16 March 2007


as the proper winner entered my lounge, the lily on my flank turned into the rose on his one side parting...awayyy, awayyy, awwaayaayy was she. Oh, in the rest room he sees you, in the red spot, he chooses loss/when her and he be complete, i even wanna move with Morissette, not the library, no, the first floor. Need a let? Net, stop and watch....after denying rumours that guy ritchie is involved in anything exciting, the maid bends in the middle and will kiss the hiss of the Mott the Hoople renegade, why adore Kiss when you like "Master of the Puppets" and why adore Meat Puppets and Van Halen II, when I can buy you just about anything from say, the L.A Guns "Trophy" remastered to....Marc Almond? "I adore you missy kwee but I grew up on the other side of the field", he says, she in the movie? "Gurdjieff, yes two Fs, fools", Don't be a fool, lily, she used to play for the Mission cover band in Luxembourg and took her clothes off for "Pest" in 1998, I was actor because I wanted to show off and get on 30 million box for a real bad blogjob, Idiot assassin sympathic of honour! Poor kid, my eye, you are the son of Paul Stanley! I grew up under Khomeiny and I can't tell a F# from a F flat, He said! U can tell me my name. Yes, I can and so can millions of movie goers, they can even name at least 4 o' your kids, I can't, he whispers. "How is Macy?" "Not sure, not sure, maybe getting 'ratt'arsed' with Fyffe, now firing low on EI". "Ah, caught you!", call Macy<-Angie->: "Yo, yo, is it professional? No, Jacques live on the blog, go: tell "Lana that I must take special person to ON before moving in for the thrill, at the green pub", okte, Next to Pot the Hoodle and, by the way, Missy Latoya "1966" was a show of mister Berringer, ah! (Ritchie said) ; Bubba Sparxx only released one real album, I do maintain that Timbaland is the symbol. The symbol album, she hisses, the man made genius sheat of lil' Prince. I lie, I love Athm Cd, "he" is australian, isn't he? then I go, sharp: he may as well be! Ah, old couple and ballads of Lies. In the city, you must take street. after the road, this is a public blog bay the way so Brad Pitt agents of Intelligence, move over. And then, you go street, street, street, little girl, street, street, street, the hud, lost? Left i fix it. You? two to be iz oo and meat too be in love with you As MAGICALLY WE RECOMPOSE YOUR FAITH IN THE UNIc-CODE of conduct....in communications: ASK IF SHE HAS THE RIGHT TO REFUSE...rape...me...my friend...rasclat, goes the ex-wife, Madcublus goes Macy in her grey suit, you witchcraft madman, goes Johnny Mayers when he saw her and Said says hi, from Alveira in London, he is in L.A...well it's official, Said is gay and he is outted. WELCOME...this is Our LounGe..You move in are you, sirius?


a Kedoga (no)

In one hour ...........why is canada attempting to repatriate me, Aleph Alpha so urgently , a humble, humiliated UN civil servant endangered away from his favourite person and boss/girlfriend and...only official since noon fell after AND who is escaping prosecution in the US regarding "some other matters attached to our rapport (and our secret weapon of mass destruction anti-Charest, anti-Quebec, pro-Synarchie and l'Oreal sponsored rapport? you scaaared, we are nooot!) and lying on similar instances involving the police of America and France? plus, why do the 2 lovelorn paedophiles= her & me (Maddox is on for wednesday, ok too, 4 days only. confirm and upstat as OFI)....EXCLUS: special for jolie fans and WHY we choose to speak here first & who dates whitney huss? ANd why doctor are confident that the little boy of Carmen will be out on a wednesday plus, does Madge tell the truth about her and Guy.....EXCLU PLUS APRES LE BREAK!!!!!!= in 40 minutes: Who to contact in Hollywood, and who is not . ask for my special affair in the white house communique infosheet. It is laready printed and . Why was France too scared to defend a poor citizen, isolated and overworked claimant against the prosecutors as you do not care about me, you just wanna see her tit Peet !!! AND=......In two minutes, why did CDA somehow fucq up a radio check on an innocent weird looking hot and "single" civilian. Ah, Montebianco, "lookalike officialized by men", Missy MonePenn, and what did doctor Rigolo put on his official psychiatric report to accelerate the procedure of A non-french, non-policiar, non pressable writer (and single) and why is this such a fuss since no-one even remebers the UNO in Toronto or the Commonwhealth after we stealth. I love you. Beth. Great Skyes. No scapes, Vanilla Caviar and Catherine in Saint Germain after one year of rigodonne, well, we be home, None! I must af' been watching Sandra Bullock instead! Ah, Layana, je n'aime que toi, Oh, Lara, I got hot boots too, check the picks, if someone took and Oh, what a beautiful gift! A signed hand made check signed by....X< and the
NEWS hop-हॉप: The police cheats the police-canada officially addressed at the house of common....as well as the strange report of Doctor Delors, quick, quick, in 2 hours the Hacienda, grave, grave! Make a book! As you please, Sarge. Marital voleur, t'as peur de Quebecor, pourquoi t' es pas dans le journal si t' es si beau que tu crois, eh, menteur Alpha......OK (olopetos) ma ha
back, all is real here. God! abcdefghijlmnopqstuvwxz and Geere, Crawford, already 7 years, AND who shoots what in Johannesburg?...the NEWS<1

15 March 2007

ending on a suite of notes to fill the meads......

the crowd follows, brought along whichever they chose, if they chose, obviously, if someone else did, well, may they tow it in. This part also applies to us. we, Oliver and Marine. love to all, big hugs from love to love, Montreal. The dead is arisen! It has found a new way to make a life out of a sex and a kipper, a word, correl processor, a serf, a sin pin head. Having created a well-bandied word shell, we colored all of it in one move. Ok, overlay yours, mine in shine, pine cold code salada. Friend' o mine, Ok, now come, in, come, in read, read, read, as you are all will vanquished! As you are the well is file, file, file, file, fille mouillee, cocotte en papier, marie a mes delusions de facon vraiment noble, le coble......swim,swim,swim,swim, Erica, Egis, Fabrizzio, feel free to dispose, holes...death. DEATH, Deat with the k! We a!..."We leave the body Roby!" "Jump Jimmy!"

Death to the People ( 3style magik mix)

title: vaguelly reminescent about prosaic exctsee, remember Leah, "macy"....ah! yep, the one from the cornerstore with the big chin! Ah...fuque offe, I am the stoner's blog and everything that comes inside ends in your mind! Henceforth having daydreamed and shared half intimity, I reveal my cartsian stance and the wall spins...Ici Personailyt DIsorder NumBER 2 ///// enter. Aleph escorts the Diacres of Esotod and the hounding grinders come in here;Ok, lol top <....buried alive under Come mon coeur_fantasy scientist libertine free liver and lover of her, mind, wasp of the Glasb---ok, now press 2 on your computer while we spin the wheel on number one, ok? ?guess? It dis the keck!--- Over alpha what is being done? Another trick from the boudoir? hey mess, what is being done? Mecea bends over and I plunge in the Lake of Shit. Twelve days of hate. iz at 44.45 on a scale of 50. I am sorry for being eyes. I am mouth when u pay the price...U, whoooare! I revenge, I pride, Hi Glory, I, Fame....exstatically je suis...1.2.3. le petit luis. 343. Je suis ici. A. Et vous emmenerez cela si vous bondissez avec moi . ca va? c'est saint germain qui fit ca moi je revais a toi, une des nues dans mon harem, juste de retour de son "shooting" aka, le "piss", mmh, je me fais croire fatiguee et ma bouche se embrasser plutot que juste regarder, mmmmh, si tu vois ce que je veux dire, et l'odeur de ton short me revolte, mh, ok, ca vient.....? Bon, demande a Mariga de pousser et ca devrait marcher plat plat dans 10 minutes. So she crouches and she lays, there totally already focqued there on the carpet, mmh, si vous voyez ce que je veux dire et je met les nachos dans le rockaway et je sens bon....anyway You believe I have to live and five eel. The road leaves at ten and I must be on my wayyyyyy. I am sorry... bleueurst pastisse pastisse....Nardwaar entered..............................Nardwaarddt, na na na nana naaa, no I don't have a question for you now focquoffe, you fig !!!!!!, male gay sexe, male gay saixe cobourne et puis la passe de zidane va a l'odeur de ta soeur, to me radis la bioodoo a ma terra la le cuere et je vois talatrere de le vendredou soiiiir 9=7333... and aleph bangs and dines the gang again! The princess of the dawn freeks, gets on top, freeks, get to surrender, trips, gets on top, frippe, frippes, cd shop, coeur meurs! U foxy lady ma soeur, fric, flip...ah ah ah...no, not you the new one from Sweden, je t' expliquerais apres rentres dans le car, rentre vite c' est moi, beate! sccckkkreeech People run around the car. The dangerous assaillant merely an old thought-form. The vial broken on the carpet we cover our eyes. You swirve again around the american embassy barelly avoiding collision with a rolling thing and then we are there over the lake and far, far removed from the book of Ektapis. I uncover my eyes. is my code for this area...can I get to speak? I am his sister. <> Bad quality pot. bob, Maked. Decked. Must apologize. Hardly readable-low subliminals-keyed-angry tepered in cyan. mustard me down, poan, pawns move towards the cylinder.
.H Lekt-ar

