15 March 2007

ending on a suite of notes to fill the meads......

the crowd follows, brought along whichever they chose, if they chose, obviously, if someone else did, well, may they tow it in. This part also applies to us. we, Oliver and Marine. love to all, big hugs from love to love, Montreal. The dead is arisen! It has found a new way to make a life out of a sex and a kipper, a word, correl processor, a serf, a sin pin head. Having created a well-bandied word shell, we colored all of it in one move. Ok, overlay yours, mine in shine, pine cold code salada. Friend' o mine, Ok, now come, in, come, in read, read, read, as you are all will vanquished! As you are the well is file, file, file, file, fille mouillee, cocotte en papier, marie a mes delusions de facon vraiment noble, le coble......swim,swim,swim,swim, Erica, Egis, Fabrizzio, feel free to dispose, holes...death. DEATH, Deat with the k! We a!..."We leave the body Roby!" "Jump Jimmy!"