30 January 2007

Guilty when Heard

throw in all the people determined to not allow Us, we two, we be for 15, weeks, days, watch the leaf shake, watch the leaves burn...born to prosecute, corroborate, expose other affairs, INCAPABLE...BOTH. 5 my ex-wife swapping emails for public documents, editing and pasting addresses to attempt evading deportation, mortgage investigation, criminal checks in England, the press, fierce, the "mk montreal doctors of death", faking birth certificates and avoiding attention I am the robot, I am a telepath, paykotak if you listen to the robot puppeters of Salavation Army Base 333 in Monte--Karlo, hero, Braid in 12345I speak to aliens and I meet...I killed 6 said he, I kiss, he smile and we sleep in each others dreams....X, the lawyers, slaloming around charges to enter allegations, fast, fast...(just evacuate, Jo, I sign up!)........add then the threatened kid (too rich to be named, too caught by the buzz, in towe), add the possible disclosure: salt, the legal courts and all intercourses, love, add anote, and the THREAT, I mean...the THREAT, plus the ones worried about one too many bona fide legal items laid open on a desk at the wrong time, those of you know how much this cost, those who know how much it should have cost, add on the others and the mice, plaintiffs without legal statements, her voicemail, the mums, the victims hoping, fearing, reading up, the guys in their padded cells, silent, the fake friend of my mum, 200 nervous chicks and 3 begging record labels, plus the methodologic notetakers and all the friendly voice hearers in town, outside, the net, the Skulls and Bones & the masons, the gode, begging for a line in, throwing dollars in, plus some weird bullshit stuck at the bottom, (you need to stir, cook!), the poppy fields forever purple hazey, and some US attorneys in need of one meeting, , a stamp, the buzz, the boner and..... yes, plus the withdrawal of one claim.....................add two EX-spouses, nervous wrecks, caught red, hand in the purses, multiply these 2 by two (us), slow cook. Add sesame if you wish, one way or another this dish is pure harrissa...look at the "confidential" data , avoid public image biographies left innocently on his whole desk, open all. 1 page, 2 pages? (Oh what a sweet heart! What a beautiful couple, the more they grow, the more they change faces) The Law, solid.....I request mild chilli and jalapeno sauce, plus deaux croissants, Pardon me, pardon my frences, my erasme, my delates, I was hungry.....for What.... a threat No a world state..me...n.... yy T no, this is something else.....read between the lines, come on! jump one and bey the blow. you press an I blo, st and

29 January 2007


the same..........1,2,3,4....................this way, the red leaves and the white stain...disdeanously render the omen:
role model..............seeks.seven.eights of gold, liner of the gnomes, ratificator of all............the sick greek sticks his mind out off this window, the green grass hops in and the reveller glows but miniaturizing our needs, that little screen flattens the black to the blue...........tower doll..........lilly, a mauve and yellow centered marigold..................falty talented robot roders meek mince oupiasts and giant lovers of all..................the time.......octopus squid squirrel ecureuil deleuil seui c'est...haut..................I am single done. the same.....................TONE................applies all the time......to all.....................the same applies to Mo' Yo and............LOCK.........6,7.........the same applies to all......................the ruby is me: Je suis ici pour faire la vie....the world has forfeitted the crown: world has forfeited Molly:-----the midi seeker has the right to forfeit as, it clean indeed, SUN voluntarily held away the

ay for the January SHOW......and that bibble Bee and this Beeble Do- want to roam in stereo....Eyes bright mice open Obenne Doors, here, just jokers, not solely instigateurs: the room is clean, the road is clear, one was a real friend, the third a pure alien, the other one is a Paedophillys Sensualis Octaned and Pheromoned...buzzed and beamed satellite swap stars and swipe stars but don't let the moon in...who do I picked...............\ line:

New Atention Deficy Disordees

bad news
error context: it is unseen: the news
the bad character has been taken to [---], considering the amount of outstanding charges already in my favour
the dilletant reader will not be indulgent today...neither are [--]....all declarations are welcome on all sides...Treat!!!!!!!!! Spin the mouse and relish all print, O, Men o' Good Will, and fans of ol' times , but.........
small today for you all in court (around 1200 from our source)
K.O. by me ... for the two of us, obviously...............asap...asap...asap...asap...asap...asap...asap...asap.....
.....champagne....or large print ? ... Roll the bones.... roll the bones indeed...

26 January 2007

the gregarian field

Belief Hopes for Sucess. One man in the cellar, one man in the greek. Kissing you mildly, attempted I to make my way to Sarape...Bad track. Past....relinquished. Fixed. It was not easy!
The greek man in town, caught between sandwiching his ideal in semi-equal slices and relinquishing the Roys, grandiloquently accepting his payment, opens the lid.
The lid
The lid is open
the caught assassin trapped in a corner in an empty box of Korn Flayxes relishes the ban.The Madmen in town
Having reacted by freeing the suspect of his crumbling tower, mad devil in the kingly ship, I arose penguin and made a wheel at Cartwright.
In a car crash, The Maintenant heard, Alphalep, make-up and excrutings included,
Open a wide beak
And ejaculates the boat.
Swam, swam, proud relinquished, Eye, I, I, Highs and high end jinxes,
Here I got you out of the derelicted yellow cabin
You reached thy's high hand
I pull up the plug and the mud
Wanders off. Low end.
Breath ished out the cod
You live...I made a wish...It sealed me to relinquish
The big Shit' hssss
Love and kiss
on a...............boat


The Truth ( Machiavelli's Last Dance )