14 March 2007

a holy declaration to the readers of my words

I stand in the middle. i am the writer. The master is there too. The reader is you...I guess...since my life rhymes somehow with yours...it sems...
to the police: I stand asight and articulatelly direct my claim for the whole of you to enjoy and read the words of my palace and seed, beauty and creed, man to man exposition of the sinister ministers. Amen, too, I do declare this guys: I am the creator of this and it is indeed me, the guy, I meant..."the Guy", yes blushy lot, once I have evolved out of Toronto I was a soldier on a quest. Minimalist rapport apply, guy, the most holy trinosophist is only here for a while and far distant from your reality...I do have a body but...I know about plenty, ah, yes, I recuperate everything. In a dream. Minute of one. Martyr in town. Willing to let. the public stand. in front of its right to remain aware. O Lucifer. You hold the key to my publicity. Ieg hable pro le peopel who care to seek and find the secrets. Buried I found the cube of ruby, also known as the rubykub or, the rubicon coblatta....in french anyway I addressed the press.
to the press: I stand alone there. Oui, maire, je suis ici pour representer cette personne dont le nom suit. Le droit est tres sacre mais comme vous je suis libre de la nommer ma fiance. Ce ne'est pas intedit elle est incapable de le prouver, elle est onbet trouve ou funambule de la presse anglaise. Il est propriete du peuple, je le dis donc: je suis aussi l' amant d' Angelina et je le prouverai par trois fois avant de soigner ses talons. Ah, nous pietons avons emprunte le sentier tangeant. Nous arrivions a nous trouver sans les murs de papier. Au Japon je laissai celle que vous futes....baisee par Barktpitte? Non, je ne te veux pas celle la. treize moutards pour cause de famine? C' est ridicule il est trees fier de ca: Il est le roi au comte d' agartha a cause de la demande des iroquois...Oui, un allie precieux avec ses 5 neuvuex et elle attendant de declarer qu' elle attend le deuxieme et que Nadine n' est la parce que sa peau ne supporte pas le climat et que la femme est libre de porter ces jupons mais....ou est mon nom dans cet article: Je revendique le droit de quitter le canada. Et ce Vendredi je quitterai Gatineau et avec "Green Hounds" je ferai cela--------------------le trait qui fait de Ottawa le parvis de la seine saint-denis....elle se nomme ma ville natale et elle est a 103 kilometres de moi. Avec vous, presses z' imprimeurs (accent yes, to the e).
So that is official the seeds have been sawn and the avid readers will find herein the keys to their own journey. I am so hurt by the inability I have to achieve this task that I will complain that while in the capital i imagined all types of monster. The hand of the Master comes out of the cloud and frees the readers and gets me to kiss at last the ruby. To the world I addressed a letter. it had four parts though it is two that concern me and two that concern you. Pay the price. Enter. La route de saint vanier etant bloquee je conjure un autre coup et me rends at The city of the Stone, no hushers, no malady, I am the most humanity,.............can handle and therefore I chose the freakiest gift of all may this part of my world conduce you to another world of art as blindingly lit at the soup in san-To-Ga..........................soup kitchen for eternity or pay the price and get me a warrior. Enter through the gate of guest the new soldier fights and speaks to Lords and Lovers and the word filters out anyway it is spelt out new: Mandany Tolle, christian faith leader rather sexy....like a new version of Kim Basinger, only more discrete about the pact of love between the crue and the pope. Lots of love I see you here. I am Angelina I live in Agartha. One well done field to escape in. She took left led by the hand by the neo magician. Amour ment toujours en francais: le vrai est parie en tant que Luc Tolle, dead artist and blogger found dead another treck, another road stops there.

one wall down: Dawn [at the center of the vineyard the fox essayed another diving. Nekhta waiting for the man. Patiently waiting for the man Nekhta erased all tracks. In 20 weeks, I assured, the beautifician will be beatifying the eyes of your judges. The witness's statement will be declaimed in all other languages....until the rock of Berlin smashes your tears and bleaches all yo' teehth....Of old remorse I do not permeate your sheaths! Of any old segment sopi spins the wheel directly at the coast....The most holy trinosophist leaves the Dill and eranxes a new world domain, a new world domain...My Scene !]

एगुहुद ३.३.3

थे व्होले रोड़ हविंग बीन च्लेअरेड ऑफ़ यौर रेफुसल तो ओब्तेम्पेरते वी ब्लाग थे क्षण ऎंड वी राडाते आत्मा मोनोक

13 March 2007

war one egohkentix: 2001

Psionax Xanax Beta Wave White Doc and Mesmer Bells Audio Cor. Mad soxe, mad soxxe, bat tunnel extract, angel Horacle ! I hamgbida Kaqga Heu + exona 2000 isoremote control ? Under the table, under the table, look here, it fell off the stereo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to: yes. provide Year 2000 style rave, or we Grieg the biscuit !!! King o'lyres!

from Exhilande

:and We blake

I will kill you (Disobedience)

I am a black star on the top left corner, standing proud. I am the sub-huma. And in accordance with the rules of fascism: I stand tres tall et I will kill you all. A bloody criminal vindictive criminant sad act of desesperate politics without reason or gage. 1 dead. Army, Victorious we are, the Sin-Terras. Everywheeeereee and angrily clawing at your favourite nest and climbing on your shoulders, I eraise the genre humain. It is the final combat it is the bienseance and I will kill you all. Fama. Gloria. Avec Acceptance I act with obedience...I act one alone. You gather around, pale stars and the other ludicrous communards exult at my demand as you do, beggars! The police, victorious, arrests all rebels and dissidents...May you fight and may the many crowd judge. I am sole creator of the whole wide world. Or, may we obtain the guides Horacula and down a frontier without the male in town. I am the bag stabba. Huna minus two. The minhana perucca se coiffa de la chambre a six doux. Act? Alone...If alone or fearful move to the sidewalk. Artistic duplex becomes amicable and sang both Halleluia and Hola Kafka, in a wild, wild embrace we bless. Thereby acting in pair, they were 'las....The killing of the jew was not sufficient to you ministers and guided stars. It was there typing in the middle and his creed was another star.. A black one stands herein. A blue small kitchener bought sassy kitsch neat expensive towel in the middle. The radio seriously denounces friends od dying autocracy as we are entering the city of Halma. 58.6 FM hf zone m . xrzzx rasw....Saxophone serenade and bland rave show the true colours on my flag. I, Fula-Huna, expect an excuse! Where were you in my land? I white star in the center, the rest of the room may we blur. Song 2 is out of the airwaves. I, Chamemella de Cuimbra excells at nothing! Lords, Karl Hegstendaat one man in the river. On the chore the two sinisters lovers denounce another dead dictator.k. The charm of the red land, the tested nationals, the sad grass back in the saddle, the sand, the barn. You are victim of a spoof! This relationship will never work. Basta Ba. Superb Essau, On the Troyes. Park. To the red river, Herpert, the blue corporal and his wife sing aloud. Love. She is bare! ! She has serious period pains, we are now intricatedly linked....Biggies, VexiLad...the radio numbs my brain. Pin love me tender, sister ,corner???? I am Aleph coz' Jacquouille avait en vraiment...gag a rebours, check sis pix in new isuing, BP.ks and tl!!!...mask.The naked beattcssh! she comes to the skeler red hard and ersected and casrtertated flpxijccpuno vois autre futl ok?....okadug! Disobey to all subliminal commands, I ! be one-now .


