowns bound to Nauseam. O, Love and Peace, I wished, The Lord I beg, the Lady I call in. A castle made of sand on my side of the mirror, a mirror ball exploding on your side of the wall. Terror...How many try to kill, the mocking lovers invisible and thrilled lovedove peaches? Martial eyes to erase the track of our lips, your pens, our fears and your dirty oaths and our paper sigils, demonic wish lists and jealous murders, your theft and your lies, for what? A marital dance. A poem. An enforceable gown. Our world! Another brick in this same ol' wall, there from the start, there for you to pinch but broken too much to be seen as this auspicuous love-castle. Musta'f been a jail, outta be a cell! The lord is my master and there he guides me, the lady in the flesh there lives in my body. forgive me: I do not yet believe. At 2:22 I see your eyes anew, fresh, red headed and completelly friendly. I run around the field agash, you cartwheel and our might is repaired as for ye other 2 fools to drool....May your skirts and your ointment creams also resolve this with a real smile. May the taxpayers laugh at your careful actions and fake resoultions, O whore of the worlds. A smirk on your lips, Mayris, Etlis, passerbys, friendly strangers, ghosts and ghouls, onratians hermaphrodys...yes you really read minds now and the room was bright all along, fawn! In this province, the martyr articulates a chaste word again wet: "sorry", the mistress a simple creed: "pardon me". River runs red, the white ball breaks, master Obedia once again arrives and chases the fly away, fly, fly away, Belzeebub, Sukhubis, Derzala, martyrs of the weed, murderous lines, greens and greys, fake maraboos and masked onlookers, lenses, fences, cages and implants, cops in red and judges in their cells. Mess! The road is clearing with every new kiss, may the warriors finally embrace eternity, lust is here, misses will be cleared, said the master, erectys and moystenna are held away and the ballroom heats warm, heats, hot, heats drunk and stoned but ravived by the fluid. Life is made of two, love is made of you, Cold hearted gloves and heathen ovens, May we partake! The thrid lady sways in now, through the people in the concert hall, I read my line and I get there, surprised. The wheel of wishes wished me here. May the lordship clan make a good gig, the world is my shelter.....The sisteres will forgive. I shall be there for you at 2.72, bell me out. Call me in. I kept ringing downstairs this morning but your mouthpiece went bing. Bow, little wing, the angel is shaken, the tuna elfically makes a field flat and clean. Cream, get on top and lick my wish Lolitta Peppercorn, the hawk lands near the ravine to let the two of you read and sing in the choir: Mayris, Etlis while the crionus emerges from here, the mouth of the river runs again crispilly clean.
red desert, orange moons, grey elephant, yellow street. I walk...to you .
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