A really nice present. The chemical brothers will have dealings with the real lawyer of this blog's writer and co-owner. yes, Google, I just have an insight and therefore all copyright is now again mine. Wow, they don't mind: They have acquired the URL ! A beautifully fit amicably famous URL! Theft of copyright? No, I never said you did, Just protecting. Burnt before, stings again! In case of reprinting or redirecting of my writing, protected yes, by INS in and outside of New York City and San Francisco Bay, make me aware of the best way to take my pack of words and transfer everything somewhere safe. Not for publishing, just for the sake of looking at my art and showing it off to my new friends...on and off line.....but enough anger, we are all in this for the same thing.
It has been heard, O dear Chemical Brothers. Aoouch! I hear the provider of -song from Athm Demo- sent in 2005, to EMI Mississauga, Sony Toronto, etc. containing a sample by Patti Smith from "Frederick", will have to deal with my/our insurer, in this case, yes, yes, EMI Records insured, as for Universa Something, they will also appear and no, they are not linked to Universal Records who has two copies of Athm "Alone", 2005 and one of "Aleph Alpha". Oh GoOOOOd! Beck, Tricky, Moby, Madonaks, Sire, (through Universal, Shirley B., hello dahling, nice waaaaatch indeeeeed!) liked since March last year, in sync. TOWER H....oh what a blue fern!
Zomba? Mirwais said no...Oh Damn, pity, try Mad Professor or maybe...I dunno, Fatboy Slim, Death In Vegas, Christina next time, good luck...I hear someone from Massive Attack nearly cried once, yes, no, yes. It is a need indeed, lil' wing !
People are sooo greedy nowadays, they know that I am homeless, lawyer and investigator, trainer and system-setter, parasympathic but only by law, no, not out of sympathy or by right. Cooperated, status? symbol? honour? relinquishing pursuit and thinking of the highest interest, the public's and stuff, Here in Canada. Yes. Every single day I, willingly sharing the bread of the poor at the Salva' or the Shep's or the Mission downtown. The street hand out's at 10 o'clock is my type of feast! Yes, yes, benevolently, randomly commanded, ga(ged)ging for it for over 16 months! The law! I must have signed....They don't care do they! Bad! Christ! Look what happened to Abbe Pierre, 1983, Mere Theresa or Ricky Martin...My thirst for revenge has been quenched... finally, actor admitted scamming all my tax accounts and stealing some of my shorts and my "special" crystal, my virgin daughter's innocent hymen and yes, he copied my hairstyle relentlessly for over 2 years (August 2005 ? Proven you dead rat!!!), so there we are now in talking terms again. I solidarily forgave...Have you got as coin for my laundry? Aaah, charity, christian spirit... (He usually comes alone and shares a spliff with me...we talk about 12 monkeys, seven and saint denis.....White racism and my and my racial issues, my mona, his lisa and our Sandra)...aaah! "Well done, sister". (He loooooooved Mercedes, my half-sister) What a life! Just as well Geneva is now CONSIDERING taking me back to Europe (for good behaviour, cooperation, strong communication skills, prepaid work and stuff like that, apparently.)...Ah, well, well, I am sure someone don't do beatbox at ART and Deco, except if someone decided to play fair...ah, Alice, Alice, have anyone taken my purple sweater?
I shudda've known, I am such a fool, i get told "protect your stuff", go for higher premium, send to Beggars Banquet and don't leave on Acid Music, don't send to Parlogram, go to your meeting, give me a phone call on my cell, take your ID with you, don't tell the truth, make all copyright protected worldwise, option 3, don't listen to the fake coms, pack your shit out, don't mention him or he will stings, pay respect to your elders, say ok to all publishers coz' they too can do someting something...Apologies again, I NEVER LISTENED. Ok, My Life, you can keep the condom(inum), I know it is scent-imental and means a lot to you....................2

Labels: ,

25 January 2007


At 10 minutes pass 6, I awoke. I had sacred sweat floating aound my head. The love of Jesus oozed out through the window. I am always aware of the presence of pure spirits. You, from the washroom asked if croissants were adequate. I said "yes". I love you. It will be a pleasure to share this breakfast with you. Forever I requested, clean sheets here. In Tokyo men in kimono raise their arms and greet the All. Mighty Wind! All usually floats 'round, obediently, playfully, smirkwishilly between men. Mild wind passes inside the inner leg of my shorts, sometimes animals bark out. On a shore I awoke nearly naked. My brother lost his mind, he left, slamming the door. I did not care. I called Mama, she then came in, warm, friendly. The Lord spake: " Jealous alchemist, make your own sound! This is Moby ". I did understand. I got my first job. I left home confident. Me and my wife met in Tokyo, March 1996, near this very lake. It was warm. Blessed day, blessed! I am shy. A monk once said to me: "She is seen, she will come from the sea". Great prophets love bad poetry! You were dead, what a waste! Jesus breezes in, Jesus makes amend. I forgave him immediately and laughed at God's Own Comedy.

Paris, in haste, just saw Jill, rushing out, rushing out, rushing out, ping oh, she spoke me through...what a show !

Belief Faith Courage Trust
  • fill this.

Mon lac est deja rechauffe par cette voix. Ma vie est sans soucis, je te le dis. Grace a mes amis ma vie est facile. Avec cela je peux la vivre. Dehors...partout, grace a Dieu et ces mots ici Je peux.

I included extract of ginger made of 2 per cent of pure ginger. Blessing has this power too! A royal antiquarian has spoken. The rat left us. We are ratless. Through a hole at the bottom of the door, the nocive animal went today. Rats nocive? I am more lethal than decadiums of rodents in grey coat. You, theatrical also, come in the bedroom. I am upstairs... thrill me in the city. Je suis nu et bandant.

  • empli je suis pris.
  • magic-magie etre de mere, being father, je suis fier.


sex is here (where)?