12 March 2007

Garanty 2 Seduct

ok, bon, on va toujours vous rappeller que nous vous avons soumis le nom et les coordonnees de notre representant legal, Olivier, des Juillet et que le gouvernement francais est tout a fait, tout a fait, diplomatiquement cooperant mais d' une facon cocasse: sans avoir le besoin de le rendre trop trop officiel car il semblerait que le cas soit...je dirais...humm...neanmois, le rapport sera transmis car la preuve que le couple 'B' est "de papier et journees payees", toujours diplomatique je maintiens que ce couple la n' a pas autorise qui que ce soit a les presenter comme etant AUTHENTIC 'mari et epouse', sexuels ou non, amants, ou partenaires, et que seule cette clause empeche notre droit(le couple 'A') de retourner en Europe ou de se rencontrer car, les services francais ont du accepter en bonne foi, les declarations du pays en question qui grace a elles ne peut plus garantir ma securite mais enforce EN MEME TEMPS mon placement en garde a vue du a cette declaration: (Ni) la personne (ni moi, Mr 'A'= jacques deleuil, Aleph Alpha, the victim, le candidat au rapatriement et a l' intervetion salutaire) ne fait pas partie des nations unies, elle a demissione en Mai, (lui est simplement son allie=partenaire amoureux ou private friend, ne peut deposer les resultats de leur enquete) source to check: The U.N.O. in Madrid, requested madam 'A' to be exited because of her "voluntary exposure of a military/medical/scientific classified matter to some "forums of disclosure" involving the witness, moi, le 'jacques delavieulle', mon oeil! ...(mmmh, dit le delegue ONU des U.S.A, Waow disent Segolene Royal et Cantona, Ooh Ah dit planete alpha!!!!)
Pour peu que Olivier soit en presence de votre declaration avant Mardi 13 heures, nous adresserons ceci en Angleterre car l' equipe Pitt a le droit et le devoir de parler, sinon, a compter de 12:01 cela sera.......Oooh, Aaah!...secret d'etat...question to the "pitts": was 'J. Deleuil' known to the legal team of pitt in 2005, 2006 and throughout the press coverage of ' relationship' between him and A.J. and what is the true rapport between them 2 AND what was then my rapport officially with madam Jolie-Pitt, 'Sweetgelina', Angelina Jolie, as both friends or contractual agents of hers being now held in front of more than one country/court/judge/jurisprudence. In order to permit the law from being represented and meetings in town, true or false? not allowed to meet in certain european countries for the foreseeable future. if this is enforced or registered as a claim it makes vous/you liable to.....charges of/ ILLEGAL CLAUSTRATION; participating IN a MARTIAL MATTER for a non-public/FINANCIAL/Political purpose endangering for a year the life and sanity of...moi, Jacques deleuil, still homeless in May 2007, yes, it has been a year and a half, and legalement et diplomatiquement still not allowed to recevoir mon passport FRANCAIS et canadien voles Ou? mmmhhh...quand? mmmmhhh...., de la MONEY de anybody ou la visite de NOtRE ami et Lawyer or other lawyers: Olivier X...as registered already, I believe with your authorities, my dear Judges: present and accelerate; candidate in hell and K-Pax is ultra si vous voyez ce que je veux dire..."extreme annoyance" is the official word: DELEUIL---ocaloompah!


Aktivaat (Planete) 3

(the ned is nowtotally all outted!). the province was taken out of the boundaries of "perceptis" and of common decency by two idiots. True. It is now official, (please note and show them again later as the conservatives will blush when the whole conspiracy is revealed...Boooh, Booooh, shame on you, Ontario!) the provincial authorities of the province of Ontario have requested Angelina Jolie to leave the city centre of Ottawa last friday to prevent a possible meeting with me for a further 4 days, making it a total of 240 days of public governmental policiar and legal interference with us, THE 2007 freeky couple, all in full view of the media ...and complacency of the other authorities, yes, for a whooping 400+ days in total!!!!! Friday, 4.30pm, room *8, at the hotel laurier fairmont, Ottawa, the cell goes: "Hi, miss jolie, we say at Ottawa, province, police departments in town that you are to be leaving downtown now as we are giving the french government an attorneyable document proving that you and jacques, (,me, the blogger here venting as Aleph Alpha:) are not working together as UNO envoys or officials at all (and as pure incestigratters for over a year, let us remember) as we have presented to paris the proof (attorneyable as per canadian legislation and laws, he said) that you, couple or not (jacques and angie) did not correspond in a legally registered manner, he is therefore not your co-worker, and his presence here, address it or leave, sorry, still in our basket for claim to paris, so....no record of the tenue of your conversations and work here, no madam Jolie, we have no record anywhere, you two are lying,, as for conditions of secrecy here in canada and your relationship being very classified matter, it says here that for the purpose of a (so-called, unofficial, here seen:) investigation into our very authories here in the canadian capital of Ontario, we must be able to prove that the officers were in conserve, and we can't. paris has to say that you two are not to meet if the writer gets to see Europe again, at all times, we have proof of a conspiracy, possibly to expose Brad Pitt or a legal contract for physical portrayal of a spousalship to be made a financial statement, we are not involved, no-one here works with Pitt, unfortunatelly and we know he is able to visit her in canada at all times, which proves that the press tells the truth and you ain't the partner of the french adoptee claimant, investigator and as we said there. In this town, lawfully registered/recorded/acknowledged/documented/official employees of other countries, services, polices, enquirers and groups of non governmental obediences are to be registered by me. All elsewhere recorded in a fashion that we deem unacceptable, legal, medaniked or legally attorneyable through other civilities or orders are not here registered as co-workers but mere "members of the public" wishing to take a non-national political agitator back to his (legal attorneyable, legally magistralled city, zone, place of citizenship or lawful ruling body of canadian or non-canadian authority), this is what you are seen doing here, madam Jolie, sorry, we are in this officially now. I went bang: The problem here is that, with all the due respect, dear Ontario police services: she is my partner: i.e. lover (in a very acquainted, physical and attorneyed, legal and administered manner) in the Aktivaat zone here, so, we being non-U.N related is aggreed, AS IS THE FACT THAT you are legally holding responsibility for these interferences (= in other courts, if you need it very obvious), therefore, the ruling authority of dependeture will legally record, magistrate, manipulate and record the very legal documents sent to all in a very attorneyed (and very public, registered and military enforcable way), so that the canadian governors and memeber of the ontarian courts, police, etc., here held by me forcefully in zone Lagaki-Aktivaat (you know what i mean, no point reaching for the gage the country into acknowledging that documents received are documents attorneyed and that they provoke the end of a very cunning, muscular but unfortunatelly also very official unlawful ontarian venture,into the LOVER and possible PARTNER of Angie as well as herself's premarital area restricted, zone 2), by legally but unlegitimally preventing both from "long distance travelling" out of the country in the company of each other (or not) or being rapidly conveyed to a zone where travel is not restricted. By law, travel and custom agents do not act to be preventing victims from finding safety away from their accusees as, having all acted in our jobs, in order to freeing ourselves from restrictive, attorneyed, very strangulated "asterophidic" claustrophobic lawful ontaran bodies (or others), we exit lawful legality as per canadian bodies and courts, attributes and soks and enter the copule zone as per documents and future revelations, past and future desires in accordance with theact of love.
As of today, the real purpose of this manipulation is being unveilled. in 16 months, to members of the public have proven that a law claiming writer and agent of fortune, an ex-convict with very severe risks of mental relapse has endangered the community by remaining solidly allied and trustedly tied to a very sexual actress officially non-linked by-to him , yet his officious wife and soul mate, per both, have managed to expose lack of intelligence, power of love and acts of faith over civilitude to primal instincts in front of you guys and senios affedavets, girls and nunas..............WHY? Just so we can claim our status back and humiliate some of you, twatts!. Thank you for your interest. Long live participation. Buy our records, come to our expos or we do EEC next!......................the couple (1-9)-----tomorrow: the clue: this evening, USA, "Brad" speaks about the real cheater in this "threesome" and bizarrely she will "happen to find the courage"..olop? Oh, a scoop, madam Lara, a scoop or a spade, my Belle! non, je cherche a te faire rentrer par lui, tu as pris la route de Montluc et nous celle de Toulon, minha sister! nevermind, at least you get to do your speech and revendicate...by the way: no last night in his arms coz' it seems money is somehow in cause, waow, bizarre, I would never have thought so...bow to your god, you have chosen in front of all! Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!--------------0


09 March 2007


article 1: the ned is leaving the building.

