15 December 2006

Avec amour/
et paix sera exaucee.

The first part is the delivery. This is:

the finite line got trodden. Attawe atempted to enforce arrest. no name all charges are still to be confirmed to Embassy of France and RCMP Police Officer, P. Dalien. Vanier 1200 parkawy for friends and family in CDN only.
Talikwaacleb, guys? No too much to let out! Did Parliamente receive ma lettra of nove 21 or liar is meo? + 6 ere ete agaaha I yawn and he stiches it all off. it felt asleep human
This is Aleph and I request assistance.

Lovetialla omen de ouro habla presidiente?
made the atlantis raft home in two lap dances and one cree
went out of the city of please enforce, 65 dollares can take to Cathy St. and the block that aime le casnada
Le casnada?
sorry for the harm Elgins, Aleph and sollicitor as per message require first contact with the police..........asap, today the 11 of November 2006//cello. me ta be ka da The choir 1 goes:
This is it Mission was taken by grey but had to flee and did a call for assistance like a clown in the USA star eyeing down the world. Exposure x Experimentation at ONU`no deaths
For those about to rock, we salute you, for those about to rock>>>>>> we. salute. you. ou ou a master Oror ?
Part III
part 3
but hope for a prompter referral...dear officer.
part 2: you
in toronto being taken by storm. in a car since 3:11 this day. Thanks for your call she said, and apologies, the crew is too serious to clue up but the call was ackiesce by Madam Laa
I will be in city cental capitans of the world as Ottawa has tried the old PNA cwitching cells trcks for the last time this morning. Order are rerquested. UNA telepa to be conf at Franzia and USA cam...c' etait necessaire, je n' ai ni danse ni crie mais ce jour devra etre le dernier. Questionnez. Aleph Police de Colorado has aname witty enough to be taken out of this well. Mine I am jacques deleuil Aleph of T
part 4 jacques fait de l'or back in food court around 7:30 be there cabbie..tax payer, dream liver, never taken seriously enough, maybe never kiss, master Olapna requires signature Kaep Lambda is a fun thing to do...in cell 77 I am alone and I miss you all (Or) se fala franchais et parfaitment respecte, umalans?
part 5 sentatshase and the waltz of Makabres 9pm in the pub as per invit' see ya aaaaallll! Jacques, in town! London Uk smells like a furnace. I am a crab in the making in toronto but ottawa made it big in the hour...avec alpha we go in see you in thesecuond street 7pm clear? clear clear in tinc I bow my sarpij. I made it clear Shamola 50 was all it took. The play is erected thereby. I introduce the clown and the lily brings Sidore. Edna Toronto 333. Love to you too.
time elapsed ejected coin. transfered. Tranfering all. Transfea r
at the cost of an eye. scar still visible if press sees money at ...disc ! rotterdam accept calls. 7 clean 9 we take to the cnabliss, k?
k he sway
no charges anywhere except..............................police of elgin all clean at city and Prime is time to speak tee tee?

14 December 2006

Tell me the truth = I tell you the truth even if it is spelt "trhtu" in your books and the ones
I abide by. . . it matters, the law speaks: after care of mister Deleuil is to be undertaken by the biomedical officer. The officer is now bioelectrically conveyed to the medicinal assistant of the whole nation but the ride is telephonically made to sound another
  1. way
  2. ok, to see amicably and
  3. to pace it in, believers, to paste it through me and I paste and retaliate, the word goes in and the driver goes out, the world goes on..the week goes fast and the region is delight to

see Me = Aleph Alpha.............................. in 1971 the standard of living had reached rock bottom in the US, as a result, the sale of guns and prohibited wine, made of cotton or honey had been temporarily suspended again. As in the 1870, the prime influence was the senators in possession of the other "delight" of The Godly Trusted land: sanitary establishments, they were evil on provos! The evil was name mental disfunction due to lack of.........alkohol..........in 890 the real king of Italy awoke: I am Saint Pio and I make you bow like a fool...Where is my sanity, is it devaluation or just misplacement of a blooded one? I am Regnuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmm

and there goes the song.....


In the enigmatic events the prime suspect in a case of sabbath bloody sabbathing took on the whole of the RDB mafia and circunvoluted with rigid rock of public opinion in a 9 days long freak and destroy tour of Manitoba; When? I nstantly, Why? Because it felt right, How many more days before the hug? Hush! The park is real crystal and it shine into the world with style and scrams and shouts and enough flesh to paste all over the boarding room: Olaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaretaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak: Aveklava!

cop this sheet!
p the prime in his office here in Vankuviah, OT, has relinquished his throne. His spouse was told and the police said it as clearly as it ever had done: Please, feel free to use in ............ or even out and this is when his trouble started. Mister Harripo, Steve, maliciously it seems had created a rift between the kitchen and the bedroom, the offices and the positions. The police of Transylvania had acted in good faith. As per orders. As per constitution....the real threat had come from the Active Help Office for Matryrol Organization, since 1984, it seems. The cops in TS had blurted it out: Harripo had dated and the girl had been "soiled", there goes our prime and our canadian pride, the active office had activelly made Transylvania activing the old law of 1995: The bride is to know what the lover has bode...and there it goes, Harripo beated to a pulp in front of his whole exchequer, privileged few and constituents get marched out for pre-marital observance of a delusional rape victim but faithfully processed by the AHOMO in all legality it seems....Where is our dear spouse? In the mud digging the dirt with Alpha, Beta and even Epsilon. Bam! The constitution frail on its leg gets blasted: The cops did not recall the name of their contact but the whole show gets to be splattered legally on his clean new suite coz' of an INVESTOR in the spouse and the gown...and possibly his functions. The vampires be slain, there is no delation or polite referal of private data here anymore. The governor speaks to judges and the sollicitor angry must avoid from then on the private sector and its last minute manic maniccheanipulations of matter and funds.
Our kingdom was at stake and it is now repaired
The governor princelly speaks to the world in a rant of Alpha to the special bowing one:
Prince is seen and Princess is called, the other orders are all squashed and pruned. The martyrdom of TransatUnion will no longer prevent the two braidengrums from pow wowing wildly under the blanket at night: The weird looner and the straying nation are thereby resolved: The paper gets torn and the stone gets thrown: Private destitution
Egesesis 1
The world anew is my shaperon I wilt not bow or budge in front of your Ministers: We anew dissolve all the rude injunctions and we moveto our corporeal exstatick trip in lambda and Parnacia. The Land All.
The group is not fully blown spining in every direction for my beatified excellent arythmetician friend to not speak to privates but act in her function....until confirmation I will embrace the baryton and the nursing sister in my own way, as sad as it souds it is it.
we are very sick about the show being hijacked by spousal influence and the need to not speak to prevent the true dog from being seen in his stentch. my nose is clear and the air is both ways. Two days of coverage for two days of falsification. Retroactivelly I land with Lexia and the blush on my cheeks. This is our nation. It is clear of all thief. Flee, we do, in the street its London town after L.A. Paris, Lyon and Amsterdam in February. The pictures will flow in and mister man will be proving you were wrong. A beautiful man has a role in the life of a beautiful woman. Guess which?
the marc is on my luke. the blue is on my shawl, the red is on your cheeks, doubting freaks.....the real apparition. Make some room we still have faces regardless of your innocent slurs and wrongful declaration, last minute checks or privatization of our work. we are the champions. Turn your head or print for sanity. one for one...Aleph alpha sleeps where? Justice for All. Angelina did what? WHO IS THIS ON RADIO ONE, 5pm GMT in London > Who did Etalk feel sorry for in March, who is there still single in December, 20th and 21st? Who is thay gaying it up on Yonge, Disney Style, Hi as a kyte and plumbing through your bra on the sofa today, eh?
It's magic distortion and loving it all.....and way above the odds.
S Relinquish your testimony Shasta, we will not speak! $$$$$$$$$$