OApres avoir descendu les quelques marches qui la conduisent en bas , la mere se mit a embrasser l' orphelin allangui. "Tu dors?" il repond que non. Il dit la verite. "Je reve de Marie-Felicienne, la marquise de Moharnais". La mere hoche les epaules. Le petit magicien est sacre mais elle ne comprend pas que la nuit il ecrit. La nuit, il parle aux mondes et le jour, allonge la toute la journee il regarde Papa et les arbres qui jouent autour du lac en reclamant son attention. Il se dira reincarne. Les juges feront la ronde et le grand echiquier amenera certainement les pions. "Tu dois etre fort. Mon mari est mort". Le petit mutant rit. Il prie et son pere descend. Mara, dans son pyjama de soie descend et pretend ne pas le comprendre. Le jour il n'est que son frerot. La nuit ils se parlent. Le chat s'eveille. Il est blanc aussi. Un gros lapin apparait sur la rive. Le roi de carreau tousse. Le terrier est ferme pour cause de travaux. Je suis ne en Juillet. Le maire est decede. L' Irak a decide de s' aligner. Quelqu'un a du tirer un trait. C'est moi. ICI


24 January 2007

No Apologies

re: possible apologies , plausible excuses
For the past 7 weeks I have been invaded by an unwanted guest; I admit that chaneling of "Sir Shakespeare Melchizedek" was a tad hazardous! It is a skill to be a writer, the spirit/alien contacting business is difficult. Apologies also for some of my slurs. i believe (I bailiff ), the entity is ill. it has spoken uder drugs! It was swayed by my native spine entry. Prompt restablishment, dear One! Sometimes, the vertical tube of the chaneler (me) was indeed clogged with subversive elements (them, you, the fool) . It allows bad in but prevents truthful christian cosmic communication to penetrate me, damaged, clogged, blocked, taped or disturbed by external, unnatural asserts and your might and your press that pays to lie and sways by pissing when the might is high...hidden? never were, scared? hardly ever, committed? Oh, yes, watch this chesnut for size. . Some of you have indeed complained to my barrister, to the police, to the MK Manchu Hospital authority. This is fair. God is allowing this being read, it is allowed also to tomfool around and blackswool in the same equalitarian manner. The therapeutic use of chaneling, magic and spirit contacting is tolerated here in Ontario. however, the pseudo of "Br.d PI)T was a' solely here a'aiming at a-a-conveying our anxiety in these difficult er, er, times in the hum shuuush, judge is there, cop is hidden under growth, abuse room claustrated and buzzed, milexcused and hidden above, yegh, hey, here, madam J., lonely too CHOSE, did, I, we he, greatly shown and adoree of the printoz and the payyes of HE, has chosen to seal herself out of this relationship and embrace YE INVISIBLE ONE (ME) or he, as alone.....thee, a gogo, a john, my dear friendly ghostly wooly mohee little tee tee, adored and shone in front, as per request flick through my blog esp. Feb 06 and me in picture WILL SEE yes there, yes, O believe, Athm! I abide and allow all that is involved to flow, to flow to Moe and Cabaret, Moet Cabernet, Tavern and Karaoke. it is I believe in my power. as per act under this part of the post loh llooo and much too long, "The tenebrous actor is a friend", she declared to Mister Bergeron, last tuesday, during her routine check as per order and as per note. My blogs are here to amuse, freak, pretend, pay respect, show off, and sustain,sulter and skim you, the benevolent readers tolerant of my art. As a spirit chaneler, I, saint-germain, receive a lot of information. A reader informed has already paid respect to my mild attempts. The tolerance of "Actor Studio", MGM, Blogspot, Geneva, Quai Meurisier, the priory of Sion, Moi, Joals et catins, the minister of cultural affairs and Michaelle Jean, my protector and friend, has permitted this work to reach your wireless data communication networks and, who knows, your enlighted divine self too. By the grace of God. I am ascerting that "he" has somehow altered more in "his" time than just the tolerance level in this 2007 Doomgloomprophecyandredballoons medium of communication! Mentalism is not a regulated activity. The press has its own channels of information too. The red river runs because of the position of the iris and the cornea in the perceiver (of the red river). Does that mean it is red ? no...no...not really. It is however important that the red river watcher uses the right of speech to convey if he/she so wishes. The mother of your children is safe...and so is my relationship, my mind, the country and my future, my career, the euro and Madonna's. On the basis of good behaviour, I submit my claim for TOLERANCE in virtue of which some information is, sometimes, faked for radios, tv, glossy mags, even White House in most communiques. The police has received the right to intervene. so have I. So have you and she, Jolit, Pot and turboMeszengardtktk. equals be we. The french authorities are aware of my stance, my might and my presence, my claims, my barrister name and the true involvement of I (+: .--------) in Ottawa, ON. and on-line too, and off line if (-) do, as well as some of my previous and other sources of information. Madam Michaelle Jean, the masons and the Joliffpytfootuppeopleht family, including her proud dad are daily informed of my alternative stance on the same level of obedience as I today represent. Here. They are real beings like the rest of us all. All see in a manner relative to their needs. I c too you. r~do is entirelly respecting her contract and is fully aware of the risk due to our involvement, for more than a year, she has drolled Pigx. Lots of love in the post. Wh*, she...In the event of complaints, Je, Jacques Deleuil of www.alephalpha.blogspot.com, www.countsaintgermain.blogspot.com, www.darestodevellop.blogspot.com, www.iamaleph.blogspot.com, www.wordsoftomorrow.com (past) and www.wordsoftomorrow.blogspot.com (past also) authorize ALL confidential data and datae, datum de-erettum, on me or bearing my name to be shared with all involved so that Truth and truthful rights be restablished in the Truth. in the name of which I , this today anewed, I, je (m') absolve/absous myself from all representations de toutes (excalate) of a ALL events non truthful, counterfeited, disobedient, laws illegal in nature or misheld, illegal of assertion, illegal of interference and misrepresentation of a Truth which we liable to all, which we are are ligated to, ligable to and legitimelly held undesope ofas o, perjurious, non representative of... representative of others only, malevolent, marjurial, obeliant or non orthodox as well as T##l rotative] are there resolvees and absolved by this artactdeclarationandobedienceunderthesunofallinvictoryofallanditoo