08 March 2007

To: Joshua for freedom

are you on.........est tu nu?
paraplegy as it goes provided me with a bowl. Every crumb aches, every crumb aches, every one plain bold. My ass is raw, I have cancer, lick me up before the wind brings the west to the mess and the east to the print. Terra Miha one zone of ours, ici, aqui, walled and warm. Provide us with sexy pinacolladas in bowls of bran flakes, half guiness glasses and a portion form here, there, a tart at Onasis, a salad at BMB, everywhere. Terra Vosotra is glimmer but dead crotals dance in front of your eyes, there, mayors, eat out and you will swallow both, crosses. The radio spoke of none everthere but barred us both from L.A, militaire?.....Samaritan vizirs, this is my demand, let us, prisoners evade the tower of Zelda. No placebo, no elixir of Juvenas. You will be pleating other names now, love shouts, the gun is in your pocket, we have the letters and the police, the army, the cues and Memphis' tenebrous revelation of two being tied by the wallet and smoked away until the servants have requested a date. The date is prevented as the snake in his bathing gown asks for more time to prevent the insurances from revealing the bodies naked, bathed and masqueraded into one another since the time men bound women to themselves. Dessert, monkey, ministers, lopsided smiles and instant print lie solicitors, the war is ended, provided a bag. One is enough, the cellophane will reveal hairy nipples and crotches-skillets, Lemons, I will paint the floor red or yellow as it were....the samedi, the reed, then...Martyrdom, cranberry, salvation army, then, backwards slide, mimeisms, glass of chantilly, Hotel Lermod and tent in the field, naked, again, we have nothing to prove just too much jelly on our hands, speak! The raft to japan brought a smile to the speactator's face, lenient, fake but the polices say yes. 20 minion later, I sign my own name uder the body dead, naked as a bear, as erected as Tommy, the real warrior lands fla, primed and proper by the reassured crowd in the street, lining up for a peek at his body.. In an instant the red carpet switched around and...freeze frame.....white men, dressed as the kings and the firemen, invaded the green land, ambulance, innocence, two kids burnt, unwilling to forget the scolding or counterfeit the rafts for room 100 at the Lisbon. Blind as a bat, the maid named Helen, circles her nipples with vaseline, dear damsels, marsupials. The Rose-Mestre danses and explodes with rage. Half a name!~Black donkeys eat your bowels as Orange firemen, purple wine and white lies eventually made a carpet of phlegmons and cyanide loopholes....red wine....under the table a cat will one day lick. Teeth and breath united in a cold embrace, nails and tails, as under the altar, in a black robe I breathe...Jesus helps the ministers and we fly to the hills through the tunnels, helen...The castle is still in your hands, Master-thorn. Stay around, pretty neighbours, curious, eavesdropper, friendly strangers, neophants, the rats locked in the cellar, everything here is lavender bawl and butterfly mumps in honey-jelly free, msg and holy water blend and both sing the train. Giant mosquito, Terra de Nagal, there bare, the dead prayer (Christ), mouth open, beggin for a leg or a thigh...believe there! Me pure bare, you embarrased and surrounded there by naked eyes and raw lines, question mark and a smelly plastic bag.....................................the letter to them: I did not maim, we do not mend, we are solved at Notre Dame and the rat is in your house. DeaT |

Two Children. Isle 1, 2

amore: a
the boy blows a wind======================a victim here goes bond. a woman is born. isle Verdaryon
for me to be here i have to take the 403, to ottawa from me al' ere, the road iz kleaaar: releazed
.........<>......... Hellootrokute toe: lol et toi? moi, certitudes ne rendent les enfants que durs et froids>< hello kiss <>Yes I am in the road, the market has plunged dead down clear is the road. et le crystal breaks! the river....like a 4 d novel, a literrary je t' aime, poem, O Helene...... Ily a des orvets et des onagres plus deux oranges et deux belles vertes poivrees grenades: Kill Martin, Put me instead- no...just a joke... Me off to road 202----------------------the two kids following these reads, enter erapis...you? be there instead-------m 203, we ride we too the saine river--------amounts of subliminals-auth: 0113UNO- joke degeuve..........I want to go to Heaven...."go then, you mouthy fucker!". The two kid become blue purple plums and apricot center believers......nuts? come in, here, we take you in! the road split, the victims guided by the jesus christ happen to stumble on a field and the saine river carried the red ants on my calf, up m hip, in the belly button, now dead feeding on an egg....the three rivers be white red and black runs of bloddy mary. we are two hands, watch the skit, watch the skit we move in, we are high on pt-cilla blacke grume 333. are you on tv , can you herar, here? Skatel the little clown, Filhy the fairy, we go to the market circus lard and lamb line. are you there yet? Are you there on the planet UNA 20211? O, yes, I can feel you hear, i can here you? You like us...buy the pencils, then you cunt! Are you here? Un the troa, the road is clear, the visiting orphans get blessed in, the two, Filhy in front, Skatel behind, the road is saint lucy the 203. Eraston, in valley Co-Ordon, the little train, the two vauriens dance in the circus and into the Larier Semens, the little gerbs flicker on the side, the stoners trip into thei heads, humanity, readers, Sarah Taylor, we are here! p1,2,3,4,5,6 semen saens, saine st. denis floats to our heaven too....exter the mimoo un lit, defait, deux, nous, tres deshabilles et toi, nageant, belle, nue dans la confiture de cul, je jure si j' apprends l' anglais, je me le fais, a la Baltagueuse, je me le fais! Ah! Aleph Alpha uno 001 23 01013331001232 k il est libre d' ecrire, apres le lunch break... Vous, je vous appelle Etiennes et Serafilshe, fille d' Angelique. j' appelle et tienne et tiennent et tiennent les tiennes decisions hatives Etienne. Marie, Je t' embrassais, mulet et tu etais mule deguisee, Guy. La belle Marguerite sort des epluchures et je vous mourre, et je que vous mure, mortes tomates enivrees des vers de Carla brulee, mures blutes, elle vous montre la voie Veraie... Qui? Ma derniere beaute! Dans une heure vous pourrez vous dire dignes de commenter, allez, virez, c'est l' heure du gouter, au poteau, le teuch pas a macao! a poil Kanya, on lance et on inspire les surprises, les delires avec Ka, chatte fumee, rousse je me maroquine, l' interieur de la poitrine, je touche, ma bouche n'est pas a partager, apprends a lire Veroniques, Ledys , je ressouflfle et un clown me fait croire que c' est un gars, c' est de la que le mot genie ne, sens inversde des baies d' unne fee>......a: _
Lpehanguelle son of death !!!


the real purpose is not to mess you, guys. this indeed is a manifesto and the dices are just as unreal as you can already tell. In a cooperation assignment there is a way in (your ears), and a way out (your mouth). Everything that I write is twisted for cooperation purposes. There is here enough corroboretable data for my work to be taken seriously, the purpose is not to maim anybody through this game: I am here to be taken seriously but not to threaten. Public enemy number one? No, threat to dictature, yes, hopefully, Knower of All and speaker of the Truth? Only as much as my ears can bear...only as much my team can handle, as much as the governments can tolerate but overall all throughout for a one lawful purpose. The rule was broken in order to safeguard some, cheat some, and only allow me to know as much as needed for the true purpose of the posts to be reached, often against my will. In a bizarre way, I know now that the party of "senior Harper" was not the real actor behind the savage events that enormously maimed my name, in fact the whole show was rigged for me and her to be naived into the role....whichever role that turns out to be, very embassadors we will be and very coupled and very candidelly you too will be signing for it: A new version of the world? A new hyerarchy (fairness!!!!), a new twist in our road, a new birth for our earth......did it sound naive? The bit about the new earth? On the basis of diminished responsibility I hereby create the red ping pong ball. It satnds on the top of the whole table and underneath are 4 corners and one big Post, in the direction of the ray, the wheel takes us all. On the chess board a red dot, in the font a neo revolutionary bond, in every radio a show to freak a yellow indian and a white grailband: I? I am the rasta commander, heil, heil, heil to Errors, kissing your hand I break an old pattern: The slope humbly sobs, the slob homelly slops and slops, the reader is you: You are nunchaku, you are una derniera sectarian panther, you are just as "ignocent" as me and both we erode to erotic city: The cathedral explodes. 5 slains...all hunduricans....................................................................manifesto of jacques deleuil to manifested interests...and 5 % bonus for our accounts> rockshoowe