13 December 2006


Buzbee stole my toopee !<0.01>+
I am a legal advizer: exited road 33 but I am now exposed as a mole out of the C.i.A and read in the street to cover up my own bling! Erect me out, O Judge, bully, the stone of Sarabande grits on my nerves like your damn poetry, Deleuil!
Exgesis 202
war is away. the room is empty. 2 people in there naked and famous sultrily declare the renouncement of Jacques and Angelique. Marquezza de tres y tres, Rector of the Olms and equalisers of "Birth Cancerox" Athm 303
(...war is always lost: the two of you must be treated. Betravas, betravas, root is mould for my appartment, stalactit mercurav
I m ove fast. 6 months ago I was Mere + T \h re.zzzA innocently "s h owing now.....oahh: I co-make and co-akt Thy most salacious intello magix =sheet
on the whole wide world : Alpha Land 1
take 2 minutes, take another breath, take a minute and sp.. to the warring bad rats. Women may you forgive, I climbed the telepah and arrived right there just in time for the mercury to overrule the babe. Mine is silver your is gold, ah ah ah ah, mine is silver your is gold, remote control....I loved the show and Aleph went to the flO o r.e roused and I laid deaaD there 4 times . The first was always given to the father, the second to the friend, the third to the banker and the fourth is the zoned one. Zone? Daaaaaaammmmmmn zone 1
exited the Egregoph, I am Aleph The Gaul

"My Last night affair with P. G." by Paolo Escartafihu
P.G. is the man in control of my life in Terente. He has not been formally identified but is necessarilly a real person. He has a voice and talks to me at night...He calls me his "Peekaboo boy". I don't mind the childish talk play and the arousal games but...he seems to be hiding something from me. He never gives me his address but always addresses me as "Paolo". Though it is my real name I don't get it! I work for Card Radio Hut and I'm on 50 k a year. Part Time Dj. The first name thing made me feel funny after a while! He says: "Oh, I see you, Mimi Peekaboo". I then hide my mouth, all coy, and just show the corners...To let him know I smile the way he did teach me. I think I want out. Met a girl in Memphis, October last year, on my trip to a Soundgarden show and...it's like love only more physical. I think he is aware. I am convinced he hates girls. Last night he got all stroppy about me "going out". I am a real person P. and yes, though my sister Anato' also deserved to "hear', i got away with it but...You still speak and never kiss. P. is a professional man, a big wig in a record label here down in Terene. I know he loved my singing but...I think I wanna try a girl. Just for today. Just for today I relinquish is ascertained prehempsion of my Emotiona. The little box he put on the top of my head is very heavy. Met with Dr. Sam last saturday, I believe he sees the box and he knows me and P.G. gather info on rock groups. I must stop this sheit, I have a real job. Lidee is up from Tennessee for Christmas. I know she heard something about Emotiona and "the other person", threatened! Yes, during the "bathroom scene" when P. was grooming me the way he does so well. "Mimi Peekaboo...show me your chin chin" I feel somehow P. wanted me to be his kid. I am not even sure he needs me. He is in his late 50's I believe, and though the sex is good.....Lidee left, bizarrely silent. I am 20. Port Allegro 9 PM, the real woman in my life appeared at the end of the peer. Maya Sha, hot chick! Just balancing her red duffle bag on one shoulder, hardly able to contain her excitation. I can tell you are looking! The red duffle bag is now full of cash and remnants of our work, our talks and our own jokes are still ring regularly in my head. Maya and I are on and she wants to move to North America too. The address you gave me for Nickelback was almost certainly wrong. P. Yes, I have doubts....Why not give me a call? Port Allegro was just laughter and naked sunbathing...Jealous, Boo?
Anato' has nearly died. Hit by a car last saturday. She was meeting with Sammy to talk about my Emotiona and the reason why my log is now printed and stuck on every street corner as well as the name of my medications. The day we fought was the last day of Season. I have never hit a woman before. I believe the old producer has met with his old friends in Munich...something to do with a cult or a legal court for monitors....something like that anyway but I know the old boys crew is jealous of my child. I attempted to press charges in 2007, somehow the judge in Terente did not take me too seriously. He said: "There is no "P.G" in my book, sir, but a young guy called "18" with too many ticks to be taken lightly, young man.....how many girlfriends have you had this year, Paolo?" I went....only 4. He ticked and the file swayed and looped and met a match. In 1962 a "Professor P. G" went missing from Austria...I wonder if the label is real, if he ever met Eddie Kramer and Jimi Page. The child is fine. Maya Sha and I are now back together. It was a fling, she understood. Lidee is old history. The two of us have agreed to a full year away from bars, for me and a full year in her case, filled with the word amour rather than kiss.
It ain't all about sex, I think this is why I miss you sometimes, Mr. "Big Peekaboo", or the joy of being held by a gentle loving hand on a hospital bed.
It's not all about sex!
Love to all, P. Escartafihu .
from: Paolo, Sao Paolo, Brazil, nightly mixing it loud at "The Popol Vuh Nightclub", also sundays guesting at "A Hacienda", for the best sublimina intent Mix night in the whole of Brazil MindBound Nation and Radio Estrellha's mild evening talks on BRA 91.9 FM for a no control free mind and a free airwave earth! Keep on Rocking, Canada!
>Your input is always very welcome in these difficult times, keep writing! Keep on fighting! Aleph Alpha also on Disinforma on Chom Radio 99.1 for "Piss on the Scoof" every wednesdays !!!!>

12 December 2006

The Battle of Nalandadalatlitlan
army? Who is me?
Amoral Laughter....but what about me?
Saint in Sanctity / Parasite Green
the field. the daisy. the oui-ja board/
red hot and bent out of shape?
Leather lava laffs
Take the head of this body!
Parasite indeed
The field of experimentation has taken the world by the side . Used to seeing things full front, It hit the bagahad and the red pouting cheese and soft fries enorgueilled by the word of the Law decided to try a trick >>>>>>>>>>>>> a word is gone to Europe. in 4 hours it flew backwads. The London gig is on it seems...The law is tolerant no more. Boa Vista, bella area, neo light and a really awful truth: the meadow did in 60 minutes what the contract in a week brake....a wheel in the way, something, a wheel in the spanner, something, something intending to spring in the little valley of Dolly Doll and Snooping Cat scoop?
Dear Friends, i may have done it myself, to the press she admitted. The rest of my life is hanging in thin hands, the restaurant is emaueaieoiea. Not bad for a mole hey, sholma! The red flag also goes up in terms of printing. He's been away from the chessboard for 4 hours and...the mice have eaten most of the gruyere, there!
"What?" It does in San Franciso
Polite Notice: We are very here and very unprinted, Maxim is a shit by the power that be, somehow too much of a threat to our career to be it seems in europe a reason anymore, friends. We hear somewht the frail budget of P.A ENFORCEMENT OPERATIOn has been dealt with by the cops in Europe..What? Yep, Marylin and Kurt, watch us move from being the curtain. Braving the gale in Ontarion, Planet of Sheer Stupidity. Too late, Harper! The erection of our throne is legal as per levi..it stands in England, between us, the cop was told to steal $20 after him and 4 friends beat me up, Crichton, April the 20th, Ottawa, yes, it suffices to somehow firmly make the UNO and EEC "fans" of us blaze it all out: The reason why he is coping is because 40 letters and parcels are making mister Be into.....a leopard in Beijin. Is he in jail? In cell mate scam with another skizoblogger? In real with her somehow looking lots poorer? The red telephone said: According to Parliament Hill: Jack and Angala are not willing to leave. We'll bomb another few neurones in case they wish to remeber a phone number......The embassies dissolved, all legal. The press was gagged on behalf of the law in UK providing the mail with another week in L.A? what? My mind is so secrte I could suue aalllo? sue who? I said i was not gonna ,.;,dh elp me out somEEEEEEEEEeeone!

The Meadow
..once exited trully made the day. The day is clear. Having exited the forest. I replenish my station and statutorilly embrace the crowd. The moon has just rolled away. We receive the light gift. We need a distraction but the thrustle provided it flying off towards the sun and looping and looming towards its own exit. The two of us emerge naked at noon. At 6 we go to church and at 10 we sleep and hurt feels away. It flies around a tree and squirrel has grown wings. We don't mind. Love heals the two bodies, able we adore the meadow. The meadow is intelligent. We are free of you, hunters. The groom embraces every woman before he kisses the watchers-by. He then engages a polite conversation with his cousin from Brazil. The hunters gather in a moss and roll the dice, friend. Eu engage un quin con ceteras, y una luz penetra la musica lente. The thrustle be king of the woods. The sun is now engaging every polite sisters and brothers to swing and feed after love has passed mind. Pure purple flame around me. Brazil applaudes a virgin mist and you, lazer eye crystal buzz all the words around me. I do not take any energy body into me without it. Frantically the kids woe around a white squirrel. It climbs on all limbs up the suites and perishes in the square middle garden of dEE Lith'. Eu con la boca parla spake and terass the boar unto a new forestry of chestnut treats. The fire burns my tongue......I could not speak to the lady without exagerrating the body language clues. In front, a new religion a weird dumb cissy blond pixie. Gooseberries, strawberries await us there. The meadow. The simple drape on the grass evoke past scents and sensations. Red robed, the frail brother spake too me."You must see! Erect the wall around!" The wall eriges sea and sand. The drolling twosome daysies the pink. The tonguing cheek Hermano lights it in. The fog cold enough, violette, red ruby, the crowned reigning wheels. I just bow. One mile away the new dangers: the kid hunters. The fresh breeze of the zoo quivers the shape of the garden and most radios erupt it all : Reakt, Olaretap Alaptero, Maintenant, Alert Aleph, The Dawn, Lil'Kim K.i.W Public Rewixed Not' limited plus the songs from my Athm demo, can't remember the titles at all, check my gal, Pleeze!...................................................................G. Tuvia Cili-Powder, Manhattan, Appartment 130- 13.30, where the keys? on the barbatuuk, silly mooly-val!