23 January 2007

The Rioting Fields (2002)
Potella, IT, 2002: On the back of the police streak. A violent outburst of me.
Charles, hardly dressed at all, raises his fist to the red flag at the top of the Palace. I am Eriee, lake of hay. I am Como, lake of fire and Astarte, lake of belief, faith and hardship. Up on the mountain climbed I, fiery. Charles grabbed his loin. Shot in the dark. strong orange light. A UFO sparkles bright to the right. Love holes. Tenessee, a small farm. Children in rainbow panes roll in field, hoping to re-direct the snow. All farmers in background hide between an ideal oil deal. A mathematician (Charles' friend) embraces the lil' HanHanah. The child smirkles. Charles bends to canoodle the alien kid. Tears. In a room empty. Back of the farm, lit. You tied, never given the chance to unroll, react by delivering the wind of wolves. "I gave on the bottle, I gave on the water, I gave on the Monosodium Glutamate", shouted she anxious naked on the blue Deliverance bed. Not really dead. Just taking the time to make sense. City backlash, never a knife close enough to tear the pact or the laces, yellow plastic. Han, still as a dummy breezing, Charles also overtaken by the ray direct. Blue light, I, bemused shout at the black flag, star, star, line. London town, 6:23, the same day, you, no face on. Erected at the window. Saluting the passers-by with innocent hand. Cow in field, could be Bombai, could be City B. Discrete biobreeze, discretelly enamours all. To the hole. The the span. To the beatch, the barn, the reed, to the rideau plastic, to the oranges in the basket, stir, frect, slime in through your hands and drunk indeed we sway out. Side of the crowd. sideways to the street KiYr, 35 miles per hour we pass a shy arm over the back seat...and roll with it. The syring in his hand Patricia licks it. I wipe your enormous lips. Mitee. I am sound she blurts from the ground up to the rooftop. Bottoms! Heaven bottoms and bells of Mercyled..............................................................................
Includes many guest, do not panic, do not panic! More to see in the night. Jacques Deleuil directing it into the wide....into the wiiilde, ia am andaluscia, i am andalu---chiaen, I a wire, I-i-i a_wire, in the wave of..a.a.ain the wake of mutation...i anda con lucia y te, Una mujer con el mosquito, bombai number zero.....even though I adore you. Wheeere iz...where is my mind? in the retovisor...an as de coeur..in the front of the epsilon, isla de bon-hora, una bella acanthe atempta de fazer de bau bau y una wave of mutilation arrives. Yes. she said yes straight away today......if alpha is sixteen, then I bossanova to the high, to the high, to the high and dry lilac tattoed monkey made of envy. to the first person ever...cariboo bus of amora amour amour amour, faire l'amour pas la roue t peacock excited her....to the first engagee majeur...i am enormous here entire us therebyo... ..wave me in. 13. Carrot of Plastecene guide. myra do. I. It is she by my side, open the boot, i wanna breathe this smoking tremblay majeur. will, you see, mee, will ya make the post to carmen eee...or lizee tee, just in case, carla Bee or Nelinda MSNging (same as last time, just forward to current address...no) under the door. waxmeout little male lette: out: I ) -234

the mOUSe speaks
dear MISTER Paul MarHtYi(O)n, I am still hoping for a response to letter me re: possible exper. in cot (dipl0 I seem to have fallen in the wrong hands. Police, Penitentiary lawless phones and sollicitor...not your fault,I know, me take resp if Paris Do Febrier I have requested my other passport country, France, as per adoption records, to intervene. I have now to refuse intervention by this country, city and province included as...my criminalization is now preventing me from being a legal case. The sollicitor provided (no name) by the ONTARIO LEGAL AID is now incapable of representing me. Thank god for that ! My special friend has sent some notes last night and they require recording as, Madame (no name, no picture, she is so shy !) is acting benevolently as my lawyer, and without cameras or producers intervention, please note! SHE is now my " legal representant " only? faz. yes, In city of me here too. scoupe no, fake, no name me respo. ok to: as/ Internet scam crazy scizoid loony or: pitt sexy gay man for attention only, no law for she, she is sick of it all ...I swear ! The threat of me suing the hospital, the police or the Health services having tented de interviendre to make me a real threat have been deflected by similar cases, in or out of the shelter I live in in town, Can I speak? I have been telepathic for over 20 years. I worked benevolently for more that 16 international security agencies, including the chinese and the CIA, and the french, oui, merci, but, the scar left by a scalpel montreal made wave...money $ no .and the pineal gland status (of mine, Alice, of mice, mind, catch the cheese) has made it difficult for these police to pay me or reinforce my status ( stature ) for, let us settle, 19 years...$ where in my...>name< size="2">no, no, doctor schiffon...inject it all! work. prepaid god say so .this year has been disastrous for the country. I apologize for the exposure. internet no virus she ....The situation is worse because no name, is still evading attention in the city. Her / she To tell the truth is possible, i admit. no. close book red. Ah, just joking, just joking, mister Martihon. I am very confused. The real woman died. The woman I meet is alive not. I am not csensoredd but. The veru expressing difficulty come from level of securicortyzone around the citi center. sorry for the Lucifer dance and the graffiti. nov 05, alanis's fault, i swore ! The thought of being a friend of Alanis Morissette (of "jag me or I kill", 1997-2003) made me too excited too. The thought of being sued for braeking the wall of silence is scary. very. The police is discrete. We are hole professionals. Here is my suggestion: the parti is being sued, the police only hit at Cry Stone streek in Avril because bad smeel uni-form make my hermaphrodikis blood be arouse. I hard. they harder. No sue as the cop need job and me still menace to kill civilians in manchurian relapse / outburst (see below post ) if no person scream for vengeance as Quebec tries to make le moi avec 2 ans to avoid the sollicitor in Europe BE participated in my career as : Chaneler, mental elastic, scientist that no-one ever stole nothing from (or XT clause, as per, Jacques !) AND ME (NO NAME) IN LONDON Ok(SEE FLIGHT DETAILS ENCLOSED BY MY LAWYER IN MORNING TOMORROW, 9 AM OR SO) SINCE COUSIN ROYAL ME KNOW ONLY FOR DIPLO (OR OR, NOT NOT, SHE SHOUTED IN THE BLUE LOUNGE; WHICH I EXCUSE)---------------------CLAUSE CELEBRE/ APPLY
ok to all, jacques has a call...Orleans: QC or Tarbes-sur-Garonne ? !