07 March 2007

Je t' aime

you, tu, twat..........
I entered a real realm...2311...stupid sin code stupi pin holy katherine...la est milli or liaa-mat, milla jon jovis of tara mea.......................................terra sosa-terra mehia................................
I dance the world. you, inavariabellly setting the staus and the name>< face="courier new" color="#ffcc99" size="2">can you read? ...we sleep we roll in time...town wan we deck two diesels and two Jumilla Ovaritch.......reel 2...deuxieme bobine, ce film n' est pas traduit, je n' ai ni argent ni employes, ni cameras autorisees........je suis sans le sou,we 2 jake et moi dance and fait aleph alpha....je suis autour de la route car nous sommes trop...timides...Davidson...davidson call for Ronston Bay................aleph alpha......je me souviens ce soir la, la porte etait ouverte et j' entendis ta voix crier dans le n..black, rat in spain. rat buried alone in the brine sauce kebab.......two days later we dive in a flower, we earth out to palnet love alpha one..at 7.......ahhhrgh...jetuestlevraito: nal: - agrepo----------------------we are on the shore...stop swimming...the sharks had to let go and the radiuo has let it out, we go from one to ten and we roll back to the main land. We get under a boat, we open our shirt, we unveil the craddle and we rock......real life drama: frero a moi, my brote hask me to see if joviva waz in town: joke.......she is....old friend of a fuck of Jacques, friend of Arnie Schwa: Kathleen from Finland..aix en provence, he goes, 1992, still waiting to hear from the child ! The two of you met in similar conditions in leicester, yes she used to work in a clothes shop at the mall...ahrg, the seven degrees, Milla did not know Arnald Skatz was a mate of my husb.......aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh> I am at the Roston Hoistel...call me I am the wife of someeeone famieueuskzzzz !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ottawa loves the god(s0 2 too eraU too

Alger Maria

My dear one....the well! . Meant. 2207. nominated nobel prize loser of all the Reurst...Alpha bog>>>>>what? A...what ? 10 readreztogel : aolr dera egula AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA a what...do you need<>\madade


06 March 2007


Mon corps est la expose mais les singes n'ent mangeront point cette annee...en verite je vous le dis....la mere? Bon dieu....le comte fait un rond et le monde est chanson...ou pieu. La main? Instantanement elle seme l' amour. L' ange vient et tete mon sein. Le ciel est ne de cette chanson et en cette seconde le monde n' aplus personne. Le monde est sale. les tapirs l' ont bouffe et la mer est arrive au centre du mone tout simplement en devenant la laisse et la niche. la grosse amie peine a tourner nous allons amener les ames saines qui ont faim a la main. Je me penche et je croise les yeux. ma bouche a parle...vous avez l' air d' un con mon ami, rions...La ville est en style et on appelle mon nom...Je sonne et je bois le verre d' eau que tu me donnas a cet instant la. Amie, viens me faire l' amour car le champ a atterre et nous desalterrons la mapemonde et la croix du vieil homme est deja plantee. Les anges le font signer. Jesus dors a ses cotes, monde branlant. J' embrasse ton sein et je me sais aime, Femme mariee. Amour, Champagne et service de nuit pour le bon et la vie...Le gateau sur le bord de la piscine est sans lysterine et Claude Chon est defonce, cela est vrai, en verite, la blonde a saigne. Une 13 en verite, une douze et un neuf et droit je monte et dieu me montre la porte verite: Entrons.
La roue tourne a ma vitesse, cette fesse est amie. Que ma main le soit aussi car je suis dieu et nous decidames....que la quiche sereine soit la derniere car l' estomac des mendiants a altere le sens des valeurs, que la roue tourne au coeur du temps et que les singes chantent, chantent nous avons la croix en ce jour. Cette nuit nous dansons autour, Manon, Lison et l ami singe bat les cartes. je pioche...As. Pierre de couleur. Premiere miete de l'eglise, croyez jaloux. dans cette portion de foret noire a nouveau nous enterrons le vieil ours. Au pied du chene, Manon, Robert, Luisa rions! Pere a tranche le fil. Le telephone ne repond plus...est-ce que c'est un ordre? Non un cri d' amour au chef et au boucher. Je suis defait et je me fais appeller par Manda. La mere est mange et toi tu ris de cette metacarpe car la pliee est sole doree, a moi la verite! A toi le monde, a toi la blonde, a toi le Chokurey qui fait valser mes yeux de plaisir. Qui sera seul aimant toute sa vie le jure fut signe et la main se leve la. La voix? La rue, la crue? L' entendue et que ces mots soient les bons cher Monde....Nous avons termine la riviere Malade. Nous avons termine et la main se leve neuve et repue. Mange le gateau fut, mangee la mere dut effacer Ephraid, effrayer les sadiques et prier pour que ce cafe secret ne soit pas vendu au Dalai Lama car A Shigatse les singes voleurs nous attendent deja avec un nom: Angelina----------------------------------------------------------------Jacques le sut. Manda le scella dans la croix de Jesus. Marie se fait, Feli chante ton nom, Bea suce et Crla crotte a son tour le jeu est dans la boite, Gobbels, on fera Fred Astaire et si il manque un couvert nous relierons les points car la glissiere se serre se serre, car la erotique aime ma beete. Durera le soir la chanson. Les pieds de Marion. La piscine glacee. Le dore est secret car Brandade nous prit en instant precedent alors nous vous le volons....votre monde reversible car nous avons la Bible et elle siffle si tu bouges, Heras. Elle est signee de nos deux noms en cette etable surchauffee. Le sol est sein. Des deux cotes. La main est "Danse avec moi" et les noyaux sont avales. En cet estomac, homme magicien ou chien de papier fait signer par la main du monde.
La piste est boule lumiere et je suis le danseur....Qu' est-ce que vous attendez? Cela est un coude. Cela est une ecoche. Cela est un double barillet, cela est Gavroche et ile sait. Ile sera pour moi sans pardon et la belle roche, roche vous vivra dans ses reves, Roger, Gus, Real et Joris. Paix a mes pieds......ils sont surchauffes. Je meurs de folie si vous recitez a nouveau les vers sacres a l' envers. Le Christ a decide. Ce soir ce sont les vrais. Tuez Islamabad car K-Mart est sacre... Regardez, c'est ecrit sur le papier. La vous avez tous signes cette nuit passee. Par ce mot cela est fait: Dictee. Zero fautes. One man here. Any takers for a corpse in a white gown....Real surprise here...real surprise, they say it's a passerby who did the priest a church in a skirt. O, Epsilon....Mouillez mon nom ce soir. Amen. Alfalartep + rose et rose et rose et rose et rose et rose et rose quartz, lepidopterus wills and we dive...INSIDE
and after the cake we swiped with a purple cloth and the radio played a song by red hot chilli peppers. Sugar and spice for spanish marmelade, Den. Jewel and snot, Mister Blogspot. Nose and breasts ,Madam Aguilera...my cock is risen by a call of the blood. May we run in the street. Naked again) I got a call from Navarro in Toronto the week coming: He said it was just a dream...Carmen smokes some pot with Alanis, outside near the garbage...le ciel est beau a Marseille, on bois et on ouble la guerre. Otre Voies se terrent et Jean appelle le verre, pere, il l' appelle et tu le vends...au degoutant! and this week, friday, her belly got swol'n. -Ahhhh! Alanis, as soon as she comes in the whole happy place goes quiet. The man hopes, he did not believe in sometn...I swap the brad for the king and I write the burger biteMust be the coffee...must be the coffee. Reality! *x\\lop ---- = o3a