Sandwich au pate.
Saucisson a l'ail
peut-etre aussi un vrai dessert...
L'agence France Presse, quand? Demain. Quoi? Le couple est bien vrai.
Truite meuniere pour vous, chers freres et soeurs de l' hexagone!
Bleu de bresse et Pelure d'Oignon seront desormais pour les autres...........ah! Love! l'amour me seduit ce jour. Money vient a mon secours! Je m'envolle mort et tu ris de ces blessures. Du nougat pour Benjamin et du sucre pour Nicolas. A toi...
but.................expensive, expensive, expensive please.....
did U know Jesus had a kid? Yes, apparently he had one only, her name was Benis. Cute girl, rather smelly but she got on with me and Amena. Officially my spouse in disguise was his sister (Armeri(a) was in fact Amina, Amena, 23 just out of the cot. talking about Da Vinci and other Templar Secrets I suggest you a few blogs and some books. They unfortunatelly spell 2006 as 9013 or 3110 in some cases they are in print or even in the rack, next to the Global Observer or The Post. Unfortunattelly the glamour of a heterosexual Christ spreads on the top of the planet and somehow glazes eyes. Too many eyes glazed by the same guys who go bow to the family on sunday. They get it published...yes once again the big P. word is uttered and it still stings. it cuts and it killed in 309 before the King. Notwithstanding the waltz of the courts, the great Pilate was a servile man...servile as he had met Joseph Isabeu, aged 50 or so, and realized straight away that Jay was a sweet bloke but the real speaker was called Mero or Mariu. Eli or, distorted as Mark, then already telepath and juggling satan and Priories with just as much ease and....he went: I think your kid must be taken away from our land. He has a name and the other one, Mara, just enough saliva left to speak to his own mind. "He" lived in the forest, knowing that the witches of Jamba (Jamea?) were preying on him for cause of magic spells aimed at all and back in "his" face and that of the 3rd brother, Jeman, John or Jemad. Wounded and scolded he too turned against the crucified. The crucified was Jay say the pope...it was Jay but he was also me as name get swapped and faces counterfeited alas, alas, the romans spoke to the greek and once again the preaching family had to exit. The cross taken down, Jay was too lame to walk. Keli had made a few hasty spells from his nauseic cloud of hope and in 3 days the pure son recovered enough to tell "the spouse" she had been too cautious and had martyrized the two of for refusing to appear in her loving bridal shear and had made our family, the poor from below, incapable of appearing sane as..her father was the cop and he knew the greek offered 20 cestrens for her be coupled to a dead pig. The pig she lied to but she also took the one soul, yet "he" has a soul, it took the wiggy worm another 3 months/30 deides to come to terms that a bad spell is always paid and the broken hymen had been gift to a bad ass racist phallic junky already Barbeza had taken the first bite. The lady, mana had donated it "to fake" so her father fed with lard could commit to the other name on his doorstep... She wished, he committed murder, yes, Pilate's guard (Onger?).The painter forgave her last minute present and...loved her until she spake again. The word got out. It got told. The priest, then called Eram went to pieces but resolved it again: You were gone for 2 days to visit your mamy? You lied, big beash, you got told to lie, i am so jealous I could kill the whole of.........my love. I aplogize. on thursday we had to bind. The rule of iron had bcome a way of life and a few roads were burnt absoved had been the proud guy, the bride went too far and acted all coy. "I was only in it for the glitz and your rage was healed". I chose a bootleg by Prince. You picked a pair of earings. In the back of the valley, the ducks were singing the praise of Arama, love king evolved in a haze and a cloud of frankincense suffocated our family. They fell dead for 16 days but reappeared conviced that we had died in a plane crash. Crumbs on the grounds. Not my remains. Excuse me....I apologize...............count of C.

11 December 2006

Arteries well, well, well, I may creep inside your shell, O little death. I close the door, whoever is in may stay. The red carpet is my bed. Dead I sigh and open my mouth. Exhale and I inspire, that's all I am prepared to deal with today!! The rose is cut. My hand? You bluff! One a white plate, 2 green olives, half a cigarette, may I be the butt of the joke? I love the world and I picked this one erotic poem straight ouf Liv Tyler's book. She has a waist the size of your thumb, O Rama Gahat! Succub you may feed on the plastic giraffe, Eli, Aloi, Isaah, Monster Dog fart when you are fat enough, faint when you see the word at the end, chaingang bang world leader,. Ace is a' banging on my door!I bet it's Fred Durst attempting to break in. I chain the pont-levis and I expire. I got "9 Lives" in 1994 and hence I dream here naked and hurt. I am inspected for weapons, O Marita, I am expected to be hung, O Ratzilla, I am synthetic and I kill, Liv is still in Japan with Erick. The blog is a show for mongrels, can I comment on Letterman, Stan?...or should we skip this track and worship Fallussy in here with you at Farlamo? Little vein, little vein, little aspirin cheese, little work of art for Terenten and John Benthine. At 7%? I grab a whole box in town at 6. I am Sonic Youth and I love Lewis and Fulham. Bang! Restaurant, 7:17....The room is full of cocaine smoke....the road to L.A ended on a flat. I leap, I walk, I walk (2/2 by Aleph Alpha for Toronto and Aix-En-Provence) je suis ne en vie et vous m'avez vole, je suis endormi pour vous prouver que je ne vois pas....bougez, bougez, tournez les chaises: Mes yeux voient bien et ils sont fous d'amour. Plan B. Let us publish, Peter Criss is threat to the city. Paul Stanley is radaring away, Paul Martin is still made up as a hole mole and Kim...is still in love with Courtney...Je suis fou de vous mais Osama est jaloux...Tuez-les-tous! Les gris sont a cote et ils cachent leurs comptes, eteignez la tele. Tous les seins sont caches et les essaims volent en notre quinconce. Morte Vallee, eloignez vous, Je suis libre comme vous, tremblez O monts Palatin car je sais tout et la bible est ecrite en courrier, large, en rose et ca vous fait peur car meme Lei Gun To II lit mes mots et telephone a Steven Tyler pour verifier l'etat de sa sante. Verifiant l'exegese je ne vis que des mots, le bon est Ontario et il est cache poeme et prose sure et sereine. Je suis enlaidi par peur d'etre trop vu. Si jamais vous voyez Ludmilla Newman dites lui qu' elle est cocue...j'ai du changer de cap car moi aussi j'avais peur des sons manquants. Les sons manquants et les mots mechants ne sont la que pour vous effrayer. Je suis salue et tu es nee de ce mot: Jalousie. Body lives. fed and wetted in water, who saw the ....? I did too ! Menthe a l'eau!

