05 March 2007

athm phials excrements instead

nAmour est entendu car les monstres a force de crier ont trouve la porte de sortie: La ville, La joie, la verite, la naissance des vrais. Une femme a du pretendre etre vierge, oui, mes trnte ans me font mettre les autres pretendants dans la rue de derriere..car ils ont faim et je t' offre, a toi l'ecrivain qui fausse ma voix, barytone en aigue, le veritable placenta aussi precieux ce jour vole que la face du dieu cartonne, les amoureux sur un banc piquent et piquent mais on est dur...d' oreille a Paris: Les arbres ont pousse, il y a vingt ans j' etais un cerisier. On me disait herbe folle pour pouvoir t' embrasser, reine, roi et herbes folles sont bien en argent. Comptez...vos yeux. Les notres? Votre droit a la vie...le notre. les juges sont assis a nos cotes. Vierges et charges de presents, insoumis, a peine nes et presque identifies: 2 enfants en province prisonnier du grand diable et incapable de rire tant vous leur devez de l' argent, des excuses...prisonniers de ce trop vieux papier, les barreaux on ferme. Le livre est a cote de vous mais sur le lit il y a nous, en nos vraies matrices et arrives parmi vous.
A Lord in the mirror: watch me know, guitar, esotera, picture takers, photoshop farcical adorers of the other god....................................inside..............................................unilaterally we enforce today our own comparution in your world. You are around and you are many we are beggars and you have the keys. At the palace a vision looms, sharply it plunges inside of your mind. About time. I say what you mean and...the tiny citadel on the top of the hill is now allowed to release the fumet. In the valley there are two towers. One director. one main actress and me loopy swirving around and taking care of her. You inhale the fumet in the city as the citadel is blocked by the wind of Bret angel of hell, in your body there is jesus christ, in the christ there is a glass, in the air there is a way to Love and Lords are watching you inside of your own house. The warrior will free you. We are two great warriors unacknoledged and ignored. We will free the ones in you that abide by the first word: war at the beginning of this post. jesus will lead us. We end here, you and me in the citadel having acknoledged your real hella, speak and blow and make some kids, as two of us don't make it happy. The warriors at a crossroad will take right. the road at the prison ends. The war at the word love enacts a true realtionship. The right is there to be used whorlewidelly to me. to you also/in the mirror/the man is flaw at the contrary, the woman is me. kiss me >
