19 January 2007

Love? Greed, indeed, the world is greedy (a paedophile cover up story, international security ?) file under illegal experiment on a newborn in canada, + Thailand typhhon , Little blue ribbons in QC, Nov 2006, thx ! (please, append Jolie Pitt and request her word and...her real name, dear populus police)
(Trademarking my way to the stars by Aleph Alpha of Aleph Alpha Inc.)

p Up to last night I did not know about this bizarre loophole: Imagine someone trademarks my name in a community where international copyright laws and namesake control laws don't really apply, (In Palestine or Camp America UCLA, Lapoland, Jersey, Sin Diegu, Bahrein, UK 333 sector 13, this list is only according to my own sources, men, please double check all for accurity, as I am just as blinded as you, men). The bootleggers, people of low life, can sell the whole content of my 4 blogspot blogs, my artwork and my Cds, and samples, my name, my role-model wife's autograph... (Aleph Alpha, Athm , Jacques marius henri auguste Deleuil, count of saint germain are mine by right, check before suing, press and party !) Illegal (international) banking, printing of fake articles, including regarding MY blessed partner, and yes, it is still unofficial, as per british law (check her site for real freak show, name bought can be used...outside of the perimeter of the legal adjunction...mmhh, globealike, I blog and like the war of Hollywood against the Canadian government, win? Pitt, so far, he uses it legally as he has faked some legal documents and has made themj become legal, therefore true in front of the law, money talks...money talks, money talks in front of a legal threat, how many years is Mr Smith currently evading (Lovely books, She? Too works for uno, as I do, as I do, check the white mouse post) I, free to play, no, check status of the psychiarization attemptsd on both through British police or Police of Michigan, free to read? free to show my face no...telepathy is still prohibited...how many years of psychiatrization did I receive for one telepathic tip too many, Leicester? Who loves the fixes, the foxes, the boxer Bruno, the pictures of Madonna ? Politics meets Intelligence meet me here I win ! SERVICE MEANS RENOUNCEMENT INDEED.... a soldier on field, indeed, I am UNO..You know....Upset? In 1972 they make the word illegal outside of army files. Telepa..what? I believe doctor Sciffo will corrobo....next month after 20 or so check the sources and sue the ass for HP Saint Augustine on Manchester George Ward, Atlantis Me and me only, speak, Martiallable, i am now in Quebed, I am msure they have some charges pending...no Glaxo.; No PrintPer -CounrTy, they don't apply in EEC ?, and if the cops move too close...Bush and Clito'hn press the pause. . Press? noo, noooo, never in trouble, been homeless and fought for his cause . pero...XXXXX ok avec paris road assault RCMP spaketh quien speaks ! Meat? Chinaha ? Porto Cal ? Pale (self) esteem ?Print? comandit? systems de surveillance with les DNA des hopitaux ? legal, are you sure O great Otawos..xxzu + sue me for [ what? ]....Ask , she (or..) spoke ( wharts ?), ...what's ******** name again, shy lookalikes, criminally in-sane, madamA don't speak to the prissoniaaahh ? Must Have been a date ! talk to the police since the law for 16 months make me be...illegal in the law (courtship ?), lola ! Senior judges, I apologize for the scam, I am merelly here on contracted work scamrr?. Quebec love me....check scar on my forehead by enlarging...... CIA did not send me a cheque ? I nwonder why, maybe I was somewhere damp ? to Deleuil alpha blogger ?...must have been faked, olo - By the love, for the loves, with the laws of men sandwiched in between the jinxed men. the plea ? BARGAIN
THE LION ? the mice of all men \