19 January 2007

Love? Greed, indeed, the world is greedy (a paedophile cover up story, international security ?) file under illegal experiment on a newborn in canada, + Thailand typhhon , Little blue ribbons in QC, Nov 2006, thx ! (please, append Jolie Pitt and request her word and...her real name, dear populus police)
(Trademarking my way to the stars by Aleph Alpha of Aleph Alpha Inc.)

p Up to last night I did not know about this bizarre loophole: Imagine someone trademarks my name in a community where international copyright laws and namesake control laws don't really apply, (In Palestine or Camp America UCLA, Lapoland, Jersey, Sin Diegu, Bahrein, UK 333 sector 13, this list is only according to my own sources, men, please double check all for accurity, as I am just as blinded as you, men). The bootleggers, people of low life, can sell the whole content of my 4 blogspot blogs, my artwork and my Cds, and samples, my name, my role-model wife's autograph... (Aleph Alpha, Athm , Jacques marius henri auguste Deleuil, count of saint germain are mine by right, check before suing, press and party !) Illegal (international) banking, printing of fake articles, including regarding MY blessed partner, and yes, it is still unofficial, as per british law (check her site for real freak show, name bought can be used...outside of the perimeter of the legal adjunction...mmhh, globealike, I blog and like the war of Hollywood against the Canadian government, win? Pitt, so far, he uses it legally as he has faked some legal documents and has made themj become legal, therefore true in front of the law, money talks...money talks, money talks in front of a legal threat, how many years is Mr Smith currently evading (Lovely books, She? Too works for uno, as I do, as I do, check the white mouse post) I, free to play, no, check status of the psychiarization attemptsd on both through British police or Police of Michigan, free to read? free to show my face no...telepathy is still prohibited...how many years of psychiatrization did I receive for one telepathic tip too many, Leicester? Who loves the fixes, the foxes, the boxer Bruno, the pictures of Madonna ? Politics meets Intelligence meet me here I win ! SERVICE MEANS RENOUNCEMENT INDEED.... a soldier on field, indeed, I am UNO..You know....Upset? In 1972 they make the word illegal outside of army files. Telepa..what? I believe doctor Sciffo will corrobo....next month after 20 or so check the sources and sue the ass for HP Saint Augustine on Manchester George Ward, Atlantis Me and me only, speak, Martiallable, i am now in Quebed, I am msure they have some charges pending...no Glaxo.; No PrintPer -CounrTy, they don't apply in EEC ?, and if the cops move too close...Bush and Clito'hn press the pause. . Press? noo, noooo, never in trouble, been homeless and fought for his cause . pero...XXXXX ok avec paris road assault RCMP spaketh quien speaks ! Meat? Chinaha ? Porto Cal ? Pale (self) esteem ?Print? comandit? systems de surveillance with les DNA des hopitaux ? legal, are you sure O great Otawos..xxzu + sue me for [ what? ]....Ask , she (or..) spoke ( wharts ?), ...what's ******** name again, shy lookalikes, criminally in-sane, madamA don't speak to the prissoniaaahh ? Must Have been a date ! talk to the police since the law for 16 months make me be...illegal in the law (courtship ?), lola ! Senior judges, I apologize for the scam, I am merelly here on contracted work scamrr?. Quebec love me....check scar on my forehead by enlarging...... CIA did not send me a cheque ? I nwonder why, maybe I was somewhere damp ? to Deleuil alpha blogger ?...must have been faked, olo - By the love, for the loves, with the laws of men sandwiched in between the jinxed men. the plea ? BARGAIN
THE LION ? the mice of all men \