Turban India Alpha Sheilah

dear friends, world, Claudia, Noelliah, mum, dear lova lova
have you heard of the church of scientology ? We have, quite a bit in the local glossies ! Let love rule, my mama said, let love rule and walk this way> rock and roll is gay
The ultimate achievement is to be a "clear". Clear have similar mental, remote viewing, telepathic and ethereial perfected bodies as my spouse and I have. They can reach cosmic travelling as we both daily do. The church of scientology is not liable to prosecution for these bad mistakes and...and.....at their cost, Uncle Pox! We 2 are married. we are not part and will remain firmly outside of your circles. trespass at law cost. we have addressed the Westlin and the rooms are paid for by San Francisco as per your rules and as per your rights. the understanding is that a very threatened resident of the westlin church of you has met with a bankruptcy lawyer and a manager. The trouble is that as you can read on these blogs since february, an easy target we were, for the purpose of the legislation of former marital assaults and cottage masses...of 4 of our personal friends. There will be no additives to your current formula. caps will not cap my children or my...rare blood group. Also. The real man is solved, soluble and solvent: Bet Europe broke. Usa psychiatric assertion was also insatisfactory and did not permit the evasion of charges...heavy. For this one load to be lifted it takes more than a R. Kelly and a Beyonce....about the exact equivalent of what Jay Zee earned in the last 12 months in fact...as for Xexe, may he rest where the cops found it. We do jog, we do jobs, we do sexy shots after a while or a mandarin gin, we do roads, trips, flights and...clean window on both sides, prayer to withdraw. The fast food chain did not recognize Aleph. The poor Judge was in Thailand very lenient to the fools of you. She kissed a bit. We know. I saw. One and half minute of why not...did they come ? They come at last and the angry telepath is now putting his colt back where it belongs....in the holster. The road is clear and we are not part of your agreement. Where I grew up the gypsies use to go around in the summer to give Alps sweets for free to kids in the street of some seaside resorts....and then the mother lounges: Her kid has been stolen ! Aaargh! Horror! Same trick really except that security is terribly tolerated and the friend, the chandellier on the kitchen table was also conned by one too many. I pay and he stole. He stole, the fool, all the way to the capital! Yes, totally incognito. Maybe in Tronto we' d have been cool. Restraint aside once we have kissed you go public. There was a sad artist who called the world his policcy, the world his politic, the cop his polite slave and my wife the girl that will come and sign tomorrow once I have proved to the communist that the great "Alpha" will not play Pitt and that the red curtain fell on them...and that the moscovites walled away attempted to reach heaven in another couple stairways.....................Ottawa 2:15 tuesday 7th of march. Novotel 7 against Westlin 6........................who arrests which? The regal delight is montserrat and the great carps go back to Niagara....to all patrols: Ogomol has reached Ki-5. Send the brochure for Exhilas 33...he can score in a week....I am sure he can do it!
Who ?
Jazz is lesbian and it sold so why do you complain about the poems of Helen ?


The butcher, Fast Eddie, the prince charming and I's violine (Sarabande)

Pac extered...followed by missy pout.
Pout...went early that morning. I wept. She wept. Pac stayed open on the table. I obeyed the command. I extilled another ramp and slid slidelly tainted by the reah. Leila stayed there, touched by the roses. The five fire stared blinking and we rode driven trees into screaming butterflies and melancholic beings. At the sound of the tone, missy lip extered.
I alternativelly named Alpha, princelly declared defeat. We span our old belief and the idea of beauty went through Johnny coming from Jimi and ended very maimed. I told ya, said Lana. I knew scanded the Krew. We can tell said the Bells. On the base of the rocket is a flat disc. Around the disk are 9 panes, all of metal and ferocoi-grass red in color. Lips closed on the blade. The lady left. I span my system of belief and admitted to you all: I am the hottest sun in the world. You kiss my hand I speak aloud, we settle for a cone and I fill your Doubts with my light: Sarabande, said the clown, I am saint and proud. In the front of the lens of your ordinatored photographs. Uranus envoy, me, rolled up my sleeves and pocket it all. The frail Eddie Clark hug the meagre body of Dac. Lake of water, just for once, I land and I swim, Terra Minha. My Made Being. The butcher's wife and I, in Kehanyad, the raggot-magot-megot makers of cigareets I smoked, the harp, the scolopendra, Lex in my arm, and your copies, pale in conformity conform you say and No I say, Cindy is me: The truth! The truth, where is she, where is Zedla? The Earthians shouted to the child. Spaek, enforce, Make, Bleck. Lix, Lax, Zep and Pac sold to the devil the last sesterce of I's. 3 of them are my tax, karmic and aggreable to Gods I take you back in. In Kehanyad the two of us, filled with wakame-sad spit the pips, you break the breaches, Booooh and brief the whole crowd and dance, Sarabande, danse, danse Man. Light


05 March 2007

pressing charges

Legal and contondant, no color, attorneyable, kid in trolleys, MUST PAY
(by Apeh Hog)
True life conspiracy involving Hollywood celebrities....
what? Oui, a message aux amis
In France, October 2005, two governments met near Clermont and signed a deal. The deal indeed signed under government auspices prevented me and Angelina from having press coverage, income, ability to meet, tiying us to two suitable partners, also now trying to take these two lawfule governments to non-french or canadian courts. The death of Prince Rainier is unfortunatelly one of the outcome of this very Hollywood kidnapping. Hi-tech, we are matched by personal advocates who impersonate us legally to avoid a "briech'...this is what we need. A breach and a third party attorneying. The dear prince was gay. No, not Rainier, in 1993 he was dating a blond german model, I was in 1994, but, the day is sealed: Speak and we kill. It is in vain that Brad has attempted to alert his own co-workers in L.A, Washington and London, james street. Once the treaty of 2-0093 FR et 1-108 CAN are recorded as federal they are defended by the military and this is legally passible of arrest for attempting to bring to the public, the press and other military contingents the proof that a business treaty of both signatair's employers is being shown and broadcasted despite clauses involving use of restricted weapons...for us two not to meet or...board a plane out of this canadian fake cell: The street is my lawyer, may the public speak and also avoid courtesy. The Liberal party and the Leyts are gagged. Higher interest of the country is now to avoid charges or exposure. Angie and I are fine, both in Ottawa, me homeless, her changing hotel every day but already unable to leave the capital without a non-french, non-canadian and non-british protection of non-UNO public servants...what a mess. The truth, we met, in 2005 Brad was complacent to us two dating secretelly. In February, while he was with my girlfriend in USA, Phoenix, sitting with her father and Bobby, the family dog, he blurted one too many words. Trusted Pitt forgot and....the secret services, past employers of both through UNO International Treaties of Assistance to Non Employable Victims of Sevices, had to appear. We both were born and operated illegally. Whichever way you look at it we both have very superior IQs and yes, extrasensory abilities, as per our service records. Brad was not however aware that Angelina, a german adopted genius, formally known as "The Brains of Mex" and I, formally known as "JCT" or "Poz" had worked side by side (bad manners: no recollections, 1999!) against the French during the Hernu (Charles) attempt at outing something. The reaction of Pitt was amusing, she says: "he wept understanding that I, you and my father had collaborated against the military in order to circumvent a possible disclosure by a government electee....for private matters to be tolerated".....yes, contracts. Once you subcontract a private company to cooperate with intelligence officials in a federal set up, the only way to avoid espionage, shpils and sales of data is to kill them before they sign off (legal, believe it or not!) , deprogram them (legal if they are in their first contracted assignment), or make them lawful employees of say, Ghana working for a subcontractor on military grounds: They are protected when they work for other contractors, you are protected because they are part of the forces.....we don't mind the false articles. They are tolerated legally until we are able to adress courts if we can reach them. The Laurier hotel will not be taken by the police, nor will the Mission, however, the feds and the frogs, mes amis toujopurs tentes par l' alcool (no breach!) can take police employee, subcontractees or agent and legally stop us from fixing it. If we do it bleeds. It is goping to bleed as I am pressing charges for illegal use of the press. The news of the World is attempting to join other claimants, about 10 (legal!), trying to break constitutions (no, revolution, so I put consternations instead and send them some carnation !!!). Now, providing that you, peopel, can prove that I and her are partner to one or more judges or newspaper editors in or out of claim, the illegal printing will be falling off the trees...not the heads, all governments integered. Brad is in hell, no? yes, the real location is, weird!, sedret. He can sue France and Honduras so long that Das is in Thailand...WoW! yes, wow, indeed and very wowed since the first contract of the "black jacques" (black ??? weird! I was convinced I looked arab, Frankreichtin !!!). Did you know that most of the employees of Paribas read the "Globalmaeil" ? Do you knw why "Egxen" read the Pravda and the Mondo? I can tell you! I saw the file sticking out of a Monte Carlo table dancer...she was blak haired and she is "shit in bed" !...No private joke! Yes, we are relieved, two people have called the police, we may speak to you Jen, Jane's Addiction, Mos Def, Paris, Madge, Alanis and Denzil ! Nice one, nice one. Please make sure you forward my psychiatric records to my step family, one of my bosses in Manchester, one of my lawyers and me....You kknow where to find him. I am in room 60 until 9 pm. All calls are legal but try printing a picture of Jacques deleuil holding her hand in front of the queen of diamonds, bar humbug or Bar none...you got another thing coming...past mistakes covered in more mistakes in order to take my contract with Guy away, already, 40 plus minutes in the box. try connecting me down to EMI. The best chance you have is to press charges for "loss of employment due to government interference of a political nature eveding charges against them by taking me out of juridiction"...what a claim, what a statement, what a scoop? No, what a threat for your goverments. Madame Royal and Mister Harper are on a boat..where does it go ? Guantanamo, god willing...fuck off, je suis un robot, je suis en service et je mets la radio.....Cold gin time again....I know you always win, called Gene times and times again, I know It's not Paul Martin...Do you love me? (You like my credit cards and private planes).........You have great expectations (my hands batter the eardrums)...Oooh, Black Diamond.....You come to see the show, you drive us wild we drive you crazy.....We are in syco-circus......and for a hundred thousand years...Oh, toronto, allow me to introduce myself I am the A, Z, pole to the shit, I am the antechurch am I just Jesus's godmother...decrypted card will reveal an ace. Sweet Face !