Paradoxas =.ooooooo I I I I'= Amour et Paix >

At first sight, the blond elastic expert inverted your wills: The gold is here and it is here as badly twisted as you are, O observer. At second sight, the black haired queen straightforwardly restablishes you here as a one man seer, seen, believer and known to the camera crews and the eyes of the whole readership. I am also you. I laid here and I was you. I accepted the law of women: I whistle and you arrive, if you break in the room is empty. I aspired for a perfect love. Age 19, she could a' been a red head swiss girl, even a reigning cousin of the queen, a lady dancer, a queen of hearts, early deliverer of your One golden syrup. I was tempted to start life alone. I just took the road, as anyone else did here on planet earth. I switched and believed, I changed shape and I banged my head on the walls...outside of your ledbunker castle. Untakable, standing solemn, the dome of golden boys and lenses golems. I was there all in the throughout you fool! Blaring outside your walls, O naked runner, little witch deluder, night flyer, evolutive martyring snail and convex dick. I came out today and saw you standing there aiming out your nights of bliss. I could have killed another 20 for the 25 years the world made you be hid! The master then came down and he talked to us both: "You must forgive the clowns, the maid is here and it is Gift and it holds everything that you two hoped for: Love and total restablishment, clean sheets and bright eyes for both". We looked behind, hand in hand...We blush now, airing 6.16, we rave now, look, 6.45 in it. Too many bodies lay bare, exposed to you, my "dolls" are there for me to bleed; the generals in their dressing gowns bound to Nauseam. O, Love and Peace, I wished, The Lord I beg, the Lady I call in. A castle made of sand on my side of the mirror, a mirror ball exploding on your side of the wall. Terror...How many try to kill, the mocking lovers invisible and thrilled lovedove peaches? Martial eyes to erase the track of our lips, your pens, our fears and your dirty oaths and our paper sigils, demonic wish lists and jealous murders, your theft and your lies, for what? A marital dance. A poem. An enforceable gown. Our world! Another brick in this same ol' wall, there from the start, there for you to pinch but broken too much to be seen as this auspicuous love-castle. Musta'f been a jail, outta be a cell! The lord is my master and there he guides me, the lady in the flesh there lives in my body. forgive me: I do not yet believe. At 2:22 I see your eyes anew, fresh, red headed and completelly friendly. I run around the field agash, you cartwheel and our might is repaired as for ye other 2 fools to drool....May your skirts and your ointment creams also resolve this with a real smile. May the taxpayers laugh at your careful actions and fake resoultions, O whore of the worlds. A smirk on your lips, Mayris, Etlis, passerbys, friendly strangers, ghosts and ghouls, onratians hermaphrodys...yes you really read minds now and the room was bright all along, fawn! In this province, the martyr articulates a chaste word again wet: "sorry", the mistress a simple creed: "pardon me". River runs red, the white ball breaks, master Obedia once again arrives and chases the fly away, fly, fly away, Belzeebub, Sukhubis, Derzala, martyrs of the weed, murderous lines, greens and greys, fake maraboos and masked onlookers, lenses, fences, cages and implants, cops in red and judges in their cells. Mess! The road is clearing with every new kiss, may the warriors finally embrace eternity, lust is here, misses will be cleared, said the master, erectys and moystenna are held away and the ballroom heats warm, heats, hot, heats drunk and stoned but ravived by the fluid. Life is made of two, love is made of you, Cold hearted gloves and heathen ovens, May we partake! The thrid lady sways in now, through the people in the concert hall, I read my line and I get there, surprised. The wheel of wishes wished me here. May the lordship clan make a good gig, the world is my shelter.....The sisteres will forgive. I shall be there for you at 2.72, bell me out. Call me in. I kept ringing downstairs this morning but your mouthpiece went bing. Bow, little wing, the angel is shaken, the tuna elfically makes a field flat and clean. Cream, get on top and lick my wish Lolitta Peppercorn, the hawk lands near the ravine to let the two of you read and sing in the choir: Mayris, Etlis while the crionus emerges from here, the mouth of the river runs again crispilly clean.
red desert, orange moons, grey elephant, yellow street. I walk...to you .
* ............................................................................... ]

08 December 2006

the trouble with the classicists?
is that their utilization of camera crews clashes with my style. in fact I hate the papanazis! They come on & blufftheir game out, they make 30 k for a half side shot, echannel, 12:30, ctv 1:00, an hour ago i static, realized that the battering cops a'been taking some notes and..........vlammm in the media!I will not be eavesdropped or eyesdropped in: kitchen, bath and bedrooms, shower and sex shpits. What do you think my name is....Well, it ain't.The the tonal licks the desired item who escapes I /punishment by changing owner and somehow agreeing to be name dropped or kidnapped away from oother suitors. DO YOU THINK U'Re BIG OR SOMETHING?...Is it ok to come in?
Being under sex charges threat for the rape of my own daughter and still unable to justify years of psychiatrization, I suddenly declare all shots and attempted murders to be held under my juridiction, The wrong avoid swearing, the other day at the customs while travelling alone I must a'been also restablished: I turn my head away. I dip in honey and caucasic acid and plang here goes the lawmaker I was shot! I can't even press charges for fear of being ...... count your blessings O world, instead of Otkwa it could have happen in Ongrio and there would have been such an official charges that even the U.N.O could not get your assesed out o' Guantanamo! Hepar will not speak acept.......Dec. 23rd at 10 am we ski, rest of the ransom can be delivered to me by monday....the rest? Garbage! JUST NEWSPAPER HOAXES AND............one hell of a trial in perspective, hey, my hun!
Jacques loved his pineal gland but he swapped it for a tick, toc, tuc, tem,tem little song. My Cd is not gonna available in Canada by the way. it seems someone is not liking music too much this year in Canada...I wonder what the public sees? what is hidden under this syrup? A show mein traffic of influences O, Arista, AOL, Celestica, Money Mart, LegoLand how much for a red flag tax in canada? we know you are in debt and pretty desperate but, looking at it from Europe it looks like Yougoslavia more than Copenhagen or Hunua Beach.AND SO WHAT?skint? I can't stand pykosis politika... et vous/ born here 2 . TAX THE MEAT PLEASE OR......I will speak about the Citizen Vs Atlanta "mid-field ilegal swap at half time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!7!!!!!!!
Le Olam, alpha 3WK
List (here in part reproduced) as posted on a an anon. "unwanted guest" on a UK surveil. website and emailed kindly by trustworthy citizen of L.A..."What a mystery is life"...I wonder if HMV Yonge read it?????????????????? ctv, please? sound!!W
una ho exit by mid week please, OFI tranquille comme baptiste a part ca !
alfe lalfa,copyright 2006. Ottawa, On, Canada ;

07 December 2006

big buds, small buds, pink paper and plastic containers.
I am the erothizer and not just the martiralys
In all aspects I anticipate the problem to be resolved this way by Odin Therazyd: the bud bigs the shit, the blow buds the show, the breed makes believe and the telepaths shout it all. The real quick sher-apist arrived at 3.33 coz' under the porches she marches and she passes gases by bye. Under the robes I hold a throne. I wheel the funny weed creating thereby the royal show of Ferlomo and you anticipate the rest of the room to be there just for show faux, ecoute:
Le vent tremblottant aere bien les petits rois, les reines si parfaites n'embrasseront plus la betes ni les mauvaises gens. Le trone est politis et la ville est brulee car les erreurs sont toutes alignees et ca fait une longue bretelle qui va de la maree anglaise au charriot de la paix. La reine? Elle est rusee, le roi s'assoit ici tout defonce en transes mais la folle Erovis, polie est pathetiquement parfaite et brulee se sert de lui pour acquerir un policier en vrai. (Avec les etoiles en dedans et les romans tout decousus on ecrit en francais a l'endroit....but on the contrary it's with english that we do filth. I love you Mary Shelley, I love you Claudia Chiffrey, I hate you my mind aside and I bow and I bide. The buddy is Maxeldon and not Efferalgon. Paradise road wills me on the road to greece, I pack my bastabags and fill the lot with tons of religions: magical astro-lots. Flying off to Vega sans electrocution: Paradoxa (your road to redemption 01): Read my stars and turn again the show: The man in our world has never been surfed, the radio deals but the road is subtle: It creates a field to electromagnify the effect upsidon into a big budding bowl of fresh bays. Berries and hot wine? Le vin au chocolat suffira a mettre le gros mariolle sous la table folle, et la carte des angelots restera Mari Joanna. This perception by inhalation will rupture your sad anurysm but retolian your little frail cervix...pardon, I meant, parabolic brain matter into a frail harper so loud and clear that we are scared to hurt his ears. The Zodyah of Raphael is met a 03. Les arabes? Tous en arabie et les francais en amour avec la vie car cela est la croix et elle est lourde et va au fond de l'eau car Erosthatena est la deesses de l'amour. Arabes sont trop purs pour etre mis au mur. Mettez-y la croix avec un monstre affreux instead. Polaxis, goddess of Erothizs will play and ascertain her speech by making it fluent, concrete, parasitic and heavenled. I sell my soul, I buy it all, I read again and correct all from above so that the stereo sounding really plays the Bee Gees and weeds the field into our garden of love. Mon non est tres sur. Il ferme la porte a tous les murs alors: Non. Je signe et remets tout ca la haut car les portes de la ville sealed menent tes esclaves a ton enclos VillaReo. I bought...I call it Aleph Ville today it buds all the air up et il va du viaduc au porche et du porche a la ville des radis car cette ville-la est bien a toi! Ca sent le renferme! Evite de crier, les anges sont la pour nous mettre tout ca en veralite. Tu as grandi, Sholo dedans il fait tres chaud, mets du vinaigre dans la bouteille et cela est pur maintenant. Rutus. Oleda. Artego. Dodo. tresor a tres elus. Parles au pointu, speak to your mouth it gets you out, sprenche tu dept it merds the werzes. Oh, Magically transport the bis in the world here for a feast, angels of all the us of us and their patient readers, through a simple filter: Wedantalava. Gold is near. Some see a spark and gold the gnome and kill the jewel box and gets to be shot at the whip for a flaw left there to be caugt...by a thanking friendly hand. May they forgive! This city was not built on love hearts either just dry bones and countertwines axis...I am here to see and my hand is fake by me................I play the Rotu, not the roulette! Blink! Jackpots, Oh, that's an asunta for our little Kemo! (extraterrian is also eohaeiu but it is spelt backwards in this mirror for you too. The lord is my shepperd, i undertake a new mission for the well in the robe to turn into a lily. For you it'll be a sea of change. A red rebellion. A polka dot or a fond. .............................................. un texte tres bizarre indeed et presque trop syncope pour n'etre qu'une contine: La chanson de la paix. The Sand of Odin is angelus at poets. If you believe you believe and if you see you see...what do you do, here, drug induced possessed freak? A mental explation ou un boudin qui trombapo ????