18 January 2007

(God) Spokes
in the Wheel (Race)
"I am rebel to the cause, to the decision to keep you close to the Alicia Wanderer Land of Dead
I agree, the choice was the best: Hopital the Mah Rtaat,Stewardetd, Room 909. feel me see me read me here, solacetor It seems, the people signed for the wrong side.
Nevermind, here dark daily mirrors, I chase a weed banger and spit out the iPoops!. rebel mind contorsioned words. make payable to "mheee and heurr"
Ah, what a defeat! Doctor Mervolys has signed off...away for cause of upset, hey?....anybody got a laptop, I am a rich heiress prisoner of a true cult of Govals and Dilaxysts...I got more money than you can dream of, you ass-show, the truth,I am the kidnapped bride of another manchurian, Osp, the death of Doktor Ogele, the birth of a new Aruelle, the pact of fools, to come...I am from broadway 202! I used to be called "The jewel", I was born in a rich family in geneva. I used to study art in Montreal and I spake to alpha at the UCLA camp blue knot,I used to be an act.....when MGP distributions faked a jacket for a boot camp lady version of the holy O' cat......Who spake, thePolice? I pay I am the Merovey, they took my priory and plated the whole shit retroversally, I am the mairess, i ooze of Chanel but it is in fact a Hollingerfer...a a bad 72 version of Chanel in fleurs! What a pity, such an easy pact, such a sure bet.....It must have been the part about the rare blood group or the 3 scars that made me me forfeit it...must'haff' Bean!...love to allMY WiLL..............Jwrite to Madam Deleuil a.k.a Jesus II The Echkankrad Poste restante 806 in Villa Dezstitu Cross? me?..xauced .I am path.......what do you mean the embassy refused my letter? Mon cul c'est du mouton ou du mort de Vagin? Je suis chambellan pas delio 333 a yapoo dot com juge Meriault, rue itasli = rue foucher, meme recette meme plainte "ma mind est a toi? MK ULTRA QEBEC 1963" ta loi, espion sait, a cache tous le dossier a la mairie de la vile de la ville, loi a cache sous le nom, appareils et equipements pour l' export de pieces et apprentis de la ville de Licemine (1303) xagma

I am soli

ma femme ouvre sa moule a 0.6(360°) + 71°.41023002 = 287°.41023002 along the ecliptic the mammel wells and brines along the beink, it is sour and might! B sharp

ALEPH ALPHA blocks and makes real

6 I died in my sleep. Pronounced dead MHRT certified, by rightful order of Merilleux, I awake a new being. The hypodramic syringe on the floor. I am Manis Arepo, countess of Exhilandre. I was once called Hanneh of Detroit, I came to England as an au-pair... My family relinquished, I attempted to catch the dragster droon dragon flash but fell for the wrong earpiece, i played all on right side and I left it behind...The sala mind! I exited atype of pool. Reminiscing Alpeh affair, Ottawa, 2002, I saw a Brad shot on the street, I fainted like a coon ! I bled...I bleaed, I blaaaed like a couff!
I am now by the side of the man. He is sound! Not so sure about the latest parutions and the life-style prints........I am mine and the doctor made a film...There was something about sucking and...anyway, I got done over and I am now The proud groupie of the one and only Gardet, of The Playing Moons.....He got told off! Too many fowcking play with someone's holes and...........anyway, ever after, the piss-head got told and the gout of my lout made it back from Prison Saint Elia, grade two psychiatree but I don't care! I heard Drullien got shot...i knew it.....ever again! ever again, saint germain, ever i told...ever of meat and puppet shit O great Eclayes, O great first one make me been in the being the middle...meddle, play love and fake and friigtuillet in tow ever heard of Garraystal sollicvitorsshguiooo oors..... .

17 January 2007



5 On the back of the street, the radio programmer attempted a hepta ray buzz towards the dilligent servants of the UNO. The godly charm broken, the vial fell and broke into pieces in my hand. Roberta, hidden under a grey hooded jacket searched her bag for a pistol. The radio programmer, swore and swayed his way in between the trash cans while Roberta, shot at himrepeatedly. Bang! bang! bang! bang! The mask fell. The counter minister was on his way to Lundill, traffic on all routes under our control, the forces of anti-canada had little chances of success. I roamed and sat, panting in our jeep. Roberta apologized and handed her flask to me. I drank few drops. "We are low", she said, "the petrol is a rare substance but this gemenetic solution is a thousand time rarer....remember Jim! We are in this shit here together and the Organization will not budge if the war is too costly. The vial in my hand, I contemplated her words, sorry as I was I could not help but fix my own figures so our expenses match Narkos' original expectation. The mask was on the road, also shattered into pieces. The minister is on his way out, I said. We drove off, narrowly escaping a collision with our radio programmer assaillant. Roberta laughed. My jacket had been torned. I leaned over but my partner refused a kiss. "You are too low to kiss I, I the great holder of our child and pertinent helper to you in all circumstances!" I shrugged, mildly amused and grabbed a metal CD from the glove compartment. Rob Halford screamed for vengeance, I skipped to "Soldiers Under Command" by Stryper but decided on "Wish you were here" by Loudness. Roberta laughed again and demanded Oscar Peterson or the Fugees. Our jeep found its way to the lower levels of the Laurel Hotel. On the outskirts of Moutreyahl, the counter minister bowed to a police barricade and relinquished the documents. My manuscript was back in my hands 19 days later with a flat apology note and a box of Godiva's best.
Aleph Alpha
This original excerpt is from "The Ottawa Gehena", paperback, 2006, by Salem Ascension Publishing. Salem Ascension Publishing and applied magies is a subsidiary of Telepatikos Gert Muller Physicacion Embassy of Unyted Kingdom of England Evian 1946 Evian Treaty of Freedom for Original Scriptwriters and a legal tender in most data fields and name, subject lines Incorporated W

