Arteries well, well, well, I may creep inside your shell, O little death. I close the door, whoever is in may stay. The red carpet is my bed. Dead I sigh and open my mouth. Exhale and I inspire, that's all I am prepared to deal with today!! The rose is cut. My hand? You bluff! One a white plate, 2 green olives, half a cigarette, may I be the butt of the joke? I love the world and I picked this one erotic poem straight ouf Liv Tyler's book. She has a waist the size of your thumb, O Rama Gahat! Succub you may feed on the plastic giraffe, Eli, Aloi, Isaah, Monster Dog fart when you are fat enough, faint when you see the word at the end, chaingang bang world leader,. Ace is a' banging on my door!I bet it's Fred Durst attempting to break in. I chain the pont-levis and I expire. I got "9 Lives" in 1994 and hence I dream here naked and hurt. I am inspected for weapons, O Marita, I am expected to be hung, O Ratzilla, I am synthetic and I kill, Liv is still in Japan with Erick. The blog is a show for mongrels, can I comment on Letterman, Stan?...or should we skip this track and worship Fallussy in here with you at Farlamo? Little vein, little vein, little aspirin cheese, little work of art for Terenten and John Benthine. At 7%? I grab a whole box in town at 6. I am Sonic Youth and I love Lewis and Fulham. Bang! Restaurant, 7:17....The room is full of cocaine smoke....the road to L.A ended on a flat. I leap, I walk, I walk (2/2 by Aleph Alpha for Toronto and Aix-En-Provence) je suis ne en vie et vous m'avez vole, je suis endormi pour vous prouver que je ne vois pas....bougez, bougez, tournez les chaises: Mes yeux voient bien et ils sont fous d'amour. Plan B. Let us publish, Peter Criss is threat to the city. Paul Stanley is radaring away, Paul Martin is still made up as a hole mole and still in love with Courtney...Je suis fou de vous mais Osama est jaloux...Tuez-les-tous! Les gris sont a cote et ils cachent leurs comptes, eteignez la tele. Tous les seins sont caches et les essaims volent en notre quinconce. Morte Vallee, eloignez vous, Je suis libre comme vous, tremblez O monts Palatin car je sais tout et la bible est ecrite en courrier, large, en rose et ca vous fait peur car meme Lei Gun To II lit mes mots et telephone a Steven Tyler pour verifier l'etat de sa sante. Verifiant l'exegese je ne vis que des mots, le bon est Ontario et il est cache poeme et prose sure et sereine. Je suis enlaidi par peur d'etre trop vu. Si jamais vous voyez Ludmilla Newman dites lui qu' elle est cocue...j'ai du changer de cap car moi aussi j'avais peur des sons manquants. Les sons manquants et les mots mechants ne sont la que pour vous effrayer. Je suis salue et tu es nee de ce mot: Jalousie. Body lives. fed and wetted in water, who saw the ....? I did too ! Menthe a l'eau!
The Road, just the road and no more towers.1 Block. The cadide risen falls, The Belldieper piper' manifesto. My Mind. Planete Alpha Jeu - Game. Land Zero. The Blog. Le sujet Love Zero war. Saint Manifesto. Christ's choices . Satan's lies about the Wests. A manifested prayer .Y contre Zed . Mort of Death. Amen
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