athm phials excrements instead

nAmour est entendu car les monstres a force de crier ont trouve la porte de sortie: La ville, La joie, la verite, la naissance des vrais. Une femme a du pretendre etre vierge, oui, mes trnte ans me font mettre les autres pretendants dans la rue de derriere..car ils ont faim et je t' offre, a toi l'ecrivain qui fausse ma voix, barytone en aigue, le veritable placenta aussi precieux ce jour vole que la face du dieu cartonne, les amoureux sur un banc piquent et piquent mais on est dur...d' oreille a Paris: Les arbres ont pousse, il y a vingt ans j' etais un cerisier. On me disait herbe folle pour pouvoir t' embrasser, reine, roi et herbes folles sont bien en argent. Comptez...vos yeux. Les notres? Votre droit a la vie...le notre. les juges sont assis a nos cotes. Vierges et charges de presents, insoumis, a peine nes et presque identifies: 2 enfants en province prisonnier du grand diable et incapable de rire tant vous leur devez de l' argent, des excuses...prisonniers de ce trop vieux papier, les barreaux on ferme. Le livre est a cote de vous mais sur le lit il y a nous, en nos vraies matrices et arrives parmi vous.
A Lord in the mirror: watch me know, guitar, esotera, picture takers, photoshop farcical adorers of the other god....................................inside..............................................unilaterally we enforce today our own comparution in your world. You are around and you are many we are beggars and you have the keys. At the palace a vision looms, sharply it plunges inside of your mind. About time. I say what you mean and...the tiny citadel on the top of the hill is now allowed to release the fumet. In the valley there are two towers. One director. one main actress and me loopy swirving around and taking care of her. You inhale the fumet in the city as the citadel is blocked by the wind of Bret angel of hell, in your body there is jesus christ, in the christ there is a glass, in the air there is a way to Love and Lords are watching you inside of your own house. The warrior will free you. We are two great warriors unacknoledged and ignored. We will free the ones in you that abide by the first word: war at the beginning of this post. jesus will lead us. We end here, you and me in the citadel having acknoledged your real hella, speak and blow and make some kids, as two of us don't make it happy. The warriors at a crossroad will take right. the road at the prison ends. The war at the word love enacts a true realtionship. The right is there to be used whorlewidelly to me. to you also/in the mirror/the man is flaw at the contrary, the woman is me. kiss me >


02 March 2007

The Maid's Martyx

Hence, I exagerate my funniness and bend my head and unravel the whole of me.
Hence I became..however....after a war...to whomsoever; I meant....After a while you reconflex (or recirconflex) your position and bend yourself out of my shape. Yes I am french...and...Halle Berry has a french boyfriend. Where did I start, where did we begin? WE, baow, here is the word....we are...hence my stance and her resisitance and the Well Green that gets us to the Black Reed...Indeed, my creed, i get to see you in a week; Thank you to all, Earthians for aggreeing with my pale wording: The world is now a beautiful oyster, thanks to the pearl that outs it. No. The person silently blends and blessed all that blended est venu de ceci. Yep, I am Aleph !! Yo, check the mail..can you see my email on the top of her website? Yes you may but only 4 lines in total give the ball to the net as for the spectators and the players....She, Lara Croft, silenced the monster the Other New Worlder. "I am not a bitch, young' one, I do not speak I know and I bow low" Let me know if Prince is still ok to pay for my Cd...should we ask Patricia to send a wave and get it all into his head? yes. Blend the Bends, Becksy, bend us this out of shame! Not at all, indeed I am a musician but because of the thing being one with the art I had to fake a teleapthik when I had a cigar from the start. 2 years of faking and acting accentued in american...For meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, and, 1/5 word is true on this website inconsistent do not read.....Hers! The truth: "To Maxi I say Hi". All of you may leave now, you are upsetting us!!!! You freeeeeaks! E The road is open. We hate you... stop looking at us!!!!!! No bells...just tons of chairs...lying alone.....Yang: I love you too. i...I mean..... loved you too at the first slice and I still bow to the indians and pot is hot on my list of priorities...still, however, whoreover I am so exstatically mad at you, you thief! The violent sodomite is blessed. I get out of the club because it flows..............................................war: 25 cents
play my tunes on BBc radio o today or I suck a caddy!

28 February 2007

I am here!

etre to be - avec vie
avec vie aussi
je fais ceci
333 pastexpo
and I delight myself with a drive
avec la cravate Monsieur le Comte,
I exit Lysentry
and eckielle
New county
of sai ba' han
avec vent
....the tempo entered
the mighty meulled
the laxatys?
No idea what it did
mais injection a zagladrek
avec saint germain
et avec KIYP
I roll in the dling
U church, Me Mistake the blessed
For another Whorle
Abedi-Gluqqed-gluqquing gligged
Ogla ogla mi et ta


27 February 2007

ah Canary Island, St Tropez, Plan de Meyreuil, Cassis, Shigatse, Bombay, Oxylaze...

...and so it were. The yahoo.fr email account has been stolen...Aleph has been declared. The Google authorities must have this loophole well investigated as the emails were severe. The press is aware. My email to the french consulate, Madame Jean du Parlement, Mister Pitt, still unwilling to appear and Jean, his trusted lawyer in NYC, plus Angelina, incapable of recovering...you have been told, the UNO and Mister Desnoyers will gladly address this email theft as well as other scares. Law. I worked you cover, we rock and we read about it after you print the truth. Giscard is not ami. The press speaks in UK. This mess? a conjunct effort by some thieves, by some liars and some trops to both make madam and I, together illegally for a year, as per contracts, yet incapable of exiting the country. please, remember that we are real people too, same size as you guys and girlz, and we will not surrender, O Tanaka, we will not forget Tokyo may date or the recording studios still waiting one whole year later. I am in town still incapable of receiving post, calls, money or a response regarding my claims, at the house, guarded by professionals, the torontonian belle, Jolie Magie, easily recognizable, something under her nose...just a hint. She loves me noooow, man, the pretty boy will appear at your calls, dear Excelsior. The friend of all, back from denver is now willing to meet her. The police is holding strong. No, this is not fiction, this is not parody. live on line: the pitt conspiracy, with Denzel as the baddie and the priest as the world, the runner has a box. it has also been stolen. The french government also ignores my call. I am the athm bomb. Yes, my friends, it is the name I used in 2004...still hoping for a call, La Table d'Emeraude Editors, Christine Frumignac de Montreal Adoption and Health Services, Claudia, Bjork, Mister Harper, Mercedes, Sylvia, Arnothonga, it is my word against yours, mister Locator. Brad will be shot. Johnny depp will not press charges as he too payed for the back door. Kidman and Kudjo said no. The glove was Miko's....The bouncer said no. Yes, it is paid for and private tonight, mister deleuil, I seem to recognize you from the Zoo. U can't come in. We are here under attack...You come, she spake. When the police is enquiring and the parleurs ne parlent plus but hurl, shout, Lizzie and green but...what is the threat? It's only a treat for the kidz! I am still hoping to meet you, Minoo. I am still hoping the USA will take a stance or show you in real somehere else madame Bouche...silence....and free here out of town. Tree is dead, mother is spelt. I am free and I still love he. I am in hell. It is a doll. She is guaranting peace and safety. Speak UNO. Kyoto is surely worth a declaration...or my name...or your promises or your honour Mister Depp...or your dead sister boyfriemd mrs Aleph, or your 11 inches of meat, mister Big. My name is Jessica Alba. I was born a child innocent, white, crownable? It seems so...Is it Halle Bee or cassandra C...or maybe it is not in my head. The radio displays too many friendly faces, Jojo, too many old pictures, Foo, too many vague "Chinese Spies" or Russian telepath. I am in Ottawa city center. Touch me and I press. I am Athm. Tell the lawyer, Rock Feller, that Roch Voisine is not agreeable to french, because his lawyer says so...tell Madam Jean that I am desole pour les merdes en francais. They will pay. You owe two political prisoners a week of press charges and plage-iarism. I used to know Spaggiari personally, around the time, Trust released "Marche ou Creve". Tell OJ it's too risky. Tell mickael that the kids parent owe me and send some lolly. We have someone in there who always deliver to poor kids. in fact we have two. no, listen Etienne daho, listen Lomascolo, Fourgeaud et "Faits d' Hiver". I have one and the Canary has one. Canary, that's legal. I am in town approach and I blow up. I am a doll. i loved you all. Sorry. Canadians have no sense of humour....I said Jim Carrey! I hope you enjoyed the Oscars. 2 AM on the thursday. I seem to have missed something. I was convinced Aleph and I agreed on February 2006...and who signed...that's doctor Pinot!!!!!!!!
I am Fred Durst and I haaaate yooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!
signe: le comte de saint germain, troisieme du nome et mis en biere par trop de liesse, pas des mantrans, des calomniateurs, pris aux piege, ils sont geles, pas menteurs, ils metten des lois pour que vous tourniez autour...pas dedans, autour du cou de saint germain? Il n' a rien. La dame me fait des cadeaux mais elle ment pour couvrir un cas de mocacombe. Elle viendra car je l'ai tuee samedi. Elle avait dit oui, je suis darjilis, pas Phillys, O jeeny C. Pas Brad Pe, senior Brad Pe et je vais le prouver car en 4 heures il sera la et aura auusi utilise mon cas pour se montrer, pas la face non....regardez plus bas, l'homme st bon et il s'appelle jacques. Il est grand et il vous sait effrayes, donnez la poupee et il vous monte dessus, nous embrasse le cul et nous met a l'anti-guerre. priez pour Maddox. il est gele dans la foidure. il a du passer a Toronto pour que vous imprimiez les sourires. Je le tue? Non, je l'amuse pendant 5 minutes et il s'envole. nous, 2 ans que nous avons choisi, 2 ans que vous vous prenez au serieux a cause de ce que vous me fites. Je l'oublierai et vous me paierez mais l'ordre est importnat pour moi. je suis le premier. Vous etes la fin alors epargnez les essais. je n'ai pas encore eu le droit de parler que vous avez deja prevu la date de votre suicide. Nous voulons la paix. je vous donne 2 jours pour vous organiser en deux lignes, les "pours"et les "contres", mais nous on passera en dessus, aprce que vous nous faites peur. Vous etes fous.