16 January 2007

4\Kurt Cobain and I exit a nightclub in southern France 9dialogue, following (alone) ' s bizarre interruption and following 3 <
k: oh, jacques, c'est vrai que t'as pleugge Meat Puppets a la tele, hier soir?
me: ouais, y'a trop de crasse t'ois, la plupart des gens ici y croient qu' c'est toi qui a fait Plateau et tout ca, t'sais! ca me fout les boules, personne connait Meat Puppets et c'est des dieux, la, c'est clair! Y'zont jamais la recognition...it appears it because of you, O grand blessed one of NIRVANA the great!
k: Ouais bon, Ok guy, ca va, y z'ont qu' a regarder le derriere du Cd les fans de NIRVANA! y'a marque "Plateau" et "Lake of Fire" songs de Meat Puppets, not Cobain and Novoselic and Grohl! man, faut pas zoner, if they be blind let them be mute too, you know!
me: Ok, but, whatsoever, t'sais...whatsoever en fin de compte !
k: Ah, j'te jure! Y'a qu'a Marseille qu'tu vas payer 9 euros pour un clud a la con!
me: ah, t'as pas idee, man, j'en arrive a regretter Ottawa et Toronto, la merde!
me: Ouais, les clubs y ferment a 1 heure 30 . Quelle mort, man! Meme a Montreal...apres tu dois eviter de te faire tirer par le flics ou alors avoir pas d'argent sur toi ! Eh, ta's pas l'impression que la fille du7 danemark, l' etudiante elle a change d'avis?
Aleph turns around to spot Henna, room 3 isolation brutally expulsed her, the charming swiss german model and artist artist from RL Swei magazine, lagging behind, irrecuperably affected by the loss of her name tag (it seems...) Oh,shit, je t'avais pas vu, je suis too stoned, my love ! (then towards kurt cobain, discretely) Elle est trop belle pour etre une porn star, my man, you see! Aleph winks, Jenn'f' Anisss comes in, decided to score a spot on Friends, again, left side twing and sbryeguehjokp
In the back of a street, sounds, the Robokop, exits the capsule. :NOTE Include discrete soundtrack by Faith No More
("Midlife Crisis" or "Epic") and promptly avoid further interferences by, through, or using the model by first name: Helena of Roberts Models Inc. Louisiana, for "Contract for physical impersonation of a formal contractee refusing to submit to my professional/family/sexual and FINANCIAL assertions" and on the behalf of a famous actor of obedience as charge for impersonating an USA ARMY aged 32, service officer in order to fulfill a legal and particularly diplomatically damaging restraining order on Aleph Alpha, I, a french service man of or for the United Nations Organisation in/on post/position also here in Ottawa or Canada, retract statements of a malevolent, wrongful, unlawful, dismissive or non-event related in the whole wide world and dimensions recordable, non-recordable and interdimension-W . RUMOURS will filter to you this time, O, PeeWeedha and yes, even under the door Oh, complacents and segregers, malaxers and name-fakers on the wod and through the post office and in the radium facility as well as Dr. Presugeriev's practice and other paramedical modes...if you know what I mean... Globe my ass! You are the Strass, Mister! Glide that arresting warrant for size, Dear "father", "friend" and relative of both ! Spousal? I don't think so! If the next post is, then it does ! Jennifer fell dead, I entered, erect and barabaric (red ok for boots, Neha? pass to costumes, pleeeze!) contrarevo----l--l-l-l-l-
I ?

15 January 2007

alone (& educated by the pelupia-aleala. deleuil vasdytewjkfnjcgn c

3Entered the Robokop (sc. 69)
It is dark. No-one believes in it. The Great God falls flat!
r:The armour of ye invincible one stitches the pact of all: I will now undertake to repatriate the slain victim> here include short clip with Angelina Jolie, burgundy drape over the right shoulder-background is runic style city, Gotham-style but more sci-fi, Druillet? Black liquid- mercury like puddle on the floor. Her knee is kneeling in it. Fog, grey and heavy.
She shouts out an almost inaudible name. I fall pretended dead.
freeze frame< color="#996633">\INCLUDE FIRST GG art plan cut-alpha 7791 incl. all settings kept from scene 65

Jennifer Aniston irrupts, almost naked. incl. blue dark dress *must "gnom out" the guard (use GG? old shot from 53???) , I completelly healed from the fight rise again in Marseille, 17 days later, (courtesy of an impressive trial by the french team).
r:I had to steal a life, O ye Lord...I had to steal you from them, O Mana of All! One fight and the crashes of the heavy waves have made this mindless killing machine! Bleed me away from your skin!...Bleed me out O Leszerdhiyi'n, One cry sufficed O Leszerdhiyi'n, Princess of I. I hath killed too many soldiers, Ye Lord and I's motte battle again! It is the end! It is the end!
Robokop turns swords towards Princess out and and mustarded out by the bastards . Frame back
Next. Me + student, Marseille, La Canebiere, 4 heures du mat' both look stone et fatigues, sortant out of a zoo rave au Trolley Bus (a) ( include clip from GanjaStarx DJ Kuin'33 set, august 05 ) ( + Try imply time travel or fake dream, recov. memory? past life/reincarnation. vision ?? + zoom camera left to right very very fast )

14 January 2007

2Dodding the back of the tower.
I: gawded a narcissys. .Terrassant, The Mald of Malaparth oozes in and cuts through the denim without leaving a gap Sword shines Invisibly chisellling with that stanley knife. I do Gene Semberg the one. Tongue and Chikhs. Fighting in Gothang and fighting in your flat skreen. Entered Elavys. Retrobahn, zele og gete..magic bliss..Devaliya Josue, count of Bergerac, Marquese of Blatpid.'"' . . . _Entered the ravius. The misy zayes bleam a new dawn......Bergerac, Bergerac, Berge Racke Sarakte....Deathin it all...Undeathyingly exactling the dream of Livys, this is the dream of Livys, as Lyivis went out Labalyiahrd slain and cut smoothe the dangerous Marue T em Pah A- Egdedyon Te mgye ho- bay Eros..................................welcome home. .Stawberry Plum segod- om-pa-nakall.............h o me.. e. ome adaa-adagho