yes...been a while!

deathstokeonthefaxtodday;0003701000 pour/ for a p.a scam. police of canada is to confirm to all from tthursday december the 14thoooooooolaw is in tarbes marseille manchester madrid copenhagen victoriabc londonderry nice article suns and gazettes but who will bury and which family will be aloud to appear......coup or dare was req of home secr dec 2005 angel spake in montreal, museum only this year print or paysaizmuchofthespanelin calgitsaidtru:in550, bee said yes....ottawa demanded 36 days but who did 99 on feb 12th eh....victioim of exprimantation at birth aleph(i the writtenener) sued in 05.irreg op was by mont.sqsenatewasdrtrujillo.truorjokeogreatfottos of my star in the swimminpooold...alive asnd smiling>>.2006..idon'tthinksooowered.marthonelectionwhen????3700? not a show and not ugP...not uGp, act:react you me!! renaud deschamps in montreal fropm mon 4pm oowhat a pride! all will be spoken aloud, dec 0020.oooo nice coverage how much is this woirth cnada, electra rec...rome polizei....csitee of "tarbena" true. per secam; srtam will con. frehen will also...us senate from thu 1.oo am will pseak...who is where...who is who...nice poems, kind of arty, judge...where is xeXe why pii in privaa in the suun in toronnho..wil be prized at cgc..will be prized onu....no? yes......parl minuts on dec 2.4.7. 200 canada pride akkt now who said maddox ad a dad? we see in cuba, holl, spai, denm, russ will cf strauightt stra...if subtle....340 per us arm, alf sad 950+703 to corr. no us sed sweize in terepe.......red in osco...no troiip from Oslo...qc evada...shizm in palazz...uk fool, ange in tow(n) but jacques taken until noon on thu..tx to "lana" Bacwards! lol,,,,,,lo to strom, lol to alain delon and to greg of text press. scam? where is angela..in my hall but had to follow jacq in towm but used by deleved in tanty: rednap rednap stole in 993 ah hah ah cop or bandittoz. love to all, esp. mad fam in eastuk..marge in den/chc areas.....reseau 202...ala...prisa is erapted since office in geneve pridasso. ok...a joke...how much for a ticket cine-town plaza?

Raphael Angel One (the love line) Crew entry
Why does the virgin quaker bride go up on the white sofa?
Because it makes y'all freak out at the thought of me manipulating your mend. I wrote MIND on the original draft....T' must' a' been manipullated...somehow...........Erected and fully disfunctional she arouses in front of a bowl of cereals. Barnabe was panting by her side. "You smoke too much and this smell goes back to Africa". Tobacco as it stands. Coffe stinks like italy. I make it all feel loose and it uses Muse. "Muze", as Max used to spell it, kindly abides by all your rules. Welcome! This is a very long post. Dare! Light! Users of services may join the Church of Our Lord Christ, they may play Lotto 28 but the real spell is to go up over the pink. The white guy, lied: He is not that bright and yes, I prefer black ladies but...let us think about it, if I owned Keggos I'd never eat fruity flake as the maid from Oslo used to say: The more it lives there the more it makes a mess. This is why I do not marry black girls anymore. The priest is not the soldier, Missy Lucy Fer decides to turn away as her Jesus too meak might not be able to withstand the attacks of the masked marasquined lamb. I'll read it out on Christmas day, Lana is pleased with the sofa as for Paulo....he is still looking for the show. Ah, Men! Nevermind...Jimi Hendrix once spoke to me, It was '70 flying around him and Billy Cokx. The wall street pineapple fax machines prints out my name aloud: Alpha at Salem Ascension, plus 6 digits. I went: "Whaaat?" but you cannot hear me as it is time for hunger. God sometimes doesn't come through, same as Bjork...sometimes she got it, sometimes she ain't. God on the other side...I mean, on the contrary, sells you his shut if you ask for the shut to be sold. Tip: Ask to get it for free! Carmina Burana nicelly mixes with Peer Gunt and The Cranberries on my new model stereo. if I listened to myself I would not touch the guitar in the wedding gown. In the white outfit the yellow man asks the crowd to play safe. I exit the rodeo and take on the first pride, my might musica, shows.....Bless a bomber clothed in rags, you never know he might retalliate in Milan. I decided to plug on the jack and take back ye ol' electric guitar. Magically my lolo makes a wish of me and I play like Page and she bangs with me. On' Yer Back U' ya ya' tribe! "Spiral, spiral might lester the melopat" They get it, they are intelligent... Frighten us in Massilia sound it forth 4 days early so the little rehasral in the mud skull crew cabin donkey mall may shelter you from other examples of my egotistic open appproach to mixed race sex...and marzipan salad officious statements...pride? I bowed to this cross, I made it all myself from scratch, this little girl is my pride! Dark. I watch you on the mind-tv, my mum said I was not told, your mum is not my family, I stand there and, yes, I look cold! Long haired, Santa Cross, makes a move and the warrior two make Maria mine. I killed 22. Mysteriously endangering other artists, the alpha land made a wishful two to mex up a kan of coke with a stale remnant of californical peyotl skirty bard pact: The shine is mine, the lord is my peace. the angel Raphael sold me a cheat! The weed has made me choose you over the other sisters (she spake loud in the crowd! too loud to be brandy). Acrimonuously excentric, this worker of I's may derivate an income from my informal involvement in whisky and soda. I will drop the key in yer hole so the typhoonesk statuesque shalom star arises and well in the middle of dead guitars. One mins suffices, It has been set up the sky. The road to saint tropez goes by the letter H. T, I kiss thee. the perfect pair tempts.
Royal galas for you to do too: The dream is your juju....................Proud yourself on a full reading and intellectually assault these lttle wh*~res!..........................100%..........................................................................................back to intro and speak out in winds: Your one will catch! here?
a mess, my entry was deleted, i hope your email reaches me as atractad@hotmail.com does not sing here to me. the purpose of the mail is to be read aloud...at least you understand, the rain goes in and it does the same thing I had set up in my own delirionaz, the ego of two has the song goes, makde the day for better ways for me to steal you from the depression you adore to mud yourself in. it smells familliar, i this we all met this entity, the road has been take by an adorable stranger, the prime minister has left, they have elected a mayor...all solves itself slowly in Canada, that is my name too. Very true but slowly brewed, it made me feel ashamed of you. I've never been seen be involveld before, they all get thrills at seeing our 2 little cute faces shrinking in fear at the idea of the one sole-question: "How do you two do?". The two of us despise you so much that if you knew you would not need a response. i hope my love chokes you and your dead mum, and you rotten pseudo children, they come out of the woodwork at the side of my planet but fortunatelly for you....I have the keys to them too. I know the girl frightens you, she frightens me too to tell you the truth but her mother was a slug and....on her back we learn the tricks and the trade union, emblazon your road with incomprehensible soliloques and erotic hermaphrodit must be kille bushit. the spellling has been altered. Do not kill a rumour as it has the power to turn you into someone who is someone and then it all had to be recomposed. make sure jacques has access to his guitar otherwise your round of honour will be as stale as the email. The retro tadak is rather cool, porno, did you install it or was it the fun loving criminal album that made you call a bine a machine gun...and the rosa a park for infernal medolos? Encryptika: to

