26 February 2007

Denise Deleuil

dear madam Fremoll, I am inspecting the mail, here in Montreal and I have found the note in question: the pact is aggreeable to me. yes, I am here and the road is at my side. In the very unlikelly case that the power tyrant releases the "crew' from his psionic cells, a very long boat will air us out to a nice island for luxury and procrastination. The red dwarf has received the right to appear in front of "other media" until the polite team Heil to H sees the two of us ready to discuss on diplomatic grounds, OFI: the frogs will be waiting for the soror and the frater to acquiesce to the conditions, as received in the post and forwarded to you by "Oll Nu" in the evening of yesterday, my answer is: Yes, so long as the japanese blink very quickly and agree to a over-the-ocean debate by May. The pretty picture perfect event is not as secrtete as yee think. The dominion is the stong male and he has no keys but...protect democracy is envisageable as a word from me and the leaves get picked by the guys from seoul. Yes, the na is plugged on until we seal it at your end. promise to not interfere in bradgelina and we will blag as, if the blog is really written by the UNO you are allowed to reveal this as a UNO faithful declaration and if he agrees that your real life partner is writting it, as in : me as coorob by armuy and non local police, the version to refuse exit from country is liable to charges as: the prrof of ambulance service requested to use rays and sonar for "unnamed voice making schizo in homeless shelter" is enough...11 have confessed, it is amatter of time, Harper is taken out in a non friendly manner because of this this morning, no time to bullshit, brad will bow and speak so long as he knows we are in safety, no-one will interfere as the country will not stand once revelation on Parliament efforts to maintain Brad in your life against his own will are coorb by his team. uno can scoop as the polite exit is to japan and my US contracts (not as a spy, for NASA and electrode recordings, psychometry, attepts at telekynesy and telepathy with mussels, OFI!) are now in paper basket due to ouyr decision to stay in Japan until the one year of foulness are relinquished in front of the worldwide press. it is my stance, no more pretenses, i have enough just in this file to take Canada to a shelter and feed on my toe nails, yes, charges will all be addressed from Japan so long as our request for political asylum for Angelina Jolie and Unnamable Mind controlled canadian martyr are approved. The trials will include charges of assault and battery by the police/law enforcement services of Ottawa as recorded at RCMP Vanier and attempted murder plus unlawful represeantation in order to avoid this all show being brought in front of a canadian in land tribune. No, France was onbly waiting for this statement, tell Pitt, no concession, you signed and we did in February 2006...under the vigilant eye...of our employer the united nations organizations, I did not investigate the burger show and you must wear the hat in case this constitute espuionnage or unalwful revelation by "me" confer with police contacts prior to tomorrow date, the kiss is to be sealed at all cost as I have revelations to make in case our one year ordeal gets elasticated to one more day of theft, pillage, unlawful parliament appearances, false electoirate maintaing the cons in the house, just in case theuno dores cornflakes with Kyoto compromise and sue the cows.....reveal the name of our lawyer first to canadian press re: false marriage enforced by Governmenbrt of Canada to prevent us from meeting and therefore addressing mind control and baby cot 1968 of mine, plus disney dow jones canada thefts plus the name on my arm being somehow linked also to another pure soul, proven by Vatican, a descendant of Christ, yes, you made a large investment but no exit, no concession, no bonus, final. mind op 68, 6 days old proven in QC, a childhood experimentee stolen from Sciffer in 94 she declared in germany 6 moinths ago...she too lost her carreer and never even received an aploguy from your voice making cops and manchurianers in toronto, am i liar ? no, i go to speak so I get to be wedder, not stalker, liying asshole!!! rteroor free loade real threat to the world, yes, candiadte harper, so did copperfield, eh, mister pitt, and warranting somehow 12 billions and 900 plus killings in the name of a clean country, the press spoken to will ensure harper does not move...to the ploice to take me to jail? to take another 3 weeks of Bradgelina, I don't think so, after all the movie was a favour and he was told that i was only escorted out diplo, so he signs, so you hit him with teeth, so he chosoe to not speak as they hold is true code (secret) no loss, we move because of today big mouth post, the public will also fall sleep as the maid is away for a year and it is cheaper to steal memor than to sue 200 plus newspapers and shows because a political plaster garanteed to resolve...does not. promise: you 2 in jail in montreal for 6 months if ythe denise deleuil revelations don't make me the soldier of fortune of a friday brunch free in toronto, I will delete this after meeting but it will be read by over 900 outside of canada or I kill new Brunswick.......the candidate to his name (male one), female is signing off, hollywood stink, pay for our milk bottles before we speak about the death of Polanski or the eyelsahes of Uma Thurmi...................over thanks for your letter, your demand of cooperative silence is flatly and publically refused as per orders from my country, France, all discussed with angie here, move over Tremblay or we ring New Zealand and speak tomorrow about secret CAD number 34 a no is a no, Harpo! get your own kids, ours are not adoptees anymore!