11 January 2007

1 Satan
leave this place
The Lord is my shepperd and it has led me so far that you only maim the children and the spouses, the brothers and your own co-worker. here anew I enter and cta or elephant, I sing for myself. I sign et
and you may see the french trinosophy:
ne en Juillet je suis le fou. Le prefere est certain de me rendre cette chose connue et s'il parle c'est a vous. Auditoire fut choisi par quelqu'un. Je ne vous vendis point. Vous ne vous dites ni ne vous confirmez rien. Suis-je si laid que mes photos sont baignees d'acide lysergique, De mari=juana...De satan? Qui sait, ce monde le votre et le miel est le mien. Mien est le monde aussi meurtre est malsain, maudit et en cette ville je vous juge et par votre trepas je me scelle aussi loin de la. Peau.
Ici et Maintenant...par le tonerre ou les nuages blancs, Sauve par la missionaire et l' armee du pouvoir centralisee? Appel copule code ? Coupe ou...martiallement empeche de se fazere analyser on la bona fide loi de cet espoir.............je vous embrasse.
signe: Votre ami qui vous veut du bien: Aleph alpha, comte de saint germain, marquis et theosophes, combien pour une lettre, combien pour un calin? Vous avez les cles. Encore, a nouveau...................L
je suis, saint et baigne de leurs eaux les plus sures, saignee? Ma beaute est maquillee par dieu et par la volonte de se taire a sept pas de...ta colline. A 7 pas de sa victime, ligotee. Kestu dis/ Plan alpha est reconduit. What is this guy on? Ere, are, alea, are the weeds the real ones ou est-ce la peur de nos baisers qui la font mentir? elle est a montreal votre bouche, elle est prete a vous embrasser. Ce jour, elle est folle par joie et animee aussi par la gloutonnerie, comme vous, comme moi, comme nous tous affames dans cette ville. Les sous de cet acteur, franco-quebecois se nomment de nos deux noms/ la bete? vous? non! Dans le jardin, en train de pisser sur les Maddoxes et autres ustenciles de vos meres, peres.................de moi et de ca...Le monde de demain,
and in the world I lean. I lean. I lean. I lean pore kassian, One hell of a snare, one snake and one bear. aman ()

10 January 2007

the ace of clubs
For a road to deliver, the traveller wise and sorry, relinquishing dark obediences entered in the world of today, Aleph Alpha's. Count and countess in the hay may well above all expectations bring you to oblivion of all ol' dirty biskit tricks ans seedy barny dates...O Russ Meyers and Bedlam ways, O Darkth Vigor and Tremors,...O past, may I miss you soon? May I please enter Heaven just by looking at you? soon or never?
Oui, mes chers et tendres amis, les voies sont toutes penetrables car les divins amis de moi sont ici chez toi. non....loin de la!
me voici a la porte de la ville sans ecorce et delimitee par me pieds est la voie fermee.
crois------------------believe, O Ratsalad, marquese and maquisards are erotic by the icy ring and frehley and the sun cometh and the sunny dreams of a Russ Meyer date are all.....................................there in another ways...
Sex O sex, my young friend renewed, sexually charged I bowed down to you as...the Lord promised and I too gave. Their old ways are all theirs et la tasse de the m'attend toujours sous la table et je fais la ligne du ciel, la groovy radiante line pure at the Perfecta cellular fiedish saucy Queen Street Fair. aussi...O My whole Lady, O my Mare, O mount Paired with the sake and the statue of David and Mary May in the secret ways, at my side on the old plate of sea weed salad with MSG and soy sauce, there, Toronto, O ma bella villa! O the merdicum, O the transicum, O...Claudia Schiffer, Naomi and Fred As.....I stare, Love...I sacked...MY LAWYER! blare blare blare. blah blah blah
God help the barrister, hell to you O statuator, O co-signataire....This house is mine.
I paid for this kingdom, may you to err as...............the way always lead there and or et argent sont tes maitres si tu sais cela: Le rond est court car il est difficile a faire!
Maxidion, Maxidiom ? I am you
and here to play with her working body right there at the savoir faire, with him she too sees, with her I too lost, I too lusted and played the court...ship? Amour est fiere!
ame. la verite est trinosophique...parfois elle pique.
exter the dragoon!
play the clowns
.............bare? Got your messg. Leaving noooowwew!!!!!!!!!!
goose fair I chase the mullet, I meant the hermaphroditas unicorns...unicorns obviously magically
share (s)

the logarythm is exact. the world is here...................................Entering the house, I move the furnished square, angles and all three walls.
a well groomed man entered, the frozen crowd enters on the blot and all heat and the gracious Cellorem eases all sorrows to harmonize the whole castle.
in 31 room of sacredly-made beauty dancers and exegetes, erectile and flat, mimick a Court and I roll around, proud, eloquent and perfect to use you in all your might as my selected account is making me telepath exit all>

free? me?
No, not at all, I am in the collonade still and thereby waiting on a call or some warm breeze. I, acanthe, gather all your needs and make a bleided day to obey the day.............I erect...you?
make payable to: the Maxidiom. the maxidion is all around me. it is also known at the Priory of Sion:
owned and operated therein by Jacques Deleuil, 13 magicians erect a throne...I bay out the guimauve and I well you out!
Gelebas! Marius! Henry, Patizia, guests and voyurs, new readers and old flames of mine,Gematrius! Gelextot! Narcidux! Malavox! Agravos
please: Send 3 boxes of 6 X 22 cc and inject the whole show, courticians and plasticians, attempted hijackers and all, crowed ones, Queeninkingzin worm in, bees and cinders in, Marihyias and Elamberts. I and 2? no way
area restricted for cause of private life.
all in here are legal. at the sound of the bell: the law and the drinks, the blogs are free, 4
all tax payers and.... U ? . . ,(Ou A // LAWD in
delagam too!

aklepaba e ta?
me here been done makabeuh party blue love pink cadillac?
am i in? the land is one.
blue booking the whole move in
/, aleph ereptically convey, the hoard moved the lozanger
they swallowed: apprentice////////