06 December 2006

Creative writing:
the prime minister is serene, the reparation process went well and all is solved at espionnage level as Deleuil was really a guy in town for the uno. the uno I repeat has accredited it all as the instances negative had relinquished the poor trial at criminilizing the newborn star to render his fututre obsolete in the U.S. The prime is a real dude, he talks and he walks but he ain't participating since May. the bowl was filled with godly promises but the affairs too screened to be taken on by anyone with sense or sensorial intelligence. We don't care! The wheel went on for 6 more days as I and she had made a pact that it would be solved on a day when all was set and the climate mildly set, by aspertion of our wills and your wit on this post, number 23 became number 32 and sufficient it allowed our rock to shelter and not to hide as twenty days away from now we are in L.V at her special request: Mother-in-law loves the roulette. Merry new year all your instant cash retailer are now immaculate and I am sincere, the hole was taketh but the mesmer of the world had to do it both ways: One for the loss but also one in here for the real acting to be acting it out as the frown on your forehead suggest you did not appreciate the real time loud screeching of her feet (as announced and reproduced therego). The pleasure is ended by the rumour which activelly propels I towards she the exact way that we are ascertaining: The first is the role, the second is the whole, the third is the hole and the fourth is a secret entry to the cave of plenty. Why are we here? Because the special care unit is being dismntled: The KGB anticipating and post acting used the word "Therapy" to relieve me of cheats and enter them stubbornly in the grey box. Why? I dared answer to this question to cello-tape the mould to the rose: the russians created and destroyed the 9 meters long sartoria crystal, in the early hours, the new print of my day taken up to satellite Revo-311 was taken to the week of the year preceding to anticipate planetary response by the man on the blood list. Me. Yes, The real apple is pig and the four quarters are now eaten by men, women and other creature worthier fo your coil....coal? no, coal is to heat, the loop is entirelly destroyed by the fact that I live and communicate with me on the 28th of December or January the 6th, as dissolved. No need to email Montalk, just check and speak to US and the reparation will also deminish yuor refusal to explain but in full view of the world attack the regal 2 just because they can talk.....in the sky. The risk for the USSR? Sebernai-- is a real shame, no more friends, no more erotic bliss or pictures of Pamela Anderson, well, they have enough meat but the veg is artificial and the kids in Moscow grow some feet to compensate for the extra meal. Yes, I may be able to see Reims, Lille and la Canebiere from my bed but Monsieur Deleuil will not be held responsible for your bullshit, dear Part_Animal (Canada's side of the operation), Mart-In (American version), Bodega and Bollettas (Italy and NZ, ya! They re-use the JP show), Marasta in France....all aimed at shrinking my brain and increasing your chances of hiding the dirty shit from the eyes of only........damn, too smal it went under and reshaped the wole world, there must be a law!......70 billion well meaning citizen? A common purpose? No, "Jacques" did not relinquished the need to live or to use his "super powers" in his very legal and very respectful way and the god of his world somehow needed him to play in your yard whatever the cost to the rest of the crowd. Clue: 20 years of unpaid work, close to chaste, religious and "serviable", dedicated to his bosses and to his junior workers and politically unable to deceive. loved by most, posted here by the UN escort service in September 05. MKU . no reply, third notice destroyed by order of the minister of parliamentary affair, a wednesday, Too many stars? none at all, all led away by Paris. Dec. O5: "no, Marge, it don't go through this week either go touring and get off the phone!" Make your galaxy at your size. I am in it for and through Melchizedek and it is his sword that I hold tight and bounce off your little helmets. May you dismiss if you can. If you could why this war? The world has never allowed me in for complex of inferiority-reason...to bad. I had to remain covered until this week just so you could prey on Carmen and dream of Kournikova. You had your pick......May you dream on and see the shots, the cleavage are not in your song but well indoctrinated by somehow my songs and what the hell? You decided to marry Kate or Pedro....I had chosen to road to satiety in the mind and 30 years of an unpaid empty stomach, ulcers and relinquishment. i look about 30 this week. I believe my pact was accepted. Try discrediting me. Can they? no. I have the need to work with the bunch of idiots who GET paid to press the button where my data can solve their end of the world depression and complex of masturabation. I had relished the world from age 11. I was promised a great gift, my picturte on some screens, a look that kills, the girl, the name of saint germain finally given back to me, reinacarnee...and the girl. You mustaf' missed a line on your data entry, the code is erroneous, someone must have presses theirs faster somehow. The story goes on and the devil has the need to leave. People for a while admit it: God works! The debt get seen and then solved by the other guys and girld hidden in your mud. The new generation has power and the old world was there to jealously steal the pearls and the diamond, the 1921 dinosaur, the death of Lord Marriot killed in India by ------, the birth of Mark (E!) Rockfeller, the grid on his gentle girl also illegally held. Take the man's maid, he will slay or die. God had decided on the cool couple, us "Red dot" is also cool in Berlinastrasse this week but not makes it to the headlines, sorry! We may have risen from the mud but we have assassinated your polite dictature, hidden charges and illegal neurosis in "monitoring" from afar. Remote viewing is cool. The name of my Sanyo CD player can be used against you since it is held in a place in the custody of an illegal investigator it can be taken to the courts as a medium of active distortion of a pseudo legal adjunction: Sanyo has then to remodel its Eq system and readjust its frequencies to allow long distance monitoring and were they to refuse to comply with the enforced senate rulership, the taiwanese would be sued for killing the cab driver which was taking Lenny Kravitz to his sex slave, a dwarf, illegal in Hong Kong, you knew it Singapore! Sell a BCP+ XX Machine in Sydney, ok, yuo may but it would prevent e-mails from being read by the Diktat of Professor Melzebe. (as Melzebe can tell Gates murdered his spouse and evaded all charges by dropping Jacko's glove on the back of a blue little van masqueraded as a jail for the sake of taking exciting new software to japan or China where they...hence Melze is tolerated .........etc.........." Help! Ahhhrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Rescue us! " They went, THIS DON'T WORK! COVER-UP CANNOT BE PROCESSED BY FLORIDA..............DAMN! Let us just bomb Pakistan and display the copies by the side of the office of Ornella Mutti!...Just in case someone rich gets to spot it. It is here. 6:15. I have acquired the right to love the girl in front and in back! The murder was imminent, the price will be paid so Tokyo can repent and the ton of soiled human meat can be gifted to Kenya while UNESCO sorts out the hole in Benin. Thank you for our friends in Nice for throwing in the gauntlet and obeying by the terms and conditions of MICROSOFT . I knew Billy Gee was innocent and Europe's Unicode systems allowed Paramount to manipulate Silvacord....in Java! Ah! What a joke, the guy is mimicking the danish author Tark Mazurk, i guess it had to come from afar....otherwise the press has the right to print and......it gets reported to the cops...here in Mont-Graal, the evening with Lara went well but my spouse has a name: Mortehl Konnyvationa and she like pasta with blue cheese, easy deal! The seal was on both side, we both sign. In the house, all is quiet, Peace is here now, may the world forgive our smirks in Paris, february it seems, we did not play fair, we communicated through the drain pipes and decided to increase our street profile at your detriment............The whole is my shepperd. The father and the mother kissed before I was born. Thisshould explain it all!
Aleph Alpha, Jan. 6th 07. The Petit Trianon, Mont-Graal (In town for a week, aiming for Vegas after the show. Red hat for me, pure silk kimono for Lena and a bowl of cereal for you, O patient reader of my work)
I am saint germain
sardines for breakfast? Are we on drugs or is just love?
that i'm feeling is it love that kept you hold on too, is it love, that I'm feeling.............? mmdfyg

