23 January 2007

The Rioting Fields (2002)
Potella, IT, 2002: On the back of the police streak. A violent outburst of me.
Charles, hardly dressed at all, raises his fist to the red flag at the top of the Palace. I am Eriee, lake of hay. I am Como, lake of fire and Astarte, lake of belief, faith and hardship. Up on the mountain climbed I, fiery. Charles grabbed his loin. Shot in the dark. strong orange light. A UFO sparkles bright to the right. Love holes. Tenessee, a small farm. Children in rainbow panes roll in field, hoping to re-direct the snow. All farmers in background hide between an ideal oil deal. A mathematician (Charles' friend) embraces the lil' HanHanah. The child smirkles. Charles bends to canoodle the alien kid. Tears. In a room empty. Back of the farm, lit. You tied, never given the chance to unroll, react by delivering the wind of wolves. "I gave on the bottle, I gave on the water, I gave on the Monosodium Glutamate", shouted she anxious naked on the blue Deliverance bed. Not really dead. Just taking the time to make sense. City backlash, never a knife close enough to tear the pact or the laces, yellow plastic. Han, still as a dummy breezing, Charles also overtaken by the ray direct. Blue light, I, bemused shout at the black flag, star, star, line. London town, 6:23, the same day, you, no face on. Erected at the window. Saluting the passers-by with innocent hand. Cow in field, could be Bombai, could be City B. Discrete biobreeze, discretelly enamours all. To the hole. The the span. To the beatch, the barn, the reed, to the rideau plastic, to the oranges in the basket, stir, frect, slime in through your hands and drunk indeed we sway out. Side of the crowd. sideways to the street KiYr, 35 miles per hour we pass a shy arm over the back seat...and roll with it. The syring in his hand Patricia licks it. I wipe your enormous lips. Mitee. I am sound she blurts from the ground up to the rooftop. Bottoms! Heaven bottoms and bells of Mercyled..............................................................................
Includes many guest, do not panic, do not panic! More to see in the night. Jacques Deleuil directing it into the wide....into the wiiilde, ia am andaluscia, i am andalu---chiaen, I a wire, I-i-i a_wire, in the wave of..a.a.ain the wake of mutation...i anda con lucia y te, Una mujer con el mosquito, bombai number zero.....even though I adore you. Wheeere iz...where is my mind? in the retovisor...an as de coeur..in the front of the epsilon, isla de bon-hora, una bella acanthe atempta de fazer de bau bau y una wave of mutilation arrives. Yes. she said yes straight away today......if alpha is sixteen, then I bossanova to the high, to the high, to the high and dry lilac tattoed monkey made of envy. to the first person ever...cariboo bus of amora amour amour amour, faire l'amour pas la roue t peacock excited her....to the first engagee majeur...i am enormous here entire us therebyo... ..wave me in. 13. Carrot of Plastecene guide. myra do. I. It is she by my side, open the boot, i wanna breathe this smoking tremblay majeur. will, you see, mee, will ya make the post to carmen eee...or lizee tee, just in case, carla Bee or Nelinda MSNging (same as last time, just forward to current address...no) under the door. waxmeout little male lette: out: I ) -234