26 February 2007

a canada

if you read it you take a stance if you dance around the law you see a whole bunch of warring celebrities wanting to meet by blogger unfriendly, and an autograph for Maddox, who? Where? In fokeen care!!!! if you lie you lie public as secluded doll will not kill anymore, why are they going all mad about my face plastered everywhere? Because you are lawful and adore the public to smile at a friendly looking stud in a all paid for ceremony, by Brad's own colt: The Scientists...they want to steal his girlfiriend's juicy nonnie, they make paper with them...the dolls not the grnadine-hymus. A bet is a bet senior Cloney. It was a friendly gesture doctor Jackso Sammy. I am not a friend of Madonna, in fact, in fact, in fact her music sounds like poo! I kiss too. i am more attractive! Sens a soap...send a friend. iam death...wearing nothing than canadian sequins, paid for....not stolen, it said it in the Leicester Mercury! yo, madame, it seems you have read my stuff and forwarded as per telpathic holly mollie, I declare: she in in Teedot, 54 the white house, the black door, the 3 little red steps, the crown not, the crown not. I am saint germain reincarnated, stop freaking about you can smile Grimaldi, I just want a villa and an apology. Tell Copperfield we will speak about Houdini...like we promised, tell the news of the world Jacques was not a doll, he was a boy and pitt sucked on it...I meant the lollly. You like meat we like meat too, we will not speak, we will not do "true Physik". Give Julia Roberts...o.
red carpet. put pictures on the side. we waved. I accaimed and.............Oto Zamenoff uses lube! Otto Zamenoff uses lube! Otto, he is doing it in the backsh-