05 December 2006

Le roi est pede !
The truth: in september 2005 a famous gay actor opened up to someone, conviced that Lady Cinecitta of Hollywood Mountain, would forgive him keenly and kindly abide by the Rule. The man was vexed as, having relinquished his girlfriend to someone on the basis that the guy could become gay with him in the future (coz' he didn't mind trying it at some point but not straight away, as he had said) The man, emphatically this time, roled the ring and rolled the whole newstand in flour and butter. Damn! The boss hath refused my notice! The garlic went missing and there goes our proud peep! Nice smelling but unbakedly scented in devilish shiit. The tom, cat as it stands, having entertained the courtship in good faith, heard that the cute ageing one was messing with the head of both the maid and him as well asthe martyred crowd locked out in the dark. The whole of the country rejoiced, one in the courtyard proudly with the Lady now and one bent in the backyard entertaining the sergeants! The jurists were astounded: Too much to cope for a single man and Matt resigned and so she bloomed on the road to Marzipan. He paid so much that for a year, the cat and Catmina, mediocrously survived in the dungeon locked away from the bomb. The flight goes well but one is scared...what had happened to their millions ? They went in da club and paid 3 dollars and the senior mozart and the key to this realm solemnely missing bore the balaclava since his lady had been sold to Genghis Khan who was court of the pig. He roared and roared so loud that the army arrived and found him irratiated and just as gagged as everybody else in town. The crowd mauled a few cheetahs and assaulted a few pleases but the city was in sight and the blogger was unnerved: My wife is Might o' mine and none of you see ! May the camouflages revealed they see who is under the pink and who lied to the police! Well in the pipeline for Alpha: The Miss La montagne est bleue et le vent vire au rouge sur ce silence frais en francais
It wept and rolled and the lady immolated the legendary prepuscule: If you render my hands free on this we will shake. The room went silent as the alpha being on the cell, the modem was lit but the death of ye spin was erected! The little orange one flashed, 2 or 3 times it seems thyne and the roll of the dice went this way: the road to Enygma is the one that I chose. the merman shall be and 69 is free to display.........."the real you will shine forth even in a pink clown outfit, O platipus wit!" The maim is hell and the maim is by me: the real man will arise in this trinosophy.

Technika Exstatica:
* Existentialist Experimentum in Modern Communications.
A roleplay dictionary - art - culture - science - lingustics. (+ paranormal esoterica. held under siege. nom. o.2.2)
(file as per instructions)
-"The role of the wheel in apocryphical creativity in official documents and political affairs of north america" -
"As per our example here, we must not grant access to privileges on false basis. The "Alpha" file as presented publically here in 4 parts is an extreme case of how a policial state may asserment words on different grounds and with different outputs lawfully implemented. Communicants will be appropriatelly assermented to maintain an appropriate and safe legislature. The Neo-Codium Code of Martial Law and Orders" (ops 79 rael david spin, steihn.), as implemented by nazi germany between sept. 44 and jan. 45 is one of the most acknoledged example of a short sighted-short term legitimization of segregation for hegemonic purposes. No, there are no aliens, high initiates or rebel x-patriates artsits stranded and crionically isolated in northern ontario and our intelligence community is ready to explain this on simple demand (fed. sp 8 off.) ...nevertheless, having oggled the writings of this creative young man, you wil have the asset and exposing eretus of his murderous scam, indeniably extending your vision of this pathetic pseudo conspiracy into his own folly. The government of Poplo Vuh is able to withstand such assaults on elite citizen and our common interests. Parasitic influence of pseudo programmed mind assassins is a very obvious counterculture phenomenon in today's class of parashitism. "Here in Manitoba, we'd sooner hang them !" declared S. Pejol last week...a very extreme standpoint by our standards! The reseau Loma has been found and it is now held in the army's file books as a "non event, as unproven to be". The Colockhoact has witnessed the march of some senior class citizens in this humiliating attempt at discrediting our entertainment industry, police integrity and records as well as the overall role of our coutry and postal systems in Seriop Police and canadian affairs" As all in all, may we today bless extravanganza from Pat Steihner and our dutiful principals, officers in external matters and Parliamentars Affids.. utu, Utah, 1974.w.6 and filofax on your right, yep, the white one, here, Paul. "The present is a gift, let us make sure the ribbons are also of the right colour" (L. and P. Steinher "my life; the regimen oathes of north america", 1974, Leoxar Publishing, mashassugax, MZ, q4po1d.(s.o.)s......<oo

04 December 2006

(...) dans une autre planete, les avions en escadrille balaient mes dessous frisons. La, en haut de la pente nous lanceons vers vous la preuve de la vie ent\re bar et foret des dessous de bras. Las, je me mets a rire de toutes ces argentees et ces ecarquilles qui filent apres la rue qui n'en finit pas. Lada: je suis aussi assenee de coups et as serious as I bee I never relinquished Nove mountain where I lay thereby and click almost instantly in a nove Lill' l 'amour-est la roue elitee\ de tes artificial intelligence agencements. Helas, je me prends pour une bille et je run away from me terrace retably. Read only take and make into a psot half a kilometres in lenght and wide away I laugh, what a stylish attempt at maiming the crew: Make a bek, roule ta tatvwa end is neir. near. neigh, neede an exit:restablish.......................extract alien bodies. The maid is elastic and she knows it! Mester me down, metal Acanthian soldier of perception is reeled and raided by you on this day. see you 2:30, The Center Idol/rigol/mideau-Mart=arta exit the crystal li nk.......... www.crystalink.com

Is not a joke,
in fact Okadal is a canal---ok I suggest such documents artistic as they may seem get deported to my faxsack in the future....The realm of infernal poetry, claims of manchunarism and dismissive telepathicallic call centers I believe rhyme with D. in fronto of me. Montreal Eras Tale:::::the power is cod, and this is self explanatory, isn't it!::::::::::::;;the dream is my shepperd I flock, Radio- Tony blares, W "what is happening to my artistika in Sotheby's >? everybody knew the price of my work based on "Tora": the animalistic erring monk on my left after the arches, passing through the deck, the master affiltrated a moosey misty clementine bridge but...somehow it gets me all stinged! What a jinx!" (she declared)
It started like this: 1. 2 3.
? Artificially I lept to the morton. It's like a tunnel, it takes the two of them inside a dramatic climax a schematic anti-integristic schamble intermeshing calfeutred griefs and musty moods. The Metal erects a syndrome. Rusty ditches don't run clean and the red amazons make a glomb> The point of no return as it stands was last may. It came with a claim and produced my name in terastothenic exercise of Cannabika Dargeelling Cling Film (Exsctatika Exegesis 2:21)
Now.......ok. The mist is mended. The red rose turns around, masses of people flock to the Catehdrals of Bloom, the child turns into a blue droll exstatik and transgreffien then into a Laxapat terrorist of Ghanja-Lep Alpha I .
Exegesis of April:
The oink is in serious condition. the trauma of this huge revelation martialled the rest of him into the newly clasped erotophile. We stamp and seal. set makes it bottleable and I swallow three cans after the morning of lilac Port Allegro.

  • seal
  • water
  • a bit of breeze---zoom to the right and fade in the restof the heazer, reader!

You! you, suicidal fool: pact of gold and silver: the moles solve the fur.


the furt

is my hamster


(*)sorry guys, i know it's a bit bullshit but I am doing style at the moment!