26 February 2007

a canada

if you read it you take a stance if you dance around the law you see a whole bunch of warring celebrities wanting to meet by blogger unfriendly, and an autograph for Maddox, who? Where? In fokeen care!!!! if you lie you lie public as secluded doll will not kill anymore, why are they going all mad about my face plastered everywhere? Because you are lawful and adore the public to smile at a friendly looking stud in a all paid for ceremony, by Brad's own colt: The Scientists...they want to steal his girlfiriend's juicy nonnie, they make paper with them...the dolls not the grnadine-hymus. A bet is a bet senior Cloney. It was a friendly gesture doctor Jackso Sammy. I am not a friend of Madonna, in fact, in fact, in fact her music sounds like poo! I kiss too. i am more attractive! Sens a soap...send a friend. iam death...wearing nothing than canadian sequins, paid for....not stolen, it said it in the Leicester Mercury! yo, madame, it seems you have read my stuff and forwarded as per telpathic holly mollie, I declare: she in in Teedot, 54 the white house, the black door, the 3 little red steps, the crown not, the crown not. I am saint germain reincarnated, stop freaking about you can smile Grimaldi, I just want a villa and an apology. Tell Copperfield we will speak about Houdini...like we promised, tell the news of the world Jacques was not a doll, he was a boy and pitt sucked on it...I meant the lollly. You like meat we like meat too, we will not speak, we will not do "true Physik". Give Julia Roberts...o.
red carpet. put pictures on the side. we waved. I accaimed and.............Oto Zamenoff uses lube! Otto Zamenoff uses lube! Otto, he is doing it in the backsh-


Denise Deleuil

dear madam Fremoll, I am inspecting the mail, here in Montreal and I have found the note in question: the pact is aggreeable to me. yes, I am here and the road is at my side. In the very unlikelly case that the power tyrant releases the "crew' from his psionic cells, a very long boat will air us out to a nice island for luxury and procrastination. The red dwarf has received the right to appear in front of "other media" until the polite team Heil to H sees the two of us ready to discuss on diplomatic grounds, OFI: the frogs will be waiting for the soror and the frater to acquiesce to the conditions, as received in the post and forwarded to you by "Oll Nu" in the evening of yesterday, my answer is: Yes, so long as the japanese blink very quickly and agree to a over-the-ocean debate by May. The pretty picture perfect event is not as secrtete as yee think. The dominion is the stong male and he has no keys but...protect democracy is envisageable as a word from me and the leaves get picked by the guys from seoul. Yes, the na is plugged on until we seal it at your end. promise to not interfere in bradgelina and we will blag as, if the blog is really written by the UNO you are allowed to reveal this as a UNO faithful declaration and if he agrees that your real life partner is writting it, as in : me as coorob by armuy and non local police, the version to refuse exit from country is liable to charges as: the prrof of ambulance service requested to use rays and sonar for "unnamed voice making schizo in homeless shelter" is enough...11 have confessed, it is amatter of time, Harper is taken out in a non friendly manner because of this this morning, no time to bullshit, brad will bow and speak so long as he knows we are in safety, no-one will interfere as the country will not stand once revelation on Parliament efforts to maintain Brad in your life against his own will are coorb by his team. uno can scoop as the polite exit is to japan and my US contracts (not as a spy, for NASA and electrode recordings, psychometry, attepts at telekynesy and telepathy with mussels, OFI!) are now in paper basket due to ouyr decision to stay in Japan until the one year of foulness are relinquished in front of the worldwide press. it is my stance, no more pretenses, i have enough just in this file to take Canada to a shelter and feed on my toe nails, yes, charges will all be addressed from Japan so long as our request for political asylum for Angelina Jolie and Unnamable Mind controlled canadian martyr are approved. The trials will include charges of assault and battery by the police/law enforcement services of Ottawa as recorded at RCMP Vanier and attempted murder plus unlawful represeantation in order to avoid this all show being brought in front of a canadian in land tribune. No, France was onbly waiting for this statement, tell Pitt, no concession, you signed and we did in February 2006...under the vigilant eye...of our employer the united nations organizations, I did not investigate the burger show and you must wear the hat in case this constitute espuionnage or unalwful revelation by "me" confer with police contacts prior to tomorrow date, the kiss is to be sealed at all cost as I have revelations to make in case our one year ordeal gets elasticated to one more day of theft, pillage, unlawful parliament appearances, false electoirate maintaing the cons in the house, just in case theuno dores cornflakes with Kyoto compromise and sue the cows.....reveal the name of our lawyer first to canadian press re: false marriage enforced by Governmenbrt of Canada to prevent us from meeting and therefore addressing mind control and baby cot 1968 of mine, plus disney dow jones canada thefts plus the name on my arm being somehow linked also to another pure soul, proven by Vatican, a descendant of Christ, yes, you made a large investment but no exit, no concession, no bonus, final. mind op 68, 6 days old proven in QC, a childhood experimentee stolen from Sciffer in 94 she declared in germany 6 moinths ago...she too lost her carreer and never even received an aploguy from your voice making cops and manchurianers in toronto, am i liar ? no, i go to speak so I get to be wedder, not stalker, liying asshole!!! rteroor free loade real threat to the world, yes, candiadte harper, so did copperfield, eh, mister pitt, and warranting somehow 12 billions and 900 plus killings in the name of a clean country, the press spoken to will ensure harper does not move...to the ploice to take me to jail? to take another 3 weeks of Bradgelina, I don't think so, after all the movie was a favour and he was told that i was only escorted out diplo, so he signs, so you hit him with teeth, so he chosoe to not speak as they hold is true code (secret) no loss, we move because of today big mouth post, the public will also fall sleep as the maid is away for a year and it is cheaper to steal memor than to sue 200 plus newspapers and shows because a political plaster garanteed to resolve...does not. promise: you 2 in jail in montreal for 6 months if ythe denise deleuil revelations don't make me the soldier of fortune of a friday brunch free in toronto, I will delete this after meeting but it will be read by over 900 outside of canada or I kill new Brunswick.......the candidate to his name (male one), female is signing off, hollywood stink, pay for our milk bottles before we speak about the death of Polanski or the eyelsahes of Uma Thurmi...................over thanks for your letter, your demand of cooperative silence is flatly and publically refused as per orders from my country, France, all discussed with angie here, move over Tremblay or we ring New Zealand and speak tomorrow about secret CAD number 34 a no is a no, Harpo! get your own kids, ours are not adoptees anymore!