01 December 2006

oOtres o tresOo
la trizta verdade: I am not complacent, Aranxa. Tell Anatolla to get some nice tea and a few red roses plus a drop of Ganji water (MSN Today? Pay!) and to get back to grips with the fact that we are not compliant. The real man is in and the faces are mainly there for p. P. being in traffic until judge Mosdef issues a proper assault charge in december, 28th, palais de justice de montreal, h3q as judge Onell'a Multi Nazionale (or something close!), the paper-scisors half sister: you mane replacement is tolerated to hold on to the paper future of mine but the face and name of mine are gone be very publically doing "Jim is so stoned-check the eyeliner on Kurt" at 6:30 the saturday following the announcement of "Judge Mar.." being officially taking over. the cross is kinda sweet but keep the Peter Criss 2005 in the box...if you know what I mean. Take me home...tonite. Gimme shelter, pretty vacant and painted black in the name of the cat will rise and star as the real star was always his father. on a sidewalk note we may confirm that on the amanchuryzia side, the police has complied with our requests and released me from her and me from you as 3 o'3 is senior juju to more than handsome and critically unacclaimed Manako of tres entre le Tross...Gosh! Wow! Waow! Heyyya! Wooo-oow! but..to tell you the truth I am not to hot on the keyboard. i play guitar and not banjo, if you know waht i mean. Yep, sorry Microdot, Play-player and Restaurant "the Eheuian" (king's Cross/ 16 1 2)... The murder of one has been committed by no more. Faith? Lots of it and this is why....at this very big grin I add the very clean bing and felt tip the clean face on my rasta Marderos Kalgar E-Mezzios, Mister Joke Delvecchi or Luxor 666 may request a bathing suite and a treck hand in hand on the great wall of China> toc<>tek>tetted> mejor que la praya: La Bamba. Yep, sorry again! The rhyme in A was requested by Ternicator Elastekomiden, a religiuos scripturer from liverpool who could well benefit for all I can tell, by acting his age and relinquishing the red artificial dot on a red aspartame ontarian electro-chokee------ah Cherokees! Look at Jimi, Keanuh, Olivier, and Atlatacalateltuan! They all wear wig.....anyway, use whichever name you please I believe lookalike has been transfered to the Police. 773/121..0...only joking, Anatolla, sorry I am too handsome to be playing this stupid joking. You will be appearing as Lydee, me as Alpha and exactly 20 days later the azsfukee will be counting the bullets from the EkeheGeebee. No. no, yes, she is to let it behind but from January the 7th the fact must be DISCRETELLY switched back to you know who at you know who's request. It is only because of my deed that U are elaborating on my skilled mesmeritk writings and for a very similar reasons, the love is my shepperd and I do not tell lies hence...the blog reaches a million and my copy don't do it on Google News next week, ok, mister Gates, how was Eldorado. you have 2 hours to send compensation for every man's dream to be wearing a facial name on OUR ring.................Bonie and Clyde? Wait until a picture of "Ornellia Mathuslvah" gets to be printed on The Mirror, UK to know instantly what a political stance mean.........Eratikyso.........charges are all held. USA senate? Maybe.....certainly me and the guys from Mossad Cinecitta Loophole a star through a diplomatically enforced contract in HUMILIATION. This word reeks of blood in 2006. Can you smell. yep, official, the couple have taken Strombouloupoulos hostage and Ericxera dances on your grave if I get to be seen with a...................................ah ah ah ah ah ah!
(the devil) instant: karma: erotic alphabet street..1.2.3.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.b..show me in teak I will leaktik-aleph alpha2 (le diable) bold as Love (6=6)---------_tt
Exp:ensive contract for mister Delpierro, MGM, AXIS United States, on the 9th of February 2006, mister Priggs sent me away. The real deal= He escaped charges if his case in the United Kingdom, saw the turn of the year without 2 people able to make it to London Heathrow. pity! Toronto, Ottawa and even poor, poor Montreal have somewhat made a bet, listen to this: The seventh seal will be broken by 12 monkeys once the devil sees God, he will be incapable of not telling "Mister Pom" about the real reason why a skinny Xe-Xe flew out in a journalistic daze and Handsome Bachelor number Wand is telling sorcery on his little blog that no-one else reads...except you, my dear blogspotters and press assos. unofficial? Of course! Totally unofficial and unrestrictivelly Orestic! Jacques makes it all up in his own head and by Friday the 7th me and "him" (if you knew! If you knew!) can gather enough moss to golden bough you all the way to "The shirt", 1992, Real Mezdan or should we say...............the red dwarf, episode 26, the black magus closes the book. Sparkles and Eticelles fly, volent , rollent in tous lez direkktions, electrostatically drin the beam..........Spring flings!

satellite 221 and 302 to: the rest of the galaxy, On. Etats Unis
  • Bush and the Long Lost Kid Goodbye
by Aleph (now soiled and admitted a life-bound star, masquerade is indeed the word! Planisphera, 12:03>)
Dear friends,
...The world has lost another secret society. The name of it? The Pact Acana. This being a public place, a political mole hole and an eye of the eyes, I will not convoke anymore....attention, and for understandable reasons.
The great evil, namely George W Bush may well also have some queries regarding soil, soiling and camouflage. i will not comment on the make up artists in his trailer...the word is: World. Yep, the world is needy of forfeits, arrests and grimacing gauges. The world has been round and aroundly global since before George Washington and even then, China had some serious bones to pick! Yes, je suis Aleph Alpha, the word is blogger, the rest is for me, you and the crew to make up and play as we improvise ourselves into. Societal? The room is my domain, unfortunately shouts had been muted as the satellites of haters have also got a need to be spotted. Seen. Delivered as God does, the road is now Open, the weird dancer and alien vocalizer will soon shine and......+.......Well, anyway, let us lay the ground, here:
George is a pure soul, he has signed his name on the dotted line, the elections saiz "Mikal Moreo" were a scam, the world needed Dubya, I spit, I spat until the true face of evil unveiled by my vestal bride became somewhat of a superior threat. B. was not. In his square rooms he played with pens and required a secu-check to even use the internet, talk to his son in his own office...piss. Iraq was slain, how many victims? I do not look: Politicas and Special Inverted rules often rhymed with ion with Kama Sutra this year so...I comment no more than my words can carry me! The world is mysterious even for I, "the greatest o' all psychics". Though he spouted and pouted on cameras, always very eloquent (16 years of post GC education!), he made a mess and...signed his name on the dotted line. as per contract. The world goes on and waltzes in tune with the stars (Pluto, I meant). Disposing of evidence is the job of the army, not the police (in certain climates), the work of the officer in charge is to steal the credits by having his name HUGELLY hidding the producers' on the posters and sign his name too. As we all know now in Hollywood, Kim Novak did 'The long Kiss Goodnight'....as we adore the theatres we smile (bizarre...bizarre shark?) I love. On the way to your country house now. The meal was amazing, I chomped on that spuewed for 2 minutes while admiring your eyes over the bowl of caviar. Performance? Call of Life? Death wish per Sonal claims ? Manipulation ? Interest in the stupid plots and the sexy charcters dealings in wide face shots ? Nope! Hope. The square is now preventing me from discussing the real droll operae. The operas? Thy Operates the true word at my request in Scriptikal Policyanas here, Temis!
Can you hear? The murderer is still running! more scripts requested and more victims. Maybe reuters knew they had the CEO of anti-reuters dealing in "threats" or...whatever, the cost the make up is perfect and the great beast Deleuil, the wicked antichrist George W. Bush, the adoring spouse Angelina Jolie, the innocent star Bart Pein, the loving adoptees, Madonna and Merovey may well hide the true inverted crucifix: He is Red Buddez, producer of A Tribe Called Quest's "Life Paths" and the Red Hot Chili Pepper's "One Hot Minute"...it will not be confirmed. My lawyer is still in your press and the president of the United States, whether gay or murderous has his name at the very top of the list of Buddez appendees. Rez Buddez is a 59 big bellied New Zealanders of adoption, married for 5 years to a platinum blonde, he has strange tattoo on his butt but...do not look at it or you'd lose your mind! the Devil hides in devil garment as well as christ's. The faith led me here, usurpated, doubted, I also relinquished my faith: In June 05 I said: "God, I done my job, obsoleted by my peers, my IQ and beauty are totally intact. I am in towe and I don't believe in subtle energy manipulation for non-sexual use of sexual energy anymore. Can I come back? The roads are all blocked. What do i do now?" He just did a line on my notebook and....Athm makes a cd, no replies, he does some websites, seen and received by you, poo poo pee doo, sends "aleph alpha", another demo, saw, did, worked trimmed the samples and added the off beat shift, make a book, I got stolen, does a hook, sppoks, talked to the press, I get re-booked, I make a wish, blessed, made it look small, he enlarges and I make it big and still kepted martialleyhud and spoused but still away from your lemon eyes. Beads. "Who stares at the blank screen?" Hope! Stop. Revelation will follow: The pope and Dr. Psykiatros (Mark II Ba'az) are just the satanees. The contract was not signed in blood, my lawyer team motta signed my last name subconsciously, (hope) renewed by me, (hop).A young girl gets threatened, the pens, the jumps, the weed, peas, the shield, the satellite counterfeited my name as Nove Star or 221-a222.c.I redirected: I relinquished the need for Invisiblus! The world gets stolen (back) and the truth is now there to play safe here. I, instead get redeemed by a true sign above the door: "Owned by me and operated by Holy Ghost" there, signed in haste it will lead me to you! World is not my will, it just does something...if I push strong enough. Last night Maddox escaped injuries and made a scandalous declaration>Russel Crowe is stilll gagged> 2 countries still refuse to restablsish the weit> a secretly investigated mole is dugged> TPLO not revendicating> Palestine seems to have been submerged in Feb, no-one spoke>. The hospitals now emptied by god's hand I am also floated away...away...away....away...away...stars and stripes? Mardi-Gras sex scams (May 2007)? Mandate? Arrest without charges or lawyo extrenventiones ? Law: Bush is my candidate. I will com with Excilia to restablish his name in Mozambique...or Laos if they pay!
Amen...The murderer is the nurse......I am the veterinarian and I speak in your mouth<
www.countsaintgermain.blogspot.com/www.darestodevellop.blogspot.com/www.iamaleph.blogspot.com Already hold 9 months of archived mysterioussicitudes. Entirelly presented to y'all by the BlogSpotters'zz team; Jan 7th 2007